View Full Version : Best litter

06-23-2003, 09:02 AM
What is the best litter you've experienced ?
(no odors, easy to clean, no dust, etc. ...)

I heard the best kitty litter is Scoop Away...

06-23-2003, 09:08 AM
I use Tidy Cat...have for years.

06-23-2003, 09:09 AM
I chose purina Maxx scoop.

This stuff is great.

-long lasting, with one cat anyway. 3.5 k bag for Toby last almost a month
-clumps very well!
-a little fresh scented, so thats nice
-no dust whatsoever

-sticks to paws .. lots of litter in the bathroom floor!

06-23-2003, 09:27 AM
Scoop Away all the way!! :)

I have used Arm & Hammer, Tidy Cat, and I just find that Scoop Away has less odor and i dont see as much granuales all over the place, like i have with the other brands. Although, on top of the Scoop Away, i do use Arm & Hammer powder stuff to sprinkle in the box to freshen it up....Tidy Cat has a good deoderizer too.

It clumps well too.

06-23-2003, 11:07 PM
We use Fresh Step and LOVE it! With six cats and a two bedroom apartment, it NEVER smells. That's stuff is wonderful! :)

06-23-2003, 11:21 PM
I only use natural litter or the crystals.

06-23-2003, 11:26 PM
We use Tidy Cat Scoopable litter. I have litter box duties, and I don't notice any smell or dust.

The Cat Factory
06-24-2003, 12:12 AM
I use Swheat Scoop (http://www.swheatscoop.com/) cat litter.

06-24-2003, 12:45 AM
I use tidy cat for multiple cats or cats pride.

06-24-2003, 02:48 AM
I'm cheap. Anything on sale is the best for me! Usually I go to Sams Club and buy that generic stuff that's $7 for a 40 lbs bucket. The cats don't seem to mind as long as it's scoopable, I tried the crystals and Corkscrew showed my what he thought of them by pooping outside the litterbox. As for the smell, I don't really notice it because the litterbox is in my bathroom so unless we go at the same time smell really isn't an issue for me.

06-24-2003, 10:39 AM
The best and the most economical is the pet Valu Scented 40 lbs of heavy grain , deliverd free for $7.99 a bag! grat for an Older Owner!

06-25-2003, 12:26 AM
I've tried many kinds of litter and have found that Ever Clean is the best for me. I use the unscented or scented extra strength formula. It clumps very hard, lasts a long time, keeps odor under control and is dust free. :D My cats also love it so now they cover up their poop much better than before. :)

06-25-2003, 09:47 AM
I've tried LOTS of litters over the years. All sorts of scoopables, the crystals and Feline Pine, you name it.

Up until about a month ago, I used Premium Scoopable Cat litter. It came in 50 pound bags for $10. Then I decided to switch to Feline Pine for a few reasons. First, there's absolutely NO dust, and I've noticed that my cats aren't sneezing anymore (hmmmmm, there MUST be some connection there). Secondly, with the Feline Pine, which is compressed sawdust pellets, you only need to line the box with 1 inch of the stuff. When the cat urinates, it not only absorbs the urine, it also absorbs the odor (no, there's no pine smell either). One 20 pound bag does 6 boxes. The only thing you need to do everyday is remove the solid waste. At the end of a month, or whenever the stuff turns to complete sawdust (no pellets left), you simply dump the whole box and start over.

It was very easy to get my cats used to it too. I have 7 litterboxes and put the new stuff in 4 of them, and the clumping stuff in 3, so they'd have a choice. Gradually I changed the litter to the Feline Pine and the transition went very smoothly.

As far as expense, a 20 pound bag of the stuff is $7.99. they also have another brand (same exact litter) called Exquisi Cat Enviro Friendly Litter which is even cheaper. A 20 pound bag of that is $5.99 at PetSmart.

I've found there's absolutely no dust and less litter on the floor.

06-25-2003, 11:07 AM
I have tried sooo many kinds, even the kind that is like pellets, those were terrible! I keep going back to tidy cats, is the only kind I will buy now.

06-25-2003, 11:06 PM
picture it over TEN litterboxes...eight cats...tried ever piece of litter type material know to man
the best in absorbing smells i've ever seen ..even when changing the litter
easiest litter to clean out of pan....no sticking, just saw dust:eek: :eek: :D :D luv it
20 lbs bags r alot easy for me to transport than 35lbs or more
since this is a 60-80lbs PER WEEK litter household....
definitley WORTH THE COST 4 me....:p :D :D :D