View Full Version : I was just trying to give them free labor!!

06-23-2003, 01:11 AM
I went to a local animal control/care office on Saturday to see if I could volunteer there. I love the Humane Society we volunteer at, but its an hour away and I hate wasting time that I could actually be using at the shelter.

I walked in (it was quiet) and asked the woman at the desk if they were looking for volunteers. She said "You can fill out an application", not too thrilled with my question. I was very sweet and polite and said, "thank you" and filled out my application in one of the chairs. I turned it in and asked if they needed volunteers at the time. She said that they had "A LOT!" and that if they wanted to fit me in, they would. (NICE!)

I told her that I'd been volunteering at the HS in Ojai for almost a year. She raised her eyebrows (ALMOST impressed) and told me again that if they wanted me, they would call me.

Um....why is she working there? If I had her job, where I could make a difference in the lives of hopeless animals, I'd be stoked!!

She was also rude to a woman coming to adopt a dog she put on hold. She goes, "If he's still here, tell the people out there." If he's still here? Why wouldn't he be if he was on hold for them??

What a rude, unhappy woman!!!

06-23-2003, 01:12 AM
Stupid cow!!!!!

YOU would be Sooooooo much better than she could ever hope to be.
Sometimes you just want to slap someone silly ............ she would have been IT for me!!!!!

06-23-2003, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by captain
Stupid cow!!!!!

I think that was just an insult to the cow!! The people where like that in the shelter her to..well most where friendly some could care less.

06-23-2003, 01:24 AM
I could see if I was there to fullfill some court appointed community service or if I was just some young kid (no offense), but I have a years experience and six cats!! I was amazed!

I agree, she was a stupid cow!! ;)

06-23-2003, 07:08 PM
I think that was just an insult to the cow!!

She probably hates her job. MOOOOOOOOO!!!!

06-23-2003, 07:13 PM
Thats how they are at the animal control facility here. I know why they're that way here. Its because they are city employees. Nothing against city employees, but .. yeah... they aren't exactly there for their love of animals sometimes.

06-23-2003, 07:13 PM
:) I really, truly did not mean to insult a cow ...... :)

06-23-2003, 10:08 PM
iceyshiver21:I think that was just an insult to the cow!! >>>>>

LOLOL! I think Richard is rubbing off on you.

Some people just un-happy and also do not like their jobs.
Not sticking up for the cow, but my mother-in law
voluteered for a shelter for a short time. She could
not stomach it, because it was so sad.
Maybe the job has gotten to this woman where she
just built up a wall inside and no longer cares?

If you get the shelter job, I bet you will bring in
a bit of ray of sun shine and hope to the shelter.

06-23-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by KYS
If you get the shelter job, I bet you will bring in
a bit of ray of sun shine and hope to the shelter.

Ditto that comment!!!

06-24-2003, 06:29 AM
I went down to the local RSPCA shelter to find out how to volunteer. Well, I got a less-than-friendly response. The lady (admittedly busy when she said this) said "they should be over there." I can understand why she was busy, as a couple had bought in a cat that was so sick it needed to be put down. But, I couldn't find the forms, and asked another lady, who found them hiding behind a bunch of other pamphlets. The second lady seemed to be bored by the whole thing, and the first lady gave me a sarcastic look, rolled her eyes a bit and said, "I told you where they were."

There certainly was no "thanks for taking an interest" or any of those niceties that one would expect to receive as a potential volunteer for what is an emotionally draining role ...

Not only that, but you also have to APPLY to become a volunteer! On the form it asks all these questions then says, in effect, "if we want you, we'll call you, if not, forget it." It's almost like a job application form, you practically need references! I had none of this when I volunteered for the RSPCA in my home town.

What do they honestly think, that people who don't love animals dearly would vonlunteer? I think the best screening is "face to face" screening through a brief "chat" as it is much easier to lie on a stupid form that it is to lie to someone's face.

It is just too silly for words - I love animals and want to make a difference, but I feel like I'm seriously put off the whole idea - I will get around to it eventually, but it's been three weeks since I picked up the forms ... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

06-24-2003, 06:41 AM
Kelly - {{Hugs}} for you - so caring and to be treated in such a rude fashion - makes my blood boil. As I say 'Politness costs nothing'.


06-24-2003, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by aly
Thats how they are at the animal control facility here. I know why they're that way here. Its because they are city employees. Nothing against city employees, but .. yeah... they aren't exactly there for their love of animals sometimes.
Yep, it's the same way at the shelter I got Rose from. Noone seems to care, they're just there to do a job, so sad for the animals:(

06-24-2003, 08:58 AM
I agree with what has been said. I hope you end up working there. As they certainly need a person with a better attitude on the front desk. I wonder how many potential owners they have lost after talking to that unhelpful woman.

