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View Full Version : rabbits growl?

06-22-2003, 11:24 PM
Someone I know told me that her rabbit growls. At first I was skeptical. The first thing I thought of was that it might have had respiratory problems and that it sounds like it's growling, because she uses cedar shavings.

But I went to her house, and, sure enough, when the girl stuck her hand in the cage, the rabbit made very loud growling/gurgling noises, and started screaming, like a dieing cat! :eek:

I've only had three rabbits in my life, but I've never seen this behaviour. My mom has had dozens of rabbits, and she's only had one that made a weird noise.

Is this normal? I have no idea what to think about this, it's so odd! :eek: :o

06-23-2003, 12:08 PM
Yes, rabbits can growl. Tell your friend to go to www.rabbit.org and do some reading. By putting her hand in the cage the rabbit feels threatened and is trying to protect itself. Bunnies have excellent vision....except straight on..their eyes are located at the side of the head so that space in between the eyes is blind........it could be that the rabbit knows something is in front of her but isn't sure what it is..or your friend has mishandled the rabbit and the rabbit is afraid of her.

Cage doors should always be left open and the bunny should be allowed to decide when it comes out and when it goes back in.....they should not be manhandled and put in the cage or removed for the cage...or a carrier for that matter. Remember that rabbits are a prey animal and and most are afraid to be up and off the floor because they know they are vulnerable.

Tell your friend to lie down on the floor and spend a lot of time there with the rabbit. Rabbits are intensely curious animals and he will come over to check your friend out. It could also be that the rabbit hasn't become accustomed to her yet and for a rabbit to be your friend THEY have to TRUST YOU first....rabbits are not like a cat or dog and do not automatically love you just because you've taken them home....the trust has to be earned and then a rabbit turns in to a delightful and fun pet.

Another reason why a rabbit might act aggressive is if it has NOT been neutered.... The bunny's horomones could be driving him a bit crazy abd since he/she is not getting any "relief" that's enough to make it cranky.

Good luck...chances are pretty good that if the bunny is mean it is the fault of the owner doing or not soing something correctly.

06-23-2003, 01:41 PM
YES!!! Thelmer does it! Well she used to, before we got her spayed. That`s what helped with her biting and growling.

06-23-2003, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the info! :)

She just got the bunny a few weeks ago from a friend who never played with it. The nails were sooo long, and the bunny is afraid of everyone and everything. It bites her and everyone else. I told her some tips already, to make the bunny trust her, but she isn't the type to "waste time." She's more of the type to kep it around until she decides to get rid of it.

She did that with her old birds too. I hate it when she gets pets.

She almost gave me the rabbit, I was sooo wishing she would and that my mom would say yes. But she took it back at the last second. My mom even sounded like she might have said yes. (I used the guilt trip and told her I knew she'd say no because she hates animals mwahaha).

But she told me that if she wants to get rid of the rabbit that I'll be the first one she'll call! Hoping that she will call me soon!

07-23-2003, 11:37 AM
It was a real shock the first time I heard my rabbit growl. I never knew they made noise however, when you mess with Boy Boy's food she will growl. She likes to have all of the attention so if Girl Girl comes near her when she is eating or getting "rubs" from me, she will growl at her and nip at her butt to get away. I am working on that. She just must be the Alpha Bunny! :)

08-07-2003, 03:24 AM
Zander used to growl, before we had him neutered! Well, it wasn't really a growl, so much as a grunt, to show that he was cross.

Both of my boys still give the occasional affectionate grunt now, almost two years after being neutered. Mostly when I'm being too slow with their dinner - they headbutt my hands as I pour the seeds into the bowl, and grunt. It's cute. :)

08-30-2003, 04:11 AM
Yep, they sure can.
Two of my rabbits growl(ed). Mostly when you piss them off or invade their space. Even after spaying them, they would still do it. It sort of sounds like a cross between a growl and an oink.
This is a picture of Girlie, the pissiest rabbit ever, but she was the coolest. She passed away this past February. She was 8 years old.
I have 4 other rabbits now, down from 18(16 were rescues). What I have now are 3 lop sisters, Rosie, Sophie and Brownie and 1 Dutch dwarf, Poppa.
They are all spayed/neutered and houserabbits. I love them all!

08-30-2003, 08:37 AM
Your bunny is so cute. And I don't feel bad with my babies being named Girl Girl and Boy Boy when yours is named "Girlie". (smile) Eight years is a long time to be blessed with her. How old are your other bunnies?

08-30-2003, 08:37 PM
Thanks! She was a really pretty girl. Your bunnies look like another one of my bunnies(passed away). His name was Buck and was Pet of the Day a while back. He was a grey and white lop.
Here he is:

Anyway, the 3 sisters I have turned 4 this year, but I'm unsure of how old the dwarf is. Probably around the same age.

