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06-20-2003, 01:16 PM
July 20th.........Los Angeles.........Gini's and Rascal's home..........

We were going to be hosts for our lovely Belgian family........but sadly, they won't be with us this year - we are hoping for next year!!

HOWEVER, Rascal heard the word CHICKEN on the barbecue
and he has been drooling ever since.

How many can still make it - I hope everyone will still plan on coming.

Please respond here, or p/m me...and we can put the final touches on plans for this day.

We are looking forward to meeting all of you and having a great day!!

06-20-2003, 01:29 PM
Ooohh... I wish i could come. Barbecued Chicken sounds yummy!

06-20-2003, 03:36 PM
As much as I wanted to come, Bassett's surgery and recovery takes my full time devotion! So, next year for me too! :)

06-20-2003, 09:21 PM
I know Kelly and I are still planning on coming! :D The hubbies will be coming along with. I'm looking forward to it! :D

06-20-2003, 10:12 PM
I'll be there - I can't wait!!!!!

Miss Meow
06-21-2003, 03:12 AM
We wish, we wish! But we will be there in spirit! :)

06-21-2003, 04:53 AM
We will be there in spirit too...!
Oh, seeing this thread brought tears in my eyes. Of course, my operation and recovery are the most important now; but it still hurts that we had to cancel the whole trip :( :( :( .
I hope I will be able to make a few day-trips to the sea (is 1 hour driving). It isn't much; but it's better than nothing!

Have fun at the barbecue! I expect to smell the barbecued chicken and corn-on-the-cob from here, Gini ;) :p :p :p

06-21-2003, 07:04 AM

I wish I could come, too, and meet all you wonderful Pet Talkers!

Well, one day!

06-22-2003, 11:51 AM
I sure hope the weather here warms up before July 20th.

So far, I think I see five people coming...........

Richard...did you see this thread?

What happened to Kohala and Laurie? I'll email them.

I am getting hungry.........and excited to meet more Pet Talkers!

06-22-2003, 12:38 PM

ready to go!!!

06-22-2003, 12:44 PM
As Martha Stewart would say......"this is a good thing":D :D :D

Are we allowed to mention her name on Pet Talk?:rolleyes: :p

06-22-2003, 02:35 PM

It all sounds great to me.:D A little far from Indy, but ah well...
I'll be there in spirit too. Hope everything tuns out great for
this getogether. Did anyone mention pics yet? Would love to
see some . :D :D Have fun.

06-22-2003, 04:14 PM
I will be there!!! Sadly, David wont be able to come, his stupid company is sending him to Nevada for about three weeks beginning July 18th! :( He's bummed he can't come, but even more upset that he might miss his niece's birth...she's due on July 22! :( :(

Gini...I'm gonna PM you so I can help plan this. Its going to be so much fun! Yay!!!

So, the count would be: Gini (and Rascal), Karen (wolflady) & Aaron, Me, The Anti Pam (Pam?), Richard (any guests?)??

Anyone else??? :D

Don't worry about not having David help in the cooking/bbq department, my grandmother taught me how to cook, she was a caterer...English, at that!! ;) (Gini....if I come early, I'll bring the tea and crumpets!!)

06-22-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

So, the count would be: Gini (and Rascal), Karen (wolflady) & Aaron, Me, The Anti Pam (Pam?), Richard (any guests?)??

lol, now who in their right mind would want to be seen with me???:eek:

i know this is your party but i need to know the who wants mild/hot/scorch-your-rear-end salsa!!!!


06-22-2003, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
i know this is your party but i need to know the who wants mild/hot/scorch-your-rear-end salsa!!!!

Oh no!! Now David will be really sad he's missing this! He LOVES hotter than hell salsa!!!! :eek:

06-22-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Oh no!! Now David will be really sad he's missing this! He LOVES hotter than hell salsa!!!! :eek:



tell ya what...
i'll give you the recipe and he'll be potty-
uh, putty in your hands.....

oh my!....

06-22-2003, 06:13 PM
Its a deal! ;)

06-22-2003, 06:18 PM
Hmmm - really HOT salsa.........

guess it won't matter what my food tastes like.......with hot salsa - you can't taste nuttin else!:) :) :)

06-22-2003, 07:22 PM
Okay, so this is Sunday, 20 July? Rats, I'd heard it was changed to Sat. 19 July which is just barely do-able, but Sunday really isn't for me... What a pity.

