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06-11-2001, 06:04 PM
To All Members, I am writing to say that I am sorry for the lack of a site I listed with my postings. My site was taken under attack and I removed the information to save myself the heartache!! I will still be happy to give this information about my dogs at a request. Email me at [email protected]

Sorry Again Guys!!

[This message has been edited by mysticdoberman (edited June 12, 2001).]

06-11-2001, 08:45 PM
What do you mean when you say your site was "taken under attack"?

06-11-2001, 08:48 PM
What happened?


06-11-2001, 09:27 PM
My site became the objest of a slander board because my sons dog Fancy is a white doberman. There is a group of people that hate whites and attacked my site and Fancy's integrety. I cannot stand for people to make Fancy into some creature she is not. I know her true worth as my sons link to the real world, and I tired of having to defend her on the slander sites. Thanks for your concern, as soon as I have a new site for her, I will let you all know. Perhaps we can all post our therapy dogs and their stories for all to see and enjoy!

06-11-2001, 11:02 PM
i'm sorry to hear this mystic!!! i wish people wouldn't judge dogs for such petty things. (such as some breeds, such as if an all black dog ends up w/ a white spot being disqualified, so the breeders will just kill the dog rather than have a bad rep.) i'm so sorry to hear of your misfortune.

06-11-2001, 11:10 PM
thanks crow...you guys are a light spot in a crummy dark attitude filled world! thanks again, you made my day!

06-12-2001, 12:50 AM
I got to see the photos and he's very excotic looking. A lot of breed people think that they have only the true "right" kind. But some breeds came from not breed standard matings. Fancy is a beautful animal.

06-12-2001, 04:01 AM
mystic, it was actually your dog who brought me over to this site in the first place. there is another forum i go to and i was in chat w/ one of my friends over there and i guess she looks at the pics everyday. anyhow she seen the pic of your dog and had to show everyone and even posted on the page/forum. she was absolutly thrilled about your dog. so i came over to check out your beauty. and i got hooked after checking this place out. (still doesn't beat my home forum, but it's still alot of fun!)

06-12-2001, 06:30 AM
I am also very sorry to hear about this. It never ceased to amaze me how many ignorant people there are in this world. Give Fancy a big hug, I would do it in person I was a bit nearer.

06-12-2001, 06:38 AM
Rebecca, I am so sorry about what happened. Just "consider the source", set it aside, and move on.

Crow, welcome to DOTD, but now you've got me curious, what's your "home forum"? I can't imagine anything that beats DOTD. Maybe I shouldn't even ask. I don't have time to get hooked on another one. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-12-2001, 07:08 AM
I'm not sure I get it. Why do they hate white Dobermans?

06-12-2001, 08:29 AM
Mystic, sorry to hear that your dog has been under attack because of its color. It really bothers me how prejudiced the world can be. I got to see Fancy and she was beautiful.
Crow, welcome. I, too, am curious to know what your home forum is.

06-12-2001, 08:51 AM
Fancy says (with a tear in her eye) thanks to all of you. It is a noble job she does every day to help my son, and to love my family. I am so happy to see all the support for someone that is abit different in color, yet just as wonderful at heart. Though they are hated for no good reason, I totally agree, "Consider the source" is the best attitude! Welcome to Crow..and have a great day guys!!! On To Bigger and Better Things! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-12-2001, 09:10 AM
Fancy is beautiful. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif


06-12-2001, 11:15 AM
I didn't get to see Fancy. In fact i never knew Dobies were white until i saw the June 5th Dog of the Day - Kenya. She was absolutely gorgeous!! i thought it was such an exotic look. I can't wait to see fancy's picture - and do more ohhhs and ahhhs!

I am sorry that you have to deal with slanderous items. definitely no fun.

But i'm very curious now... you mentioned how much your dog does for your son and the bond between them....Tell us more! we love good heart warming stories (and we all have tissues by the 'puters!)

give fancy a great puppy skirch from bug and myself!

