View Full Version : Anorexia

06-22-2003, 10:57 PM
Ok, I'm in need of a venting here and this is a very emotion subject to me..I was at this forum, and it says there was a poll saying "Anorexia - it's ok, its not ok, i dont care" for its choices..then the person says they are making an anti anorexia page..Seriously I have friggen tears in my eyes..I hate these stupid ppl that don't understand it nor care to. The replies to this was stuff like "I don't care, not my problem" and "They think its an illness, but we all know its not" -takes breath- I remember in school once some kid saying anorexics are stupid and deserve to starve to death if thats their goal..That took strength not to burst out crying in class..My sister has been in and out of the hospital not to long ago cause she herself is/was anorexic..although she seems find now and has for the last while..I believe its something she'll have for a long time, maybe forever..Its not something you just wake up one morning and think 'Oh..I don't want to eat today' like thats stupid..no one in the right mind would do that. Its an illness that ppl just don't get. My mom and I did a lot of reserch on it to understand her..I could tell you the times when she'd start getting bad again without even seeing her. She's almost died at one point..so you can see why its emotional. I'm not going to say her past events but I'll leave it at shes had a rough time with ppl and I believe thats why it started up. She is a very beautiful person on the inside and outside..I just wish ppl would look more closely at things before judging them...sooooooooooo many ppl don't understand it and make remarks like these ppl..I really shouldn't be posting this its stupid of me seeing its so personal and you must think I'm werid but I need to get it off my chest before I tell some in that forum off..seriously..Can anyone relate to me?

06-22-2003, 11:03 PM
Some peope ... well, make that a lot of people.. are just plain ignorant and stupid. I myself am trying to learn to let some things stupid people say just roll off my back. I know how hard it is, especially when you are emotionally involved in the issue at hand.

I'm really sorry the comments hurt you. Maybe you can post some helpful links so those people can learn a lesson.

I will keep your sister in my thoughts. Stay strong and be there for her and I'm sure she'll be okay.

06-22-2003, 11:05 PM
I know how you feel. My mom suffered from anorexia for a looooooong time. At one point she was down to 98 lbs and she's 5'9"!

Oddly enough, the only reason she was 'cured'? She suffered a catastrophic brain aneurysm. When she woke up from the coma she wasn't anorexic anymore.

The brain is a strange and wonderful thing......

06-22-2003, 11:06 PM
Thanks Aly, usually I just let it slide and realize they're morons..but after a while of it can start to bug me..I hear it so much...She's been better for quite a while now. I really think/hope shes better now

06-22-2003, 11:16 PM
My friend suffers from anorexia. But it isn't the same case as your sister. I wish it was....I wish that she didn't have a choice....Well, she did at first, and now she doesn't. The illness has progressed too far for her to stop. :(

It hurts me so much when she tells me that she hasn't eaten in a week. It hurts so bad, and I tell her to eat, but she won't. Lately she says she's been eating, but at this point I don't know whether to believe her or not.

She thinks she's fat. That's why it all started. She starves herself. I'm afraid for her, because starving yourself can make your body have soooo many problems. She's 100 pounds! That's 20 pounds less than I am, and she's always telling me how skinny I am. It's contradicting her words, how I'm 20 pounds more than her, and yet I am "so much skinnier" than her.

I really wish there wasn't such a disease. I hate how it affects people. It's a terrible thing, and it's wrong for people to say bad things about it, because it's as serious and life-threatening as some other illnesses...

I'm sorry about how it took over your sister. Anorexia is a terrible thing to carry....:(

06-22-2003, 11:19 PM
I'm sorry. :(

It is an illness, I think people don't understand that. I agree with Aly, maybe you could post a bunch of links (from the APA?) that show how serious it is?

Take care.

06-22-2003, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by wolfsoul
My friend suffers from anorexia. But it isn't the same case as your sister. I wish it was....I wish that she didn't have a choice....Well, she did at first, and now she doesn't. The illness has progressed too far for her to stop. :(

It hurts me so much when she tells me that she hasn't eaten in a week. It hurts so bad, and I tell her to eat, but she won't. Lately she says she's been eating, but at this point I don't know whether to believe her or not.

She thinks she's fat. That's why it all started. She starves herself. I'm afraid for her, because starving yourself can make your body have soooo many problems. She's 100 pounds! That's 20 pounds less than I am, and she's always telling me how skinny I am. It's contradicting her words, how I'm 20 pounds more than her, and yet I am "so much skinnier" than her.

I really wish there wasn't such a disease. I hate how it affects people. It's a terrible thing, and it's wrong for people to say bad things about it, because it's as serious and life-threatening as some other illnesses...

I'm sorry about how it took over your sister. Anorexia is a terrible thing to carry....:(

I don't think I know you mean by she doesnt have a choice? And shes to far to go bad?? My sister was in the hospital with a feeding tube down her nose and she pulled through and is doing much better now..I don't think there is such thing as 'to far to go back' Sometime I believe it could be an attention getter. If you make a really big deal, it seems to push it on more. But you don't want to seem like you don't care..We found that by showing we care but not saying 'Why arent you eatting? you have to eat!' helps a lot..Not sure why..but anyway..I wish there wasnt such a disease either its terrible..I hope your friend gets better soon too

06-22-2003, 11:52 PM
I didn't mean anything bad. It's just that by what you said, I got the impression that you said that anorexia isn't something you choose.

Its not something you just wake up one morning and think 'Oh..I don't want to eat today' like thats stupid..no one in the right mind would do that. Its an illness that ppl just don't get.
By this statement. Because this is what my friend did. She had the choice to eat, and she said she didn't want to. Now, because she's used to starving herself, she doesn't feel hunger. Because she's been doing this for so long, she can't start eating and be fine again. It's messed with her body too much.

You made it sound like your sister didn't do this to herself. That's why I said she had no choice. But my friend did this to herself on purpose.

That's all that I meant...

06-23-2003, 12:25 AM
There is a popular novel now called "Hunger Point". I don't remember the author. It really gave me additional insights into the problem of anorexia and the stressors within the family. Perhaps you are familiar with this book? Although you may find it superficial with the issues you've already dealt with...

Good luck.

06-23-2003, 01:06 AM
My friend used to be really overweight like 150 lbs in 5th grade well in about 1 year she lost a ton of weight (like 50 lbs) all the boys never cared about her when she was heavier but after she lost the weight they all liked her (she got huge boobs after losing the weight, lol 8th grade boys are so shallow :rolleyes: )well they always compliment her now and she always replies with "Ya I was anorexic for a while" like it's some glamorous thing. But anyway she never was anorexic she did a LOT of jazzercise and ate low fat stuff. I know that aneorexcia is nothing to joke about and I wish she wouldn't use the term so loosly, and I know she really wasn't ever aneorexic because she tells me (when no boys are around) that she just says it so they'll like her!:mad: I wish she would stop joking about it she never takes anyhting seriously!!!:mad: :mad: I just thought I'd share

06-23-2003, 01:24 AM
another reason why i pefer my pets over people?? And they wonder why I pefer to be anti-socail...