06-22-2003, 09:28 PM
I'm thinking of going. Wolflady, Karen, said that if I decided to go that I could ride with her and Aaron. Is it still going to be on Sunday July 20th? AmberLee and I were over at Karen and Aaron's house yesterday and she said that she thought that the date had been changed to Sat. July 19th. If I do go I'll also need a place to stay. Please someone pm me with the details.

06-22-2003, 09:32 PM
Now that David will be gone, you can stay with us too Tracey!! It'll be a slumber party!! We can give Aaron the bedroom and all hang out in the living room!!

PM me if that sounds like something you would want to do. If not, I can also give you very close by hotel information. :)

06-22-2003, 09:44 PM
I just p/m'd Kelly about talking on the phone.

WOW! It would be so wonderful if EVERYONE could make it.

I am very agreeable to changing the date - if that is in everyone's best interest.

I would love to have both Tracey and Pauline too. You are both welcome to stay with me too..........no need for an expense of a hotel.

Yes, and there will be pictures AND people who really know how to post them............(I am still in the beginning stages and finally got a picture (test) off to Nicole in Australia).

This is going to be so much fun................Rascal says he doesn' t care who comes - just as long as the menu includes chicken!!

06-22-2003, 11:59 PM
This sounds great. :D I think that having it on Saturday would be better and then hopefully AmberLee would be able to go too. :) I'll pm you now Kelly.

06-23-2003, 12:32 AM
Wow, this is sounding do-able now. I'm scheduled to have that Friday off, so we could travel on Friday and Sunday and meet on Saturday. But is this change going to make things difficult for the rest of the people planning on attending?

06-23-2003, 01:14 AM
Hey, Amberlee....wanna come join the "sleep over"?????

06-23-2003, 12:52 PM
I just heard about the date change from Gini. I've already booked my flight from the East Coast to arrive the morning of the 20th, Sunday. If I try to change now to arrive Saturday it will cost an extra $100 at least. If I were going to San Diego first and taking the train up from there it wouldn't matter, but I saved a bundle by going to LA first and THEN going to see my brother, returning East on the 29th from San Diego. ARRRRRRRGH

06-23-2003, 02:27 PM
OMG! I'm getting really excited about this! I think it will be a blast. Themes anyone? What about shirts? Should I come up with some shirt design ideas?? LOL
Laurie, don't sweat it about coming in on the 20th, even if we meet on Sat, we can meet on Sunday too! ;) We'll make a full weekend of it, if that's ok with everyone! :D

What's on the menu? Does anyone like Tandoori chicken? I have a great Tandoori marinade I can soak some chicken in and bring down. Amberlee, if you come with us...you HAVE to make that fruit salad! ;) :o

HOT salsa....the hotter, the better! ;) :p What things can I bring down?

06-23-2003, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
OMG! I'm getting really excited about this! I think it will be a blast. Themes anyone? What about shirts? Should I come up with some shirt design ideas?? LOL
Laurie, don't sweat it about coming in on the 20th, even if we meet on Sat, we can meet on Sunday too! ;) We'll make a full weekend of it, if that's ok with everyone! :D

What's on the menu? Does anyone like Tandoori chicken? I have a great Tandoori marinade I can soak some chicken in and bring down. Amberlee, if you come with us...you HAVE to make that fruit salad! ;) :o

HOT salsa....the hotter, the better! ;) :p What things can I bring down?
*We could meet on both days if that will work out for Gini.

*Menu: Gini and I discussed having chicken and hamburgers and all the stuff that goes with it. We're planning on providing the food, you travelers don't need to worry about food. Karen, if you want to help me fix the stuff at our apartment, that's totally cool with me.

*Things for Karen to bring: Karen, Aaron, Pauline & Tracey. ;)

06-23-2003, 03:34 PM
I am dashing out the door for an appointment.........but a PET TALK WEEKEND sounds fine to me!!

Not to worry Laurie - we all want to meet you.......

06-23-2003, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by wolflady

HOT salsa....the hotter, the better! ;) :p

sign a medical release and you got it!!!!!


