View Full Version : I'm so angry right now!!!

06-22-2003, 01:28 PM
I'm sorry, but I need to vent...I'll try my best not to swear lol....this will probably be long....

You all remember my sister and her husband, right? The people with absolutely no common sense? If not, I'll refresh your memory...

Hmm they would be the ones who went and got a cute little westie puppy from a PET STORE, while they lived in an apartment, fully AWARE that dogs were not allowed in their apartment. They talked to us before and we all told them NOT to get a dog, especially since they have a young child and neither one of them is even remotely responsible enough to care for a dog. Also when she first married him he told us if he had kids he didn't even want them at our house because we had dogs. He said he would never even let a dog ride in his car, let alone his house. Of course, they didn't listen...and I ended up watching the dog for like 3 weeks before they moved into a house.

I warned them not to get a dog from a pet store, they didn't listen, and he was VERY hard to potty train...they didn't take him to any training classes or socialize him. He was still a very sweet little dog. They had him for a few months (still not potty trained) and then decided to get ANOTHER dog. Yes, very smart, you can't handle the dog you have so why not go and get another?

So they get the black schnauzer puppy, Sydney. Two days later they gave McKinney the westie away. :mad: I was incredibly angry about all this.....I did give them a chance though...they did take Sydney to puppy kindergarten, feeding her premium food, etc.

Probably about a month ago they were complaining to my mother that they "didn't have money" to feed Sydney and that they didn't like her around their child, Savannah, and that they were afraid she was going to bite her, etc. She talked about getting rid of her.

During all of this they had been visiting adoption events and looking at dogs in the newspaper. (they didn't tell me this of course, just my mother....she calls her and upsets her at least 3 times a day) Jesse did though tell me about this "cute husky we wanted so badly Alisha almost brought it home...." :mad: One of the reasons my sister has told my mom for wanting another (big) dog was to "get rid of mice." That is the DUMBEST reason for getting a dog I've ever heard! How the hell is a large dog in your backyard going to get rid of mice in your HOUSE??? They dog they have right now is a terrier...terriers were bred to kill vermin....and she barks constantly...IN the house.....I don't see how in the world a large dog barking in their (non-fenced small) backyard in a dog run is going to scare mice from going in their house!! I think getting a cat would be much more logical! (not that they deserve to have a cat either!)

Yeah, so today, I found out they GOT A DOG!! :mad: :mad: I am so angry right now I want to go over there and kick them both! I guess somebody at work had puppies and Jesse just brought one home. He's like a stupid little child! He has absolutely NO common sense! They don't have the money or the time for another dog. They are constantly begging money off of my parents. My parents give them money for gas and food, and they just gave them $500 because they couldn't pay their taxes. They just asked the church for money. I can't believe they would do that. She complains to my mom and the church that they can't afford to feed themselves or their child.....ok, so sure, lets be smart and get a LARGE DOG!! They already paid $500 + for Mckinney (gave him away for free) and $400+ for Sydney. This puppy may be free, but that is NOT the end of the expense!

Jesse works every day, very long hours. He doesn't even have time to spend with his own child or wife. Everytime I see him he is half alseep because he works so many jobs and never has time to rest. Yet, he is proposing he will have time to spend with this dog...he never even has time for Sydney! That is so SELFISH of him. He should be spending the time with his child, not this dog. It is selfish to bring another dog into a home like this. Alisha is home all day but she constantly complains how tired she is from watching Savannah. (they are also trying to have another child!!) She is afraid of big dogs....she always thinks Nebo's going to hurt Savannah...and she says she is allergic to shedding dogs. So the dog would live outside in a dog run. :mad:

It's because of the stupid mentality like they have that there are so many dogs in shelters. He just got the puppy "because it was cute." Yes, but intelligent people see a cute puppy and think "Oh what a cute puppy....but a big responsibility that will grow up." He just thinks "Oh what a cute puppy..." he doesn't even bother to think about anything else. Sure, all puppies are cute, but uhh, they don't stay cute little puppies forever. :rolleyes:

If they talk to me I'm going to try my best to hold back my first reaction to strangle them and try to speak to them logically (if that's possible with them) and convince them to let me find the dog another home.....*sigh*

Anybody want an already spayed 8 week old female german shepard mix pup? :(

06-22-2003, 01:51 PM
Wow, that's horrible!! :mad: They don't realize that dogs aren't stuffed animals and aren't disposeable as such!!! :rolleyes: I hate to think of where this pup is going to eventually end up :(

06-22-2003, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Wow, that's horrible!! :mad: They don't realize that dogs aren't stuffed animals and aren't disposeable as such!!! :rolleyes: I hate to think of where this pup is going to eventually end up :(

Not only that but isn't 8 weeks a little too young to spay a dog?