06-12-2001, 11:29 AM
Fancy's Story...She came into our lives from a friend who has dobes. We were looking for another dog in our house (like 2 wasnt enough http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif) and she though we would like Fancy. My son sufferes from ADHD and a severe emotional disturbance that causes him to have no control over any emotion. He goes in extremes..angry, sad, anxious...we had to medicate him to allow him to function in life. Heart broken, we brought Fancy home and within days we saw a difference in my son. Fancy, somehow, had tuned into his moods. She seems to sense when he is about to have a problem, and can usually curb it. If Nik, thats my sons name, is going to have an "angry" day, Fancy will literally sit on him to make him pet her until he calms down. Seh will lick away his tears when he sobs uncontrobally and pace with him to work off his anxious moments. She will even get inbetween him and his siblings if he is to frusturated to calm down, keeping him from hurting himself or his family. After a few months of having Fancy here, Nik had gone through an amazing change in attitude and gained a small measure of control on his emotions. The medication he was taking became less necessary, and as long as Fancy is there to sleep with him, even the sleep medicine he used to take is not needed any longer. I had heard of dogs that could alert to seisures, but had no idea what bringing Fancy home would do for my family! She now takes classes to help her assist Nik in school if necessary, and come fall she will enrol in the 3rd grade. We are almost allowed to be a normal family now, going places together and we even got to go camping this year, with Fancy in tow..no need to leave early to remove Nik when the stress got to be to much. No Matter what the color of her fur, Fancy has given us the chance to be a normal family again, and has given me back the happy child that my son used to be and will be again. My hats off to her!!

06-12-2001, 11:33 AM
I don't think I understand either. What is it that some people don't care for the white Doberman? Are these so called "Dog Lovers"? If you really love and care about dogs you love ALL dogs and respect them. Just like people - I don't hate anybody but some I don't care for and don't want to be around for many reasons. I think this would apply to dogs also. (any living animal)

06-12-2001, 11:50 AM
White dobermans have a reputation of being albino, and some think that you should not have any because they are "genetically defective" which is totally not true. It is said that they have health problems, sight problems and are viscious. This is all based on a 20 year old study with non conclusive findings. Most of the people who hate the whites are simply looking for an easy target. The AKC says that you can register a white fully. In my opinion, the anti white crowd simply enjoys picking on a creature that cannot fight back or stand up for itself. Either way, I agree with sammi, there are alot of things I dont like either, but I have more in my life to do then sit around and harass people who dont think the same way I do. Enjoy Fancy's story! I will love her reguardless!
I don't think I understand either. What is it that some people don't care for the white Doberman? Are these so called "Dog Lovers"? If you really love and care about dogs you love ALL dogs and respect them. Just like people - I don't hate anybody but some I don't care for and don't want to be around for many reasons. I think this would apply to dogs also. (any living animal)[/QUOTE]

06-12-2001, 11:51 AM

That was wonderful!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif my deepest respect and love for Fancy! what a girl of absolute love, devotion and smarts. /she carries the heart of ten dobies. (oh and yes, i did use the tissue cuz it was just too great of a story)

i knew they used dogs for children with autism. but to come across a dog like Fancy just natural...to me thats the best. And to be starting third grade. I got the warm fuzzies.

Your family must just love fancy for all she has done for Nik and for the family.

i'm just gushing mush cuz its all just to great for words. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-12-2001, 01:45 PM
Unbelievable!! The ignorance of some people! Fancy sounds like such a wonderful addition to your family. I have worked extensively with children that have special needs. The intuition of some dogs is truely commendable and therapeutic! They can reach some children on a certain level that no one else can! Congrats to a job well done..keep up the great work Fancy! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

06-12-2001, 02:13 PM
Fancy is not only beautiful, but a hero, too! http://www.plauder-smilies.de/person/nurse.gif
You are truly blessed by her ability to perform a little miracle! Keep up the good work, Fancy!


[This message has been edited by Sudilar (edited June 12, 2001).]

06-12-2001, 02:24 PM
Rebecca, I was one of the lucky ones to see Fancy and she is gorgous. Your story is one of courage, loyalty and devotion and thank Fancy for the incredible love she has for your son. I'm so glad things have turned for the better for your family. Just ignore those people they are not worth your time.
We have a black Schnauzer, and when we attended a dog show one of the handlers said
"Those black Schnauzers are crazy, you can't do anything with them." I said " I beg your pardon, we have a black Schnauzer and she is a wonderful, loving smart dog." So it's all in the eye of the beholder.