06-24-2003, 12:02 AM
Yes, I'll be there. :D If we also meet on Sunday, I know that AmberLee needs to get back sometime on Sunday so she can be at work on Monday and I have a 9am dental appointment on Monday so we may not be able to stay very long. I can't wait to meet everyone and talk about our furkids. :D

06-24-2003, 05:11 AM

This sounds like so much fun - with lovely people and yummy food.
There's only one thing stops me coming.................M - I - L - E S AND M - I - L - E S!!!

Have fun everyone!


06-24-2003, 06:05 AM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

This sounds like so much fun - with lovely people and yummy food.
There's only one thing stops me coming.................M - I - L - E S AND M - I - L - E S!!!

Have fun everyone!


Me too Lynne! Me too! :)

06-24-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by lynnestankard

There's only one thing stops me coming.................M - I - L - E S AND M - I - L - E S!!!



give me a chance to talk to him.......i'll straighten him out...:mad:


06-24-2003, 12:54 PM
MMMMM - notin like charred bits of bird parts ....actually, I love BBQ'd chicken.

Wish I could be there. Make sure Richard pours the drinks.:D :D and take lots and lots of pictures.

06-24-2003, 01:06 PM
WHO'S MILES? give me a chance to talk to him.......i'll straighten him out
you tell him RICHARD. He tried to pull that macho, fancy stuff with Pricilla and look where it got him :rolleyes: that ol' John Alden is still laughing at him :eek: :D ;) ;)

06-24-2003, 01:29 PM
Is it BBQ time yet???

We'll be taking lots of pictures. :) That's eveyone's assignment...bring a camera and shoot away! We'll have Gini's Rascal to love...poor thing, he's gonna get so much attention, he wont know what to do!! ;)

06-24-2003, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by slick
MMMMM - notin like charred bits of bird parts ....actually, I love BBQ'd chicken.

Wish I could be there. Make sure Richard pours the drinks.:D :D and take lots and lots of pictures.

Great idea!

OK Richard, it looks like your on drink duty! Bring some midori and some sweet and sour mix! :D Oh, and Bailey's!!! Also, bring whatever else your heart desires!
BTW, where's this release I need to sign?? :p Can't forget the hot sauce too!!! :eek: :D

Amberlee, you MUST bring that fruit salad!! ;)

06-24-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Now that David will be gone, you can stay with us too Tracey!! It'll be a slumber party!! We can give Aaron the bedroom and all hang out in the living room!!

PM me if that sounds like something you would want to do. If not, I can also give you very close by hotel information. :)

LOL LOL How fun! Looks like we're up for a girly slumber party! :D I'll be sure to bring my sleeping bag! Aaron gave me this look last night and he said "how long to I have to hang out?" :o Poor thing. I told him there would be at least one other guy there: Richard. He then looked at me and said..."how far away are your aunt and uncle from Kelly and the PT people?" LOL LOL ROTFL!! How rude...hehehehehehehehehe
I think he's a bit scared, but he knows he's on hamburger duty! He makes great hamburgers! :D

06-24-2003, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

ha ha, that's a good one, Richard :p :p :p

06-24-2003, 02:17 PM
Good for you Richard!!

I wish someone would sort him out LOL! Without him travelling would be a doddle!!


06-24-2003, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
OK Richard, it looks like your on drink duty! ... Amberlee, you MUST bring that fruit salad!! ;)

Can I put in a bid for ice tea?

The fruit salad's good, isn't it? I might take the fixings and make it there. We're expecting 10 or so on Saturday, right?

06-24-2003, 06:35 PM
Confirmed Count as follows:

Woflady + Aaron
------------- 8 (plus Rascal)

Wolflady + Aaron
Gini's neighbors
---------------------- 10 (plus Rascal and the doggies) ;)

Is that right??

06-24-2003, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

Wolflady + Aaron
Gini's neighbors

Is that right??

if no one objects, i could do both days!!!!!!!:eek:

and while out today i saw a sign that said

35 Miles an hour........

so that's about a 'MILES' every two minutes....i'm gonna be busy:confused:

06-24-2003, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
if no one objects, i could do both days!!!!!!!:eek:

Sounds good to me! :) I'll go edit my post above to include you.