06-22-2003, 02:56 PM
They didn't spay the dog.......it was probably spayed at the humane society by the owners of the dogs mother...the whole litter. I think it's pretty common for humane societies to do that.

06-22-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Not only that but isn't 8 weeks a little too young to spay a dog?

Shelters will spay/neuter pups at 8 weeks. I think most vets wont do it until 6 months though..

06-22-2003, 03:09 PM
:mad: sounds like my family! :mad: the nerve! whats the point of even getting a puppy if u cant give it the love and attention it needs! im sure they love it all the same?? Poor dogs.. People need to realize that you cant just throw it to the curb whenever you want.. Wow its funny how ur family is EXACTLY like mine! ERRR :mad: :mad: poor pups! :(

06-22-2003, 03:26 PM
What a load of crap these poor dogs have to put up with!! :mad: I am so sorry the dogs, and you, are going through this. Hopefully you can talk some sense into them. :(:(

06-22-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
Wow, that's horrible!! :mad: They don't realize that dogs aren't stuffed animals and aren't disposeable as such!!! :rolleyes: I hate to think of where this pup is going to eventually end up :(

Exactly! :mad: :( :mad:

06-22-2003, 03:36 PM
I can certainly understand your anger, and yes
we all seem to have friends or family members who
have no clue when it comes to caring for a animal.
You can talk youself blue in the face, but I wish
everyone who adopts or buys an animal would
have to watch a tape first on the care, cost and
attachment these animals have for us and
what happenes when you don't take care of them
or give them the love they require.
You can vent all you want.
I certainly understand your frustrations.

Cisco's Mom
06-22-2003, 07:36 PM
I don't believe, no I know I would not hold back one bit of my mind if this was one of my brothers or sister!!! In fact, I would absolutely bust lose on them!! :mad: :rolleyes: :mad: :rolleyes: :eek: :eek:

06-22-2003, 07:55 PM
Well, the only good news I read in your story is that the pup was spayed... YAY!

Now to the bad stuff :( I was really sad and mad while reading about their situation. I'm confronted all day every day with stupid situations like these at work. It just makes me sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ANGRY. Whats even worse is when they don't listen to logic. I pray you will be able to get through to them. Just keep your patience and reason with them. If they don't listen, THEN you can kick them (kidding!). Maybe you can convince them to rehome their Schnauzer too. They really don't need to have any living creatures under their care :(

06-22-2003, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Not only that but isn't 8 weeks a little too young to spay a dog?

Nope, we routinely do it at all the shelters I have worked for (and all the ones I've volunteered with). So over the years, I've seen thousands upon thousands being fixed at that young age and there have been very few problems. The problems we did have were not due to their age. They must be at least 5 lbs to be safely done though.

06-22-2003, 08:03 PM
That sounds a lot like my sister :o She got a puppy (IN an apartment, top floor :mad:) then they had to give it back cause it was seizures..thens he got a kitten who she had for a while, then got sick and went to the hospital for a long while and her bf and kids moved in with his mom while this happened cause hes an idiot and cant care for his own kids..and LEFT the kitten..so we took care of her. Then a month or so later gave it to the HS cause they couldn't afford to spay it :( Its sickning I know..I wish ppl would seriously think about it before getting animals..its not just something you 'have' like an object which some ppl seem to think..hopefully it works out for your sis's dogs and she STOPS getting animals till they're ready, if ever that happens :(

06-22-2003, 08:09 PM
You know what's weird? I just heard on TV that schnauzers were bred to catch mice and eat them. :rolleyes:

06-22-2003, 09:54 PM
PEOPLE MAKE ME SO MAD!:mad: I can't believe people would do that kind of thing! I HAVE SEEN IT ENOUGH!!!!:mad: I just wish people would use common sense... if they have any.:rolleyes:

06-22-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Not only that but isn't 8 weeks a little too young to spay a dog?

Nala was 8 weeks when we got her and she was already fixed.

Amy ~ Seriously have a talk with your sister. Have your mother, your father talk to her. Tell her, maybe even show her some of the websites about adopting pets.

06-23-2003, 10:41 AM
:mad: :mad: :mad:

06-23-2003, 11:01 AM
OMG, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I HEARD THIS??!?! Apparently your sister and her husband are NOT even good owners - :( Man I'm sorry that you have to go through ALL the crap that's going on!! Can't your mom and dad do anything about that?!