06-12-2001, 07:07 PM

Thank you very much for sharing
the beautiful story about Fancy and your
I couldn't help but cry as I read it.
Animal and human bond can be so special.

I have a friend who lives in England.
She had an an Akita that was used in
therapy work. Her Akita has since passed away, but the stores she shared where
just amazing between her dog and
the patients.
THank you again for sharing.

Daisy's Mom
06-12-2001, 09:32 PM
Rebecca you are so lucky to have such a wonderful dog in your life! Dogs can do wonders for sick people. My father has ALS (AKA Lou Gherig's Disease) and our Basset Hound, Daisy, can bring a smile to his face no matter how sad he's feeling. They have a special bond, and she knows to be extra gentle with him. She will jump at us to grab toys from us, but if we place a toy on Dad's lap, she reaches up slowly and takes it. They just KNOW. Give my love to Fancy and I am sorry about your site. Some people are ignorant and need to get lives. Anyways, it's not what's on the outside that counts, right? And Fancy certainly has what matters on the inside http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-12-2001, 09:39 PM
How much can one person or dog have in the way of friends...you are all wonderful! Fancy now has a scrap book full of these wonderful letters you have written to her. I will keep it for always, and Thanks Again! I have recently written a children's book about judging dogs (people) on their color and disability! I am planning on adding Fancy's letters in it! I will be happy to email anyone a picture of Fancy if you would like to see her just let me know! The family ones were just taken, and arent in yet, but the snapshots are great! You all make me so proud to be a dog owner! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

06-13-2001, 12:24 AM
Rebecca, How wonderful you are and Fancy is so special. A children's book is a wonderful idea! Believe it or not the plight of Fancy has touched me. As a person of mixed race, it is hard to fit in sometimes. My 11 year old daughter experiences this everyday. "You're sorta this, but you're not quite that, so what the heck are you?" (Maybe that's why I love mutts so http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif) It is so hard to believe people would treat a dog this way!!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/mad.gif Just because he is of a different color. Please take comfort in knowing that Fancy is very special and you and your son are blessed to have her in your lives!

[This message has been edited by Genia (edited June 13, 2001).]

06-13-2001, 01:32 AM
thankyou everyone for the great welcome!!!

rebecca, that was a teriffic story about your son and your dog!

ok, since everyone wants to know...
Dog Bytes over on Delphi forums. i absolutly love delphi's set up. it's so easy to use. and you can even set up chats for each forum or start your own if the moderator doesn't have one. Delphi has thousands of forums. but of all of them i love dog bytes. About (connected w/ delphi) has one (Dogs) but people can get snobby over there.) too many forums. i tried avoiding posting here. not bacause it is aweful, but because i have too many as it is. i have two local boards. (which have seperate forums. delphi, which i partake in about 30 forums, 8 which i frequent. i didn't need three more. (dog's, cat's, and everything else here.) but here i am! hi everyone. (don't go to Delphi. it's like being hooked on drugs or something. you get withdrawls if you miss a day or two...depending on how lively the forum is. one i used to go to would get over 1000 posts a day, while i've seen some that have died. and the average running forum is 50 - 100 posts a day.)

06-13-2001, 02:13 PM
I think Fancy is the most ausome looking dog. My favorit breed is the Doberman. My mom used to breed them. I don't think Fancy and you deserve to be harrassed. Who cares that shes white. I think shes great

http://wsphotofews.excite.com/035/bO/l4/vr/eo17430.jpg http://wsphotofews.excite.com/023/RX/HD/Lh/Rf73105.jpg http://wsphotofews.excite.com/016/qg/ce/yN/gH75023.jpg

06-13-2001, 07:43 PM
Mystic, thank you for sharing your very personal account of your son and Fancy. Wow! It is a most heartwarming story and I know you are so appreciative of this beautiful animal, and how it has impacted your lives. It never ceases to amaze me how many wonderful people and animals I have *met* through Dog of the Day.

It has become hard to keep up and reply to all the posts that I want to. But know that I am reading and really enjoy what all of you have to say. Thanks to everybody for the generosity of letting us into your lives in this manner.