This is a pic of Sophie. Rosie has the same markings and Brownie is darker brown with chocolate point markings.

08-30-2003, 08:43 PM
TOO ADORABLE!! I can't understand anyone that doesn't just love bunnies!! I wish I had the capability to have more. Everytime I go to the mall I get so upset seeing them in the pet store and I just want to take them home with me but unfortunately I can not. :(

My 2 are so funny. They woke me up at 6 this morning for their morning "treat". I had to explain that it is my day off and of course I got up gave them a treat and went back to sleep! THEY RUN MY HOUSE!!

09-03-2003, 11:43 AM
And the BIG NEWS OF THE DAY........TAZZ LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are you?!?!?!?!?!???????????? Hos is Girl-Girl's teeth?
I think of you often...how's the job.....got any airmen you can send my way????? :D :cool:

09-03-2003, 11:47 AM
Any luck getting the bunny from your friend.........it's an ooollllldddddd saying but it IS true......the squeaky wheel gets the grease.....

If you are sure she really doesn't want the bunny (hard to imagine anyone NOT wanting a bunny) I'd just pester your friend once a week...you can kid around and say "Change your mind yet about (name)???? I'd still like to have her".......

Good luck....It sounds like the bunny would have a MUCH better home w/you.


09-03-2003, 11:50 AM
Hi crazy Daisey!! Yes I live. Girl Girl is doing wonderful! They put some kind of time released antibiotic bead in her mouth and she hasn't had to go to the vet in over 2 weeks! I am excited and she loves me again...for now. :) She needs to go for a checkup but I just don't have the heart to do that to her! Boy Boy is lazy and big as ever...about 13 pounds!! Here are the kids!!:D

09-04-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by Daisylover
Any luck getting the bunny from your friend.........it's an ooollllldddddd saying but it IS true......the squeaky wheel gets the grease.....

If you are sure she really doesn't want the bunny (hard to imagine anyone NOT wanting a bunny) I'd just pester your friend once a week...you can kid around and say "Change your mind yet about (name)???? I'd still like to have her".......

Good luck....It sounds like the bunny would have a MUCH better home w/you.


Actually, she told me today got rid of it. :( She said that I'd be the first person she'd call, but she didn't. :( She offered me the cage though...for $70..yeah right.. I would have taken good care of the bunny. :(

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-08-2004, 06:33 PM
Billie does it all the time!! It is very difficult to put some food in a bowl inside his cage!! he starts growling, then charges to your fingers, and BITES!!!! Not really pleasant....

12-20-2004, 01:32 PM
Maya's and Inka's Mommy:
The rabbit is growling probably because you've startled him in some way. For all that they are supposed to have excellent hearing and vision, they still spook easily...remember they are a Prey animal, so they scare easily due to thousands of years of being hunted by man and animals for food. Being a domesticated pet rabbit doesn't change their instinctive behaviors for self-preservation.

Also remember the rabbits eyes are more towards the side of his head and you should always approach the bunny from either side so he can see you clearly. It could also be that the rabbit is territorial and therefore "protecting" his cage, which is his home and his safe place. Don't get mad at the bunny, he is only protecting himself. Just talk to him in a calm, quiet voice and tell him to behave himself. The more you talk, the more quickly the bunny recognizes you.

You need to read up on rabbits and their behaviors and I suggest you go to a free site: www.rabbit.org and then use the different links to get your information. Good luck.

12-28-2004, 02:06 PM
well rabbits just like any person or animal need to be well socialized from the time they are very young. the fact that this poor bunny hasn't been well socialized plays a big part in it's behavior. your friend shouldn't just stick her hand in the cage and try to pick the bunny up. rabbits are naturally fidgety animals, this will only make it even more scared. your friend so slowly try to get the bunny adjusted to her and her lifestlye. the cage should be in a place where it is fairly quite, but not a room that nobody ever goes in, if possible put the cage up on something so that rabbit is closer to eyelevel, so that the rabbit can see if someone enters the room, and so it doesnt feel threatened by any other animals. she should spend tiem trying to get to know it a little better maybe by sitting near the cage and soflty talking to it, letting it smell your hand first and giving it soem treats. my rabbit always liked carrots, banana, and apple. after a while the rabbit should hoppfully get used to her and she should spend much time with the bunny as possible : )

12-28-2004, 02:17 PM
also i was just wondering what kind of rabbit it is. from my experiance with rabbits, i have noticed that mostly dwarf rabbits are the ones that tend to be on the mean side. the breed of the rabbit may also play a big part in it's behavior.