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06-21-2003, 09:48 AM
Hello !

I'm not very active on this forum because I do not have any cat for the moment . But I look at the pictures here and I just love them all ! :)

Yesterday I was at the restaurant with my father and he asked me if I had had news from the Ragdoll breeder. I answered some kittens would be born July 10th and they'll be ready August 21th, then he just said OK :):):):):) MY FATHER FINALLY LOVES CATS ! I'm so happy !

I can't believe I'll own a cat ! And I'm a little bit nervous about it. Will I be able to take care of him ? Will all my family love him ? Will he be happy in my home ? Will he brings trouble ? :confused:

I would like to get some information from cat-owners to live happy with my new companion.

I've waited a long time for this moment and now that it is going to happen I want to do the things properly. :rolleyes:

I'll send you pics I'll get from the breeder in July ! ;)

Thank you !

06-21-2003, 09:59 AM
That's great news! I know what it feels like when you really want a cat, and you finally get one. I just got Blueberry last August! I was really nervous too, about how to take care of him and all. But if you have any questions, ask the breeder. My breeder was very helpful. And also, post your questions here! We'll be glad to help you. I'm sure you and your family will love him, and he's be very happy living with you.
August 21 is a long time to go, and the waiting will seem very long. The day that I brought Blueberry home was very fun! I spent all day playing with him, and he adjusted nicely.
I'm sure you'll love your new cat!

06-21-2003, 10:27 AM

Cats are great companions and a lot of fun! :) I bet you'll do just fine taking care of the kitten!
Here is some of the links I used to help me when we got our kittens:

http://www.petsmart.com/articles/article_166.shtml http://videoforcats.com/newcat.htm http://aolsvc.petplace.aol.com/PetCenters/PetCenter.asp?aniID=2

And here's a Google search:

http://aolsearch.aol.com/aol/search?invocationType=topsearchbox.%2Faol%2Findex. jsp&query=Caring+for+a+new+kitten

August is a long time away, but it will be well worth the wait! Good luck. :)

06-21-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by kath00
Will I be able to take care of him ? Will all my family love him ? Will he be happy in my home ? Will he brings trouble ? :confused:

Yes, you will be able to take care of him because you care and you truly want him. My cats have brought out my human mothering instinct and it just works. You will know what to do when the time comes.

Will your family love him? Who can't love a kitten? They're just so adorable when they're "new." Everything MUST be explored.

Will he be happy in your home - probably. Your love will make him love you. They know ....

Will he bring trouble? OF COURSE! :D That's what kittens are supposed to do! Enjoy it. They grow up so darned quick! ;)

06-21-2003, 10:36 PM
Aww you are going to get a new kitty. How lucky are you? Very.
Don't worry, you will be able to take care of your kitty just fine. Get a book on kittens or go to all the websites that FloppsyLadySally89 has posted for you. If you have a printer, print out the info and read it all so that you are well prepared for when you finally do get your kitty.
Just give him/her lots of love and you will be greatly rewarded.
Also, I hope you are planning on keeping your little one indoors.
As for your family, well, who can't but help fall in love with a little kitten, especially a little Ragdoll. They are beautiful cats.
Congratulations Kath00, and can't wait to see pics of your new little furbaby.

06-22-2003, 04:48 PM
Thanks for the links FloppsyLadySally89 ( long name, eh :D ) !!!

And thank you everyone for your answers :) They're encouraging.... :D

06-22-2003, 07:05 PM
Nothing says love like a little kitten. I know you will do well with it, cause you want it, and will have waited for it so long.

May I suggest you obtain a little kitten brush? I think ragdolls will need some grooming, and the earlier they learn to like the brush, the better.

Who else occupies your home? Any other pets? Little children? I know there are some wonderful threads here on PT that go into great detail the care and responsibility involved with bringing up a kitten. Good luck, and we cant wait to see pictures.

06-23-2003, 11:11 AM
Congrats on your new kitten!!! :D I'm sure everything will be just fine. I can't wait to see his/her picture and hear more about him/her too. :)

06-23-2003, 01:59 PM
Yay!! That's exciting!!! :D