View Full Version : I need help with my Webshots album!!!

11-17-2001, 04:46 PM
Help!!! I just made a webshots album http://community.webshots.com/user/labloverkeb , and for some reason, it won't let me put photos into my albums! :mad: :mad: Can somebody help me, please?!

11-17-2001, 05:51 PM
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!!!!!!!!! OMG! YOU DID IT!!! Yipppppppeeeeeeeeee!!! OK, I'm so excited now I can't think!!!! Sometimes webshots can be pretty finicky. Let me go into my webshots album and get it straight exactly how I do it, and I'll come back and we can see if that's what you're doing, OK??

11-17-2001, 06:14 PM
OK, Sarah, here's one way. (There are two) Enter Webshots, sign in, and your albums should all appear in a list at the top left. Make sure you click onto the album title you want to add the pics. to. Since you have no pics in there yet, it will be blank. After you add some, you'll see that all the pics in that alblum automatically appear when you click onto that album. Then, down in the far left corner you'll see a "Add Photos" box. Click on there. A screen should come up with a box that says "Look In". Click onto the folder your pics are in and all that folders files contents (your pics and their names) should appear in a list in the big bos. Click onto the pic. icon/file name and title you want to add, and the name of that pic. will appear on the bottom in a little rectangle labled "file name." Below that you will see the format choice box. Make sure it's in jpg. format. Then, to the left, click "open." A preview should appear with some tools for editing, adding a title, caption etc. I think then it's just hit
"OK" Is this what you've been doing? Try this. It's not as confusing as I've made it sound!!! Let us know, OK? We'll get you through this last step! :)

[ November 17, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

11-18-2001, 11:56 AM
Don't give up. I had a horrible time figuring out how to get pictures on Webshots. What finally worked for me was downloading from their site a program called
My Photo Assistant. Once I had that on my computer, it seemed a bit easier to pick out a picture from my picture file in my computer and then upload it to my Webshots album. I don't know if anyone else uses this or not.

[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

11-18-2001, 12:03 PM
Sandra, thank you soo much!!!

Rachel, I downloaded the, "My Photo Assistant", too! Thanks!!! ;)

You are all soo helpful!!!!! ;)

Sarah & Sadie :)