06-24-2003, 09:14 PM
Awwww, even though I don't know you all, I still wish that I could go!!!! I wanna meet some more animal lovers! I'll be stuck in Willows, Ca for my husband's motorcycle race that weekend. :rolleyes:

06-25-2003, 06:50 AM
doggies? did someone say doggies will be there too? Does Rascal know about this :eek: How many, I need to be prepared with enough treats (can't bring big food stuff on the plane but a few bags of kitty treats and dog treats can certainly fit in my carry-on). Gini, I looked up your address on mapquest and must say, my co-workers and family are QUITE impressed I'm invited to a picnic in BEVERY HILLS :cool: I mean, it looks to be close and it's my lie, I can tell it any way I want to:p ;) :cool:

06-25-2003, 09:14 AM
Answers to recent questions..................

1. Yes, Pauline, you can request Iced Tea.......consider it done!
I have one of those Iced Tea makers I use in summer a lot.

2. Did someone ask for Bailey's? I have a whole unopened

3. Kohala can make in on Saturday........just had a p/m from her.

4. Yes, Richard you can come both days. Do you do dishes?

06-25-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by gini

Answers to recent questions..................


4. Yes, Richard you can come both days. Do you do dishes?:D :D

5. Laurie, your post made me laugh. Welllllllll, yes if you want to stretch the truth a bit I do live "near" Beverly Hills. Actually it is only a ten minute drive away - and the ocean is about a 20 minute drive away - depending entirely on traffic.

4. cool!!! yes i have been known to sling a few suds now and then......kitchen police is one of my fortes..

5. 90210!!!!!!


06-25-2003, 02:33 PM
I was wondering if there is someplace (perhaps animal-related) that all of us could go to during the day Saturday? Depending on how long Gini wants to put up with us! LOL LOL I know the San Diego Zoo and Sea World would probably be too far (3 hours about, right?), but is there something nearby we could visit? After a day of fun in the sun, we could head back to Gini's for the BBQ. What do ya'll think of this idea?

How about the T-shirts? should I come up with some designs? :D


06-25-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
I was wondering if there is someplace (perhaps animal-related) that all of us could go to during the day Saturday? Depending on how long Gini wants to put up with us! LOL LOL I know the San Diego Zoo and Sea World would probably be too far (3 hours about, right?), but is there something nearby we could visit? After a day of fun in the sun, we could head back to Gini's for the BBQ. What do ya'll think of this idea?

How about the T-shirts? should I come up with some designs? :D


there is a dog park in the valley a few (15?) miles north of her place, there is Griffith Park......i'll check the signs.....i think it's a 'leash park' but there is room for the poochies to run around...

Miss Meow
06-25-2003, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by gini

4. Yes, Richard you can come both days. Do you do dishes?

He also does windows ;)

06-25-2003, 06:23 PM
How about the LA zoo??? I haven't been there since I was little. How far is that from you Gini?

I volunteer as designated driver if you all want to throw back a few. I have to warn you, I'll need a GOOD navigator though, I get lost if I blink!!! ;) (hee hee, that's why I married David!)

Shirts are cool, just as long as we don't ALL wear them if we go anywhere....I'm one of those girls. ;) ;) :D

Doggies....Gini's neighbor may stop by. Gini said they have two goldens! How cool is that???

06-25-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
How about the LA zoo

Shirts are cool, just as long as we don't ALL wear them if we go anywhere....I'm one of those girls. ;) ;) :D

i'm not going anywhere if anyone decides to go without a shirt on.....


06-25-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
i'm not going anywhere if anyone decides to go without a shirt on.....


So far the only one that definitely will not wear a shirt is RASCAL!!:D :D

06-25-2003, 07:32 PM
Wish I could come ....... but alas ..... MILES and MILES effect me too ...........

..... but I promise to wear a shirt in your BBQ's honour!!!

06-25-2003, 07:36 PM
L.A. Zoo is about a 20 - 30 minute drive away from me. Not that far - it is always about traffic!!

Because we have others that may arrive at varying times, I probably will stay here to man the fort (or barbecue grill).

Kelly, we need to figure out how far away from me you are -driving time. Check with David, but my guess is that it is an hours drive.

