View Full Version : <<<Simba and Nala PICTURES!>>>

06-25-2003, 06:43 AM
I know, You're all saying "Make her stop!!" But I *CAN'T*... Blame my parents for getting me a new digital camera lol.

Nala just got done going potty..lol..
Handsome boy..

Both of em... Can you believe she's actually taller than him now? :eek:
Love this one...

more coming...

06-25-2003, 06:43 AM
Hehe.. Nala always lays like RIGHT beside him.
Wagging her killer tail [ that thing could knock you out!]
After laying out in the hot sun.... Nothing like a cool waterbed and a fan on to cool off.
The end. :cool:

06-25-2003, 07:08 AM
No, never stop! I don't get tired of seeing them at all:D I for one am glad you got a new digi cam!

The pictures as always just terrific! They are just 2 little angels:)

06-25-2003, 07:36 AM
YAY! I love seeing Simba and Nala pics! Like anna said, NEVER stop!!!:D Great pics KayAnn!:) Give SimSim and Nala a big hug from me!;)

06-25-2003, 08:14 AM
Thanks! :D :D

06-25-2003, 08:42 AM
No I NEVER get tired of sweet Simba n' Nala~! I love seein pictures of them~!:D (wish I had a digi cam:( )

Thanx for sharing I enjoy them~!:D

06-25-2003, 08:45 AM
I know what you mean about a killer tail. When Mickey comes to wake me up, he's gotta turn around and wag that talil. That's how he gets me up :rolleyes:

Great pictures!! Nala got so big :eek:

06-26-2003, 08:51 PM
Great pictures, KayAnn! I always enjoy looking at pictures of your two sweet pups! :) ;)

06-26-2003, 08:54 PM
Great pics like always Kayann. Love those two pups of yours.

06-26-2003, 09:03 PM
Everytime I see Nala, I remember the months (make that years) and much searching you and your family did to find the perfect companion for Simba. All that time and effort and a few disappointments paid off. Look what a great pair of beauties you have...what I like to call a matching set, and how devoted they are to one another. You done good!

There are never too many pictures, Kayann. You have a knack for telling the story with your pics, and I for one, just love it.

06-26-2003, 09:29 PM
Never EVER stop! I love seeing pictures of them! They are sooo cute! Especially together!

06-26-2003, 09:39 PM
Perfect Bookends! I'll never stop telling you, Kayann, how awesome and handsome/beautiful they are! Nala's a typical little sister following her big brother! Never stop..I aww my way thru all your wonderful photos!

06-26-2003, 11:48 PM
They are so cute. I love the one in mid air. My digital camera doesn't take good action shots :(.

06-26-2003, 11:55 PM
Great pics!!! I just LOVE the last one on the first post! Adorable! And Nala certainly HAS grown!! :eek:

06-27-2003, 01:06 AM
Great Pics!!
Thanks for sharing!!

06-27-2003, 07:58 AM
Thank you all...

Rachel, Karen.. The both of your comments always give me the bgigest greates smile on my face. Thank You.:) :D

06-27-2003, 08:44 AM
I love the pics with them both together. :)

Kona & Oreo's mom
06-27-2003, 09:19 AM
Nala And Simba are such a great pair! I always love your pictures.