I would like to praise the employees at our local Branch of RSCPA, as they are so helpful & polite.

In fact when we went to adopt Tigs on Sunday, the bloke on reception recognised me & Steve from a year ago :eek:
(As he wasn't working when we picked up Milly in March)

Or to be accurate he remembered that we adopted George (He said his shelter name - CPC) and asked now he was doing. So of course I babbled for 10 mins about how great George is and emailed him some updated photos of both George & Milly, when we got home. But what a great employee to remember one cat after a year. (Though if you were going to remember one cat, it would have to be my baby George)

06-24-2003, 09:08 AM
Oh what is with these animal shelters. I was told I'm too much of a softy to work at our local HS. Gee just because I kissed a few doggies and talked to them and gave them some needed attention. I offered my grooming services free-they didn't want to be bothered.
Also I have a friend who is a caterer and he always has a lot of white meat boneless chicken strips left over-he offered to grind the cooked chicken so they could mix it with the dog food maybe once a month for a treat they told him not to bother they didn't want it! I know people food but come on once a month pure chicken and mixed with food! I think the animal shelters need an attitude adjustment!!

06-25-2003, 05:49 PM
She probably just sees a lot of people wanting to volunteer and gets tired of hearing everyone's stories and why they want to volunteer, etc. I get really sick and tired af hearing about people's pets when I'm at work.

Unless it directly pertains to the question they're asking me, I don't want to hear a bunch of stories about customers' pets! After awhile most of them start to sound the same, and I just get frustrated. When this happens I do my best to hurry and finishe with them so I can move onto the next person.

I don't think the woman was being stupid, I think she had to deal with idiots who didn't care enough about animals all day every day, and was tired of hearing the same thing over and over. I think she probably is less than happy with her job (as anyone would be with any job from time to time).

06-25-2003, 06:11 PM
Wow! I am utterly amazed that this happens so often. People are just plain stupid....I would think that if someone wanted to offer their help and they were serious, they would be willing to spare five minutes of their time. Wow...I need to go read the thread where Naomi got almost $2000 from strangers again... ;)

I'm sorry you feel that way.... She didn't ask me why I wanted to volunteer, that would be on the application.

06-25-2003, 06:24 PM
Something like that happened to me too. I want to volunteer at some shelters during summer vacation, so I always try to find shelters on the Internet where I could work at. I emailed some, and all of them would reply very nicely and give me a long reply, explaining how they're happy how I'm so young and I love animals, and they like how I would want to volunteer and said maybe when I get older I'll work there. and they also told me a lot of things, like even if I'm only 13, I could volunteer too, but just not directly with animals. So all the shelters tell me that, and are really nice to me. One even said that even though I'm too young, I could foster animals, and told me all this information.

But only one got me kind of mad. I emailed them a long email, and told them that I am only 13, and if I could volunteer or anything. Their reply was just one sentence: You're too young, get back to us when you're at least 16.
I don't know how you guys would react to that, but I got kind of upset. Some other shelters said that I can't volunteer because I'm too young, but their reply was longer and much nicer.

06-25-2003, 07:10 PM
Bluekat - to that shelter that gave you the ONE LINE reply - STUFF 'EM!!!

Whilst you may be young, I feel they should foster and nurture your interest ..... just my humble opinion - Even if you are "only" 13 ....... !
At least the other replies were nice and caring ..

06-25-2003, 07:24 PM
It never ceases to amaze me, that some people ever get the jobs they have, they either lack personality, kindness, or a number of things, its like sometimes when you go to the doctor, really worried about something and you get a crabby receptionist or nurse, or someone with no personality if you know what i mean. I just take the time to complain these days, because jobs are short, and these people should not be doing these types of jobs.

06-25-2003, 08:08 PM
maybe she had a wig on and it was too tight? maybe she has not had her daily m&m's and shes a grouch?
or maybe she has different calendar than the rest of us and it is be a bitch day??

06-25-2003, 08:17 PM
same thing at the shelter where I got 2 of my cats, pulled up, got out and you would have thought we were panhandling, we were ignored and got dirty looks from the volunterers...I was there to get a kitten and found 2, its not my fault she had to carry buckets around, or whatever she was doing. we walked up and they were all sitting a t a outside table and were not about to say a word if we hadn't first! the impression we got from the first second was we were not wanted there...:confused:

06-25-2003, 08:22 PM
and, Carole you are right, in stores, HOW do they get the job? I was in office max the other day, the cashier had no personality, and just stared the other way most of the time, like we were lepers or something, couldn't even look at us?