View Full Version : positive reinforcement

06-20-2003, 11:20 PM
..........hey y'all....i'm the new kid w/ a small herd of kitties :D........i have been reading a dog training book on positive reinforcement & found something interesting i can apply w/ my kitties.....basically: the jist of it says that often times when we are guilty(as dog owners in the book, but i apply to my cats,too)of ignoring the behaviorthat we want......while we tewnd to focus are attention and emotion on the behaviors we DON'T want.....huh?......the book uses the ex: when a young dog laying quitely..usually ignored....but the minute he starts barking out the window or chewing on the furniture...he gets attention and emotional energy.....true dat.....so the book suggests to change the action from reactive to PROACTIVE....ex: go to dog when he is quietly laying on the floor....scratch his ear, rub his belly,if that is what he likes.......make eye contact & tell him how good he his being & that u like his behavior.......give him a treat...etc...basically: give him your attention, affection, & approval while he is still doing what u want PRIOR he does something udon't like.......sorry for the novel.....but i just found that so enlightening b/c it is a basic thing we tend to do (or at least i find myself sometimes doing...).....now i look around me more often when i've been watching tv, etc and realize how many of my kitties are playing "nicely" with one another or curled up next to me purring peacefully.....and i try to praise the situation then....whereas i admit i often have to break up a kitty brawl or scold my baby who snuck my food off my plate when i wasn't looking......the simplicity of it is what was so honest and interesting to me...i don't know just found it interesting in every day situations....but i ponder too much anyway....(that's either from the artist in me or those lifetime movies i get sucked into):rolleyes: anyways it was nice sharing..i will have pics soon:)

06-21-2003, 02:20 AM

You make a very valid and important point. However, with my cat attention can sometimes be a bad thing. She is a bit of a priss and so I respect her space. ;) But for those with more..."dog like" :confused: kitties this tactic is worth considering.

Can't wait to hear about your kitty clan! And at Pet Talk... WE LOVE PICTURES!!!

06-21-2003, 02:38 AM
Thanks for sharing that ... we definitely reinforce positive behaviour with our little kitty girl with treats and cuddles. It doesn't stop the naughty behaviour, but at least she has stopped doing naughty things to grab our attention!

Yeah, we need pictures!!!!

06-21-2003, 07:34 AM
Hmm. . I am guilty of this. Toby gets LOTS of attention when he's doing something bad .. like "Tob!!! Stop doing that!" and some hand clapping - the whole works. When he's sleeping I will sometimes go pet him, but I feel like I should leave him alone most the time..I never thought about trying that ..

I do, however, reward him everytime he does something good.