View Full Version : Poor Dog!!!!!

06-24-2003, 10:29 PM
:mad: :mad:
My neighbors got a Miniature Shnauzer. OH MY GOD! They can't even take care of their Rabbits! The Rabbit is tortured everyday by the parent's SEVEN CHILDREN! Four of which are under eight years old!
Their Rabbit is so mean! Only because the kids are so mean to it! It never wants to come out, it's scared to death of humans now (Don't blame it) and when the children DO force it to come out, it bites them!
That poor poor Shnauzer is only a puppy! They are going to be so immature and mean to it, the dog is goign to end up in the pound!
They're mean to it, it gets mean, it bites the kids, it ends up in the pound..DAMN those damn neighbors!! :mad: This makes me so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLUS-Shnauzers aren't exactly the most tolorant dogs ever...A couple mess ups and that dog is off to the pound. Omg, I feel so helpless and bad for the puppy!
They have seven children-
A 16 year old who HATES animals (And she doesn't want to play with them or anything)
A 14 year old who wants nothing to do with them
A 12 year old who is actually nice to them, and knows how to treat animals (So there's one person who's good with animals)
A ten year old who hits the animals and forces them to do things
An eight year old who is the same as the ten year old
A four year old who does whatever the eight year old does
And a two year old who obviously doesn't know how to treat animals yet...

My gosh..poor puppy :(

06-24-2003, 10:33 PM
OMG...im so sorry....:( So people are just idiots..plain and simple!:mad: I think you should talk to them...Why would they have animals if the children torture them, and they dont take care of them???!! Thats no way of life for animals.....Stupid, Idiotic people...:mad: :mad: :(

06-24-2003, 10:37 PM
Ugh..I could never talk sense into those people..and their six idiotic kids. Not seven, because the twelve year old is so nice to animals. :)
But I agree...IDIOTIC people!!!

06-24-2003, 10:40 PM
I would try to at least talk to them..who knows? maybe they'll listen? bah..i doubt it...please keep us updatd on this..those poor animals...:(

06-24-2003, 10:54 PM
ARRRGG!! Sounds like the same situation here.....my nextdoor neighbors got a puppy a while ago...aussie mix or something. We've lived next to these people for at least 10 years. Those stupid kids have always teased my dogs. I caught them (and yelled at them) throwing rocks at the dog behind me once.

That poor dog. He lives outside all day. Just roaming around in the backyard. They leave stuff out there then get angry at him when he chews it up. I've watched the oldest kid (devil child) teasing him many times. UGH.

A while ago I got into an argument with them...I was sitting out there with Nebo and every time Nebo would go near their fence they'd yell "Go away you stupid dog! Leave us alone Nemo! (thats what they think his name is) Coco don't go by that stupid dog!" Finally I just said "Uhh...first of all, my dog is NOT stupid, and second, my dog has just as much right to go up to the fence as your dog does."

So then I had a nice (haha) conversation with a bunch of dumb little kids.....they informed me that my dog was causing all of Coco's bad habits. Apparently Nebo was teaching him to chew their trees (yes, Nebo does this, but Coco's doing it because he's a puppy and he's bored), bark (Nebo RARELY barks) and bite (oh really? Somehow I think that's the rough play that's causing it) And the reason he's not allowed in the house is because he is dirty (uhh have ya ever heard of a BATH?) And the thing about Nebo going up to the fence...uhh.......if ANYONE, dog or human goes into my backyard he runs up to the fence and sits there barking constantly at you wanting attention.

I hate stupid people. :mad:

Oh yes, and then there's my sister (don't need to get into that one again) as well as my friend's brother and his family.....they also want to get a schnauzer puppy. Their oldest child is afraid of dogs, the 2nd oldest is terrified, as well as a brat...youngest is just a tiny baby. They know another lady with a schnauzer...and apparently this schnauzer is very small, won't bite, doesnt' bark, etc. Well, that's not a typical schnauzer, lol. I tried to inform them that most schnauzers are VERY LOUD, kinda snotty (most terriers are) and high maintenance with grooming....that went in one ear and out the other.......Did I mention how the conversation started? "Hey, if you ever see a schnauzer puppy for less then $100, let us know...we want to get one for the kids." :rolleyes:

06-24-2003, 11:04 PM
YIKES! :mad:

06-24-2003, 11:07 PM
Poor poor Nebo! It's not his fault! :(
Those people are so damn ignorant! I hate it! I jsut got off the phone with the 12 year old (the nice one) and I talked to her about it. She calls me all the time, we're pretty good friends. I just HATE her family to death. :mad:
But she totally agreed! She knew the situation, and she said she tries to keep the younger ones away from it, and tries to teach them not to be so mean. She's trying, I know she is. :(
It makes me feel alot better that she takes such good care of it. Also that she's trying to patiently teach the younger ones how to treat animals. :)