06-23-2003, 11:12 AM
How STUPID can people get? :mad: :mad: :mad:
Maybe you could take the two under your care for a while until you can find them new homes. They don't deserve to be under your sibling's care any longer. :(

06-23-2003, 12:20 PM
Poor beasties!! just think if they treat doggies like they do- how about humans? So glad we can pick our friends-you just have to put up with family. At least you can vent your feelings here and it does help!! Now if only your family would read the comments!!!!!:mad:

06-23-2003, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
You all remember my sister and her husband, right? The people with absolutely no common sense? If not, I'll refresh your memory...
:( Oh Amy, I do remember when they got rid of McKinney:( and got Sydney. I can't belive after all you've said that they don't have more sense than to go and get another dog, little alone a big dog, what are they thinking? Well, that's obvious...nothing, they aren't thinking at all.
I don't blame you for being mad. I think I'd try to keep peace & not blow my top (which would be sooooo hard!), maybe you'll be able to get through to them how much $$$ they'll have to spend.

06-23-2003, 02:17 PM
Amy, im sorry to hear you are goin through this. Sometimes people have no common sense n' makes you want to smack it into them....wish you could. I feel sorry for Sydney for now they might want to get rid of her...:( ....poor lil' girl. I hope you can help those poor lil' doggies....to have a better life....then jumpin back n' forth to homes b/c of them. I don't blame you for bein mad n' maybe if you do go talk to them....do get mad n' tell them what you think...might just might open their minds a lil'.

Hope it helps n' GOOD LUCK w/ the hardheads!!!

06-23-2003, 06:19 PM
I'm sorry, but they sound like morons!! What is wrong with them??? Do they realize that a dog is a living thing, not just something you can get rid of if you don't like it? I certainly hope they like their kid.

I don't know how I would deal, it would be very hard--let us know how it all goes.

06-23-2003, 06:57 PM
These people are not just stupid... they're

TOO DAMN STUPID TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can't afford money for food, and household expenses, yet they go out and buy one dog, get rid of it and buy another one. What's next? Getting rid of the kid cuz they can't feed her?

What friggin morons.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

06-24-2003, 11:07 PM
Well I saw the dog tonight.....

GRRRR. I knew they were coming over, so I was hiding in my room. She came over last night too. I ignored her all night, until she said something to me...and I well, blew up, and exchanged some not so nice words...:eek:

Well, for tonight, I knew they were going to this museum first. I've been to the museum before and I know it takes a good 1 1/2-2 hours to really go through and see it. So I assumed they wouldnt' have the dog with them.

I was wrong!! :mad: I came downstairs to get the door and Nebo suddenly rushed over....there was the dog. I cannot believe they left that poor dog in the CAR all that time!! It wasn't hot, but still...I would never leave a dog in a car for more then a quick trip into the post office or something (only on a cool day).....for THAT long? That makes me so mad.

I was just too pissed off for words. I can't get anything through their thick skulls, so why bother anymore....I only got to glance at the dog, so I really don't even know what she looks like....I grabbed Nebo and rushed upstairs. I've been there ever since.

And to think this morning they told my mom they were going to get rid of the dog. :rolleyes:

06-25-2003, 07:13 AM
So they left the dog in the car the whole time they were at the museum? That wasn't very smart at all:(

So what made them change their minds about keeping it? I hope they will try to find it a good home.

Sorry you have to deal with this amy.

06-25-2003, 08:49 AM
Oh man, I feel so bad for you and the dog. :(

06-25-2003, 11:13 PM
Just found out today that they took the dog to the humane society. Hopefully this is not a lie.

Apparently they *had* to take her back to the humane society and not give her to somebody else...I guess when the litter was spayed there was something about having to bring the dogs back there or they'd get fined....maybe they microchipped them? I'm not sure.

I guess some of her littermates were at the HS earlier and they were gone within 3 hours. Most likely she will be adopted very soon. I only remember ever seeing one puppy when I visited there, they go quickly.

She also had a cold, so now I bet Sydney will be sick...I hope my dogs don't get it.

She's pissed off at me still, and I don't care....she didn't want to get rid of the dog. I'm glad she decided to be intelligent this time. It was better for the dog....

06-26-2003, 07:19 AM
It is unfortunate that the dog had to go back to the Humane Society, but hopefully there it will find a better home.
I hope Reggie, Smokey, and Nebo stay healthy!!!