Stay tuned - you know there will be more ideas!!:) :)

06-25-2003, 07:42 PM
My neighbor's Goldens will be worth your whole trip here.

Yes, Laurie, we could see them on Sunday too.........

Rusty is magnificent...........and his little sister, Ginger, wants always to have whatever Rusty is having (attention, attention).

My two little outdoor girls will probably never be seen. However, the first one that gets to see them should receive a prize, and if they could actually touch one.........well Good Luck!! They are identical twins - short haired orange tabbies. No, Rascal is not the father - even though he has been accused!

One is named Annie and the other is Emma. I haven't talked about them at all on Pet Talk because it is a long and not always pleasant subject. They are feral, and so far I think I am the only one that has touched them...........

06-25-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
i'm not going anywhere if anyone decides to go without a shirt on.....

Awwww.....come on, California's liberal.... ;)

06-25-2003, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by gini
Kelly, we need to figure out how far away from me you are -driving time. Check with David, but my guess is that it is an hours drive.

Yea, I think that's about how long it'll take. :)

06-26-2003, 12:00 AM
:o :( I got a call from our training department today. A class I signed up for in January is being scheduled. So far it looks like it will start Mon. 21 July. At this moment the idea of driving 8 hours or so Sunday before a rather demanding class on Monday sounds overwhelming. So sorry about this, but I think I can't make it after all. :( Will keep you informed as the schedule isn't firm yet... but I need/want this class and it isn't given often. :(

06-26-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
:o :( I got a call from our training department today. A class I signed up for in January is being scheduled. So far it looks like it will start Mon. 21 July. At this moment the idea of driving 8 hours or so Sunday before a rather demanding class on Monday sounds overwhelming. So sorry about this, but I think I can't make it after all. :( Will keep you informed as the schedule isn't firm yet... but I need/want this class and it isn't given often. :(

This is not good news................I was so looking forward to meeting you Pauline!

06-26-2003, 03:46 AM

I'll be waiting for pictures!

06-26-2003, 10:51 AM
Maybe AmberLee can fly down. I know that Karen said that she'll probably be staying longer than Sunday so I'm also thinking of flying. I may ride down and then fly back. I need to look into the price of a one way vs. a two way ticket. :) Since I also have family in San Clemente, I may try to visit them too.

06-26-2003, 11:13 AM
I know that with some searching, that inexpensive airfares are available.

I hope that works out to be an option.

06-26-2003, 07:33 PM
Oh no Pauline! :(

I hope something can work out.

06-27-2003, 03:45 PM

Just wanted to keep this "alive". Anyone else in CA interested?

06-27-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Oh no Pauline! :(

I hope something can work out.

You and Gini and all are SO sweet... It doesn't look like it's going to work out this time, :( but surely it will be such a rousing success that it will happen again sometime, won't it? ;) :D


06-28-2003, 01:41 AM
Darn! :(

We understand though. :)

Yes!! I'm sure we'll do it again!! I've already invited Kona & Oreo's Mom to a future PT Meeting wherever it'll be. :)

06-30-2003, 12:54 AM
I just had a wonderful long conversation with Kelly and we have come up with the final menu:

Here it is:

Richard's Salsa and assorted other munchies........
Soft Drinks
Iced Tea

Hamburgers and all of the trimmings.
BBQ Chicken
Fruit Kabobs (don't those sound good?) Kelly will make them.
Corn on the Cob
Potato Salad

Homemade Ice Cream
Brownies (didn't discuss this with Kelly)

We also talked about everyone's schedule and we will each be p/ming others to coordinate times so everyone gets picked up on time - or dropped off in time for planes, trains..whatever........

I know that I am starting to get really excited about the

And because some people far more clever than I will be attending.....we might even be able to have some pictures the very same day! How about that?

06-30-2003, 01:11 AM
Gini, the menu sounds great. It's making me hungry already. :D I'll be sure to take many pictures but since I'll be going to San Clemente to visit my family after the barbecue, I won't be able to post pics until Sun. July 27th or later. I'll have to look up the thread with pics after I get back. I can't wait to meet everyone. I'm sure we'll have a great time. :D

06-30-2003, 01:11 AM
YAY!!! I can't wait! We are going to have a feast!!

