View Full Version : What supplies did you get your puppy when you first got him/her?

09-14-2001, 07:52 PM
What kind of supplies did you get your dog when he/she was a puppy? I got Sadie a red nylon buckle collar, and thick red nylon leash, a brush, and stainless-steel food bowl, (we already had a water bowl!), a rope toy, and bunch of other toys, a crate, (my dad thought it was kind of silly to just get a crate that was just her size then, keep buying a bigger one as she grew, so we just got a bigger one) , food, and I think that's it! Now she has a whole barrel full of stuff! Does your dog have a lot more now then when they were pups? Thanks! :)

09-15-2001, 12:55 AM
well, we made Specs a collar (out of a thin blue belt my mom had), because even the cat collars were too big. we bought her a food and water dish set(stainless steel). we gave her some of my old balls, and gave her a pillow and a box for a bed. oh, we did have to buy her leash. and eventually we were able to buy her a dog collar(nylon/patterned).
King wasn't a puppy when he was transfered to my posession. but i did buy him a new food bowl *shudders at the thought of the old one*, a new black rolled leather coller, a black nylon harness (which now collects dust on a shelf), and a leash (metal chain link for both dogs). and just a month or two ago he got a squeeeeeeky ball which he just loves.

and of course all their shots and flea meds. and dog food.

Specs has a few more things. like a nerf ball we found, and a few socks. she ended up eventually killing a mouse i made for her out of parts of one of my dad's old slippers. oh, she also has my favorite brown bath towel for her blanket. she's gotten a new collar sice her first real one, but she refuses to let us throw out the old one.

King came w/ his ex-squeeky t-bone steak. when we moved into the new house he aquired a little green ball the previous black lab left behind. and he got his baby from my fiance. a hocky ball. and we bought him a blaze orage vest two weeks ago for when we go in the woods.
the thing w/ the squeeky ball is we took him to pet smart w/ us and let him look at the toys we were thinking about getting him. we had been watching tv and there was a squeek toy on it and he reacted to it so we had to get him one. anyhow, he was so excited. it was the first brand new toy bought for him in 10 years. it made him feel so loved. when we took it out of the package his tail probally didn't stop wagging for a day.

[ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: crow_noir ]

09-15-2001, 05:54 AM
Tanya came with her leash and her collar. We had to get her a basket-extra big cos she is gonna grow right?-, her food and water bowls and her chew bones and also A LOT of toys. She can go through one toy a week, sometimes. So she only gets two a week. :D

09-15-2001, 09:24 AM
I got a puppy sized crate , two stainless steal dog bowles, Toys glalore, some gourmet treats ( just to do a little spoiling) regular treats, pigs ears, Rawhide in what seemed liked tons, a thin, light nylon leash ( centimeter in diamater were talking), a little nylon cat coller the breeder recomended for puppy's, and I think that was it besides food.

09-15-2001, 09:25 AM
Ohh yes, and a brush( I forget what type) and flea comb and tooth paste and brush.

09-15-2001, 10:31 AM
Well, I didn't have Carl as a pup!

09-15-2001, 10:46 AM
We got Simba the following:

Leash and Collar
Puppy Food
A food bowl
a dog cage extra big for he could be comfy
A dog bed for inside the cage
tooth brush and paste (they have special paste for dogs.. NEVER use human paste!)
a brush (we got a soft brush for it wouldnt hurt his skin)
we got a bag of squeeky balls that had 8 in it.. now we still have 2 (weve had them for 3 years)
A bag of raw hide chips
a fris-bee
tug-o-war rose (we still have it but it not in the greatest shape sooo we get old socks and tie em together and use them! and he likes em better than the rope!)
well i wont be able to name all of the stuff.. but that was just a few of what we got him... he was spoiled from day 1 we got him!

09-15-2001, 06:03 PM
I didn't think anyone would reply! :o I think everyone's dog is spoiled! :D KayAnn, I would never use human tooth paste on dogs, eathier! It could make them sick! KayAnn, did your darling Simba get a new collar, with his name stiched in it?! It's so cute! Where did you get it?!! What do you all think cover all the supplies for a new puppy? I've been thinking of getting a Border Collie puppy! Thanks! :)

09-15-2001, 06:22 PM
I bought my puppy all of those things but I would also suggest to maybe get some treats so that u could teach it some tricks and how to behave! :D :D

Daisy's Mom
09-15-2001, 08:56 PM
I got Daisy a leash that we no longer use because it's too thin. We bought puppy food and tons of treats, and any toy that caught my eye- including the late Pink Bunny. I also got her toothpaste and a brush, nail clippers, and a huge dog crate. Then we got two stainless steel food dishes. We had to buy new ones though, because they were so big she could hardly eat out of them :) Buying everything was so exciting!!!

09-16-2001, 01:48 AM
oh jeeze! how could i have forgotten the brushes!

we had to get Specs a cat brush because it was the only kind that would work w/ her hair type.

i got King a nylon bristled brush for the dollar store and it works wonderfully. and i also have a pick/styling comb for getting out his thick underlayer in the spring. (i used the pic for getting the hair out of the other brush until it broke.)

09-16-2001, 09:35 AM
Oh man! how could I forget? I had to get brushes too and also dog toothpaste and a dog toothbrush. The brushes were ones that my aunt bought-I have to confess I know nothing about grooming a dog and my aunt is now teaching me-and also a small pick-like thingy to get the hair out of the brush. I've gotten Tanya countless other things... i think she was spoiled from the very first day!

Dixieland Dancer
09-17-2001, 08:50 AM
This is the list of puppy neccessities we include in our puppy packets that we recommend for our new families when they get one of our pups.

Supplies for a New Puppy
When getting a new puppy, you will need:
· Food and water dishes
· A cage or crate (we do encourage crate training).
· A collar and leash
· Nametag
· Toys, including chew toys
· Shampoo and grooming supplies such as brushes. Do not use human shampoos on your dog.
· Nail trimmers and Kwik stop powder (clotting agent for nails)
· Health care supplies including ear cleaner, dog toothbrush and toothpaste
· Book(s) on puppy health care and behavior

[ September 17, 2001: Message edited by: Dixieland Dancer ]

09-17-2001, 09:15 AM
When we adopted Drake we got him:
Blue buckle collar with matching harness (too small for him now) and leash, grooming brush, nail clippers, tooth brush & tooth paste, ear cleaning and drying solution, dog biscuits, 1 squeeky duck (his favorite till this very day), kong, bag of small raw hide bones, puppy food for large breeds, food & water bowl, carpet cleaner, stain and odor remover, and doggy bed.

I wanted to make sure that we were prepared for everything!