View Full Version : Our extremely UN-polite little dog...

06-20-2003, 07:25 PM
We took Chloe to PetSmart today and she peed on the floor. Once? No, no. That's not good enough. Twice? Uh-uh. Nope. THREE STINKING TIMES!!!!!!! :mad: :rolleyes: Oh well, I can't stay mad at her.
Good thing they have these things called 'Oops Stations' with antibacterial spray, bags, and paper towels. They also have hand sanitizer gel for the owners. I love that place.
Oh, she was like climbing on the rat and hamster cages! And the rats climbed up too. Good thing that there was glass in between them!!! They were staring at each other, it was so adorable. :) :p

06-20-2003, 07:42 PM
Third time's a charm...:D