View Full Version : Need MORE advice!

06-22-2003, 05:15 PM
We know nothing at all about large dogs, so I'm gonna be bugging you people to death with questions for a while.

Our main problem right now is where to keep everyone. Should we keep Bruce in the house during the day while we’re at work in the X-large crate, or leave him in the backyard? Bear in mind that it’s getting very hot here (upper 90’s). Of course all of our neighbors have their dogs out in their backyards, but none of us have large trees for shade, and their dogs are fine. If he’s in the house during the day, should we then put him out in the evenings? Don’t know if he’s had any housetraining and if he pees in here Chester will never stop peeing in here! Will being inside in the A/C make the heat even more intolerable? I’ve always heard that. He likes the doghouse at night and he slept in there last night. He can’t be loose in the house because of my dogs, so I don’t want to get him used to the A/C during the day and then put him out when I get home if it’s going to make it worse on him. Being in the crate isn’t an issue for him. He’s fine with it and is a lazy pup anyway. Major couch potato, like Katt said.
Any advice is appreciated!!

Thanks guys!

06-22-2003, 07:48 PM
With this weather, I would think he'd be better of crated in the house during the day. However, if you have long days or don't want to do this, maybe you could put ice cubes in his pool before you leave for work. I think I read you guys got him a pool? If possible, I would at least have him indoors sometimes so he can be used to it for his new home.

06-22-2003, 07:55 PM
Ok, sounds good. I really want him indoors out of the heat, but I don't want to make it harder on him tolerance wise when he does have to be outside. And I don't want him in a crate all the time either. Maybe inside in the crate just during the heat of the day??? Then out in the yard in the evening and to sleep. He really likes it in the doghouse at night. Best part is that I come home for lunch every day around 12:30, so it won’t be a problem.

06-22-2003, 07:58 PM
Is your yard secure? The only problem I have with leaving pittys out in the yard is that people like to steal them for very bad reasons. :( I think he'd be fine in the house in the day and out at night, while you're there. Does he bark at people?

06-22-2003, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
Is your yard secure? The only problem I have with leaving pittys out in the yard is that people like to steal them for very bad reasons. :( I think he'd be fine in the house in the day and out at night, while you're there. Does he bark at people?

I totally agree. I was just coming back to mention this.

Thats great you come home for lunch micki! Works perfectly for the doggies :)

06-22-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
Is your yard secure? The only problem I have with leaving pittys out in the yard is that people like to steal them for very bad reasons. :( I think he'd be fine in the house in the day and out at night, while you're there. Does he bark at people?

Never heard him bark yet! :eek: I wonder why? Lot's of stuff for him to bark at. Never have even heard a small growl. :confused:

06-22-2003, 08:05 PM
I was just wondering if he'd make a nuisance of himself. :D Sounds like he's more into lounging....lol

06-22-2003, 08:18 PM
EEEEEEWWWWW!! I just went out back to pooper scoop while Michael has Bruce out for his little walk and I found WIGGLYS!!!! AAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!! I kept (eeewww) a sample to take to the vet in a zip lock baggie. What do I do with it? Freeze it? They look like segments of tapeworms, but I'm not sure. They aren't very flat and I thought those were kinda. YUCK!!!! His tummy (and hiney) must feel gross. Should I get the wormer that you can buy over the counter at Petsmart or from the vet?

06-22-2003, 08:25 PM
Did they give him the dewormer at the vet? If they did, then its normal for the wigglies to be coming out for the next couple days. If not, you can just get the over the counter stuff and give it to him according to his weight. Its pretty safe stuff and should work well.

If the worms looked white and small, like rice, then thats probably tapeworm and you'd have to go to the vet for droncit.

06-22-2003, 08:25 PM
lol ewwww is right. I don't care for the over the counter stuff myself, but maybe someone else here knows more about it. If they look like rice then it's tapes. You can put the 'sample' in the refrigerator until you can take it in tomorrow but they're usually only good for about 12 hours.

06-22-2003, 08:27 PM
Generally, I NEVER get over the counter stuff, but the dewormer is the one safe thing that there shouldn't be any problems with.

06-22-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
lol ewwww is right. I don't care for the over the counter stuff myself, but maybe someone else here knows more about it. If they look like rice then it's tapes. You can put the 'sample' in the refrigerator until you can take it in tomorrow but they're usually only good for about 12 hours.

Good???? LOL!! Seriously, won't they be able to tell what they are even if they die?

06-22-2003, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by micki76
Good???? LOL!! Seriously, won't they be able to tell what they are even if they die?


Well sometimes they find stuff microscopicly (sp?) that you can't see withthe naked eye. Like they see the tapes but might find something else, too. :)

Come on....you know you want that sitting in your fridge! :D

06-22-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by aly
Did they give him the dewormer at the vet? If they did, then its normal for the wigglies to be coming out for the next couple days. If not, you can just get the over the counter stuff and give it to him according to his weight. Its pretty safe stuff and should work well.

If the worms looked white and small, like rice, then thats probably tapeworm and you'd have to go to the vet for droncit.

Sorry to be such a pain guys. Nope, they said his fecal was neg. No dewormer, just heartgard.

They don't lok like white rice. They are short, but round and fat.

This thread has really taken a turn for the worst.

06-22-2003, 08:38 PM
So its not rice, but maybe spaghetti? (HEHEHE)

I'd give the over the counter dewormer and see if it goes away. It won't hurt him if he doesn't have the worms.

06-22-2003, 11:52 PM
It gets between 90-110 here in the summer. My big doggies stay outside 90% of the time and they seem to do ok. I keep lots of shade, a kiddie pool with fresh water, and a block of ice in their water. Dogs are naturally outside animals, so I don't see a problem with them being out.

06-23-2003, 12:21 AM
BTW--how much does Bruce weigh?


I'm just wondering what a 'big' dog is to you after all those terriers you've had! :D

Big like Buford? 110 lbs?

06-23-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
BTW--how much does Bruce weigh?


I'm just wondering what a 'big' dog is to you after all those terriers you've had! :D

Big like Buford? 110 lbs?

Good Lord, Buford!! Bruce is 62.5 lbs. That's REALLY big when you're used to 10-15lbs!

06-23-2003, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by micki76
Good Lord, Buford!! Bruce is 62.5 lbs. That's REALLY big when you're used to 10-15lbs!

LOL That's what I thought! The crate you have is plenty big enough for him. :)

He must seem HUGE!

06-23-2003, 10:08 AM
Sometimes tapeworms are hard to find under a microscope so I would get the over the counter de-wormer if your vet did not treat for it. After all you did actually see the wiggleys so they have got to be there. Your vet should know that if you see them they must be there & he should of gave you de-wormer anyways as it will not harm your dog even if he does not have any worms.

06-23-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
LOL That's what I thought! The crate you have is plenty big enough for him. :)

He must seem HUGE!

Oh yeah, our crate's big enough. We got it for Chester when he was a puppy. We took the crate door off and pushed it against the pet door, so that Chester could go out and still be able to come inside. It kept all our stuff from being chewed up. :D

He seemed huge at first but now we're used to it, and we both like big dogs and are not intimidated by them like some people are. Plus, Bruce is such a gentle soul. Michael's sister was bitten as a child by a large dog and doesn't really like them. She likes Brucey, though. :D

06-23-2003, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Dogs are naturally outside animals, so I don't see a problem with them being out.

I have to disagree with that one. They've been domesticated and are pack animals. They need to be inside with their family (pack). Its not fair to domesticate a species just to throw them out back as a lawn ornament.

I think its okay for micki to keep Bruce out more than she usually would though since he's just there temporarily and she just can't bring him in a lot because of Chester.