View Full Version : Hats off to ALL dogs!

06-10-2001, 02:12 PM
I will try to keep this brief but I feel this should be mentioned.

I have been watching the Discovery channel, as usual, and today they did a show on dogs - how they were domesticated, their sense of smell and how dogs are used by humans to help them search for things.

We finally got War Dogs honored and a movie has been made (I wasn't even aware that dogs were used in war until a few months ago) and today I learned that dogs are used for more than just K9 cops and drug searches.

Dogs can assist pest controllers to find termite nests to prevent structural damage to homes. They are used to find missing people, drugs and criminals. They are also experimenting with dogs to see if they can find cancers and other diseases on people!

Just in watching this show I have learned so much about dogs and I had to go out in the living room and hug my 3 girls. I knew they had very acute senses of hearing and smell but I still didn't know just how good they were. As like most dogs, mine know the sound of my car. They are happy and excited before I pull into our parking lot from the street. They said dogs are able to tell the difference in sounds between identical vehicles. They showed two dogs completely ignore one jeep cherokee and they got excited before the 2nd jeep cherokee was even in site!

Maybe you have seen this show. But at the end they went into the genetic problems that some purebreds have and how petstores in malls sell puppies from puppy mills and how so many dogs end up abandoned and homeless. They showed one adorable little puppy living in a garbage dump! So, the show started off great and happy and I ended up crying at the end.

Sorry to ramble, my whole point is that dogs deserve major recognition. They do so much for humans and help us accomplish things that we can't do on our own and they provide us with love and loyalty unmatched by anything. Some suffer at our hands and some thrive from our love.

Dogs are amazing creatures and yet scientists believe that it was an accident that dogs were even domesticated in the first place. So we ar very lucky to have them. I just want to recognize and thank every single dog out there. My hats off to you all. And especially hats off to those caring humans that train these dogs and love these dogs and to those that resuce and assist dogs in need. Thank you http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif!

Guess that wasn't very brief but it is a hard thing to do when I get on this subject.

Angel http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-10-2001, 07:58 PM
Angel, thanks! Sometimes we can gain an even greater appreciation for these incredible creatures through the eyes of someone else. Whenever I read or watch something about dogs, I too have to go and give my two girls EXTRA big hugs and kisses for being the wonderful creatures they are. Thanks again! And hugs to yours!

[This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited June 10, 2001).]

06-11-2001, 01:47 AM
Angel you are 100% correct in all of your statements concerning dogs and their ability to assist in daily events that others would not ordinarily be able to complete. However, there should be hats off to people like yourself. Not many people go out of their way for dogs, let alone animals. Sure, the age old argument, that I take care of my dog, I look out for my dog, but what about your neighbor's dog? Is the same care and concern taken, not by all dog owners. Reading about the situation you encountered on your way home that fateful evening and the bond that you have with your newcomer to the family fits that bills to a "T." The care, the concern that you showed towards yourself and Maddie is an inspiration to all who call themselves dog lovers. You took that animal in, did the right thing, posted flyers to find the rightful owner and you never let a day go by without visiting Maddie. So people take this time here to shake the hands of your dogs, their species is something that is one of a kind, their love is one of a kind. But take this time to also say thank you to those dog lovers that go that extra mile, that give people who call themselves a friend of dogs a good name. I just did, time for me to go give my dog Rockett a big hug, he deserves it.

Daisy's Mom
06-11-2001, 03:22 PM
Wow DrFeelGood, nicely put http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif And welcome to Pet Talk! Ditto to what everyone has said! If people had the loving personalities of dogs, the world would be such a better place. Sometimes I wonder whether man really IS greater than beast.

[This message has been edited by Daisy's Mom (edited June 11, 2001).]

06-11-2001, 03:40 PM
Welcome Dr.FeelGood! The kind of TRUE dog and animal lover you described is just the type of animal lover you will find here. Wonderful, caring loving humans who are truly and deeply devoted not only to their own animals, but ALL animals. We try our best to network all types of useful and helpful info. to promote the safety, health, well being and rescue of all animals. I'm sure you will feel right at home here amongst these incredibly wonderful and caring people! You're right! I would like to thank all my friends here for being the devoted and caring and incredibly dedicated people that they are. Dedicated to all animals, everywhere. Again, welcome. And tell us about your "kids!" http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif


06-11-2001, 08:43 PM
Yes, welcome Dr. Feelgood. You must have been hanging around for a while to have seen the DoggieMom's story of acquiring Maddie. It is definitely one to remember and be inspired by, isn't it?

06-11-2001, 11:22 PM
You all prove over and over again how wonderful this board is http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif! Thank you for all of your thoughts. I just cherish animals... especially dogs. Watching that show on Discovery just made me love dogs and animals even more http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif. I didn't think that was possible!

Welcome DrFeelgood.. you will enjoy this forum. You must have glanced over this board for awhile in order to see my story of Maddie. She is an absolute doll...she was taken to the vet the other day and everyone in the office wanted to keep her! They just adored her! My husband can't seem to get enough of her lately either. However, I am going bald from ripping my hair out... she rips apart the house right under my nose:eeks:! I will be in one room and she and the other two dogs will be in the livingroom. One minute it is all fine. The next minute I walk out just to check on them and my livingroom looks as if it was hit by a tornado! And my house is not big! I don't even hear anything. But, I still adore her... my other two dogs seem to be very patient with her and just try to ignore her...but she doesn't let them ignore her http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif...

Thanks again everyone.
Angel http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif