View Full Version : Dog toys... For kitties?

06-21-2003, 05:55 AM
Do any of your kitties like dog toys? My brother's cat, Orion, Would much rather play qith a squeeker than catnip toys! :cool: I swear.... Sometimes I think he IS a dog. :rolleyes:

Heather Wallace
06-22-2003, 04:57 PM
I can believe that cats like dogs toys and vice versa. My rabbit even liked to run over the top of a dogs toy just because it sqeeked.

06-22-2003, 05:03 PM
Tibby likes toys that are made for very small dogs. But she also pretty much likes any toy I bring into the house. She also likes to play fetch, but only with balls that have bells or make another sound since she can't see them too well. She pretty much likes any toys that make a sound.