View Full Version : Miss Canine Pet Talker 2003!

06-20-2003, 03:55 PM
Miss Canine Pet Talker 2003

This contest is for female pooches only!

Dress up your Miss Canine and see if she's got what it takes to be Miss Canine Pet Talker 2003!

Send all of your entries to me by PM. Depending on how many entries I get there may be a few parts to the contest. I will start the contest when I get 10 entries, I will start the first part, again depending how many entries I get! So get out the ole cam and dress up them pooches!

So far we have:
-Miss Happy
-Miss Lady
-Miss Sheba
-Miss Nala
-Miss Sadie
-Miss Ruby
-Miss Cami
-Miss Nina and Miss Ashlee

06-20-2003, 03:56 PM
lol love the banner! :D Good luck to all participants! :D

06-20-2003, 03:58 PM
Even though Simba's not female, he's going to be the mascot. :o

06-20-2003, 04:08 PM
Aren't all, well most, pageant judges male? ;) Good luck!!!

06-20-2003, 04:12 PM
I'd be funny if everyone has a digi video cam and they taped the walk or something and then some tricks for the talent :p

06-20-2003, 04:22 PM
I am PMing you right now! I got happy all dressed up!

06-20-2003, 04:34 PM
That's such a funny idea! I'm going to try to look around and see if I can find anything that shows off Wilma's tiny waist. :D

06-20-2003, 04:51 PM
Sounds like fun! :) I'll see if I can dress up Lady extra-special for it.

06-20-2003, 05:21 PM
Cool! I'm gonna try to dress Chloe up. :D

06-20-2003, 05:51 PM
kayann im going to pm u later!! i wont be too late will i??

06-20-2003, 06:28 PM
Nope, I've only gotten two in so far. Miss Lady's and Miss Happy's.

06-20-2003, 07:59 PM
I want more entries!!! lol

06-20-2003, 08:19 PM
Count Tikeya in lol I have to get her to stay still for me to dress her up though lol. I dought it will work. :rolleyes:.

06-21-2003, 08:15 AM
:D will have to dress the girls up tomorrow and get some pics lol

good luck to all the sweet girls out there :)

i will upload them tomorrow ~yay~

06-21-2003, 12:32 PM
Ruby wants to enter! I'll get to work on the pic & PM it too you ASAP :D

Simba, you are such a good sport for your mommy ;)

06-21-2003, 08:02 PM
Please try and get them pics in!! I want to be able to start it tomorrow or Monday!!

06-21-2003, 08:05 PM
Just PM'd our's to you. This should be a really cute contest:D

06-22-2003, 01:48 PM
I just pm'd you, Wilma has an entry also.

06-22-2003, 04:37 PM
Buford would like an honorable mention.


He realizes he's the wrong gender, but don't you think he should get an "A" for effort?!?

06-22-2003, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Cheshirekatt
Buford would like an honorable mention.


He realizes he's the wrong gender, but don't you think he should get an "A" for effort?!?

definitly!! Cami said you would pass as a little lady by her.. she says you look vewwy cute buford!!! ;) uh oh better not say that!! She likes mikEE!! :eek:

06-22-2003, 04:57 PM
Don't end the contest yet! I'm going to be entering pictures today!!!! :) :) :)

06-22-2003, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
definitly!! Cami said you would pass as a little lady by her.. she says you look vewwy cute buford!!! ;) uh oh better not say that!! She likes mikEE!! :eek:

lol Amber :D Nah, Mick's not the jealous type...yet ;)

06-22-2003, 06:07 PM
lol :D ;)

06-22-2003, 08:08 PM
My mom is watching my dogs until Tuesday since I've been working so much the past few days. So I'll enter Lolly's pics on Tuesday if there are enough to have a part 2 of the contest. I hope to be able to enter her!