We'll have the icecream makers going on Saturday morning. I'm so glad you suggested that, Gini! We got one for our wedding and love to use it, but forget to.

OK, how many days left??? Only 20/21!!!

For those attending Saturday, please let me know who wants to go to the L.A. zoo for the day.

Thanks! :)

06-30-2003, 02:36 PM

06-30-2003, 02:39 PM
menu sounds great but what?? no haggis? ;)

06-30-2003, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
menu sounds great but what?? no haggis? ;)

Geeze, I didn't know we were allowed to print that word on the internet:D :D :D

06-30-2003, 03:04 PM
Hey, how did I miss answering this one??? :confused: :confused:

I'll be there Saturday - anyone need transport or assistance just say the word - I'm in the area!

I'll work with Gini on adding something to the menu - I'm hungry already!!!! C'ya all soon!


06-30-2003, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
menu sounds great but what?? no haggis? ;)

sorry, i just don't have the stomach for that...;)

lol, i drive by the Zoo parking lot almost everyday to get to work.......now maybe i'll find out exactly what is behind the gates.

06-30-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
sorry, i just don't have the stomach for that...;)
Ewwwwww!!! I've been sick all day today and...ick, that just turned my stomach. :( NONE of that will be there, right Gini??

06-30-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
menu sounds great but what?? no haggis? ;)

Uh, Laurie, you aren't planning on bringing some are you??

Kelly and I are getting worried. Next thing you know Phred will show up with that Klam Juice to go with it.

Phred would be welcome of course, sans Klara Klam.

07-01-2003, 01:11 AM

Zoo List:
Karen & Aaron
Me (lets all pray I'll be feeling good!)

Anyone else???

07-01-2003, 07:32 AM
OH NO!!*** Not the dreaded kLaM jUIce!! Aggghhhh.........


07-01-2003, 07:42 AM
awright already, no haggis - no dreaded KLAM JUZ :rolleyes: geezie peezie where is your sense of adventure ;) hmmmm, with the crew that's going to be there I spose we'll have enough adventure on our own :D besides which I don't think airport security would look too fondly at a suspicious type like me carrying WMD like haggis into a crowd :rolleyes:

There's always a lot to be thankful for if you take time to look for
it. For example I am sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt.

07-01-2003, 06:23 PM
Attn: Karen, Aaron & Tracey (My slumber party friends)

Just went to store to get some things and decided to buy our munchies for while you are down here. (4th of July sale) Let me warn you now...this weekend is NOT for dieting. ;)

I got:
*Pepperage Farm Entertaining Collection cookies
*Microwave popcorn (butter lite and honey butter)
*Mini-size Snickers
*Orange slices (candy)
*Pepsi & Sprite

I will get:
*Stuff for breakfast (the 19th) and dinner (the 18th)
*Fruit (cherries, strawberries, peaches, watermelon)

Any other things you'd want to have???

07-01-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Attn: Karen, Aaron & Tracey (My slumber party friends)

Just went to store to get some things and decided to buy our munchies for while you are down here. (4th of July sale) Let me warn you now...this weekend is NOT for dieting. ;)

I got:
*Pepperage Farm Entertaining Collection cookies
*Microwave popcorn (butter lite and honey butter)
*Mini-size Snickers
*Orange slices (candy)
*Pepsi & Sprite

I will get:
*Stuff for breakfast (the 19th) and dinner (the 18th)
*Fruit (cherries, strawberries, peaches, watermelon)

Any other things you'd want to have???
Kelly are you trying to fatten us up? :D As far as soda goes I usually drink diet coke. So if you could pick some up that would be great. If you can't then I'll get some when we get down there. :)

07-01-2003, 11:57 PM
What, no movies???

07-02-2003, 12:34 AM
Tracey, I'll get some diet coke as well. :)

Movies??? Yep, we got movies...I have a ton of chick flicks... ;) And...a bridal party spa kit that I never used for my wedding. FUN!! :D

07-02-2003, 07:05 AM
chick flicks? bridal party whaaaat? uh oh, I feel a testosterone revolt coming on :eek: Margaritas are lovely but are there "blue laws" in CA? Will there be some place I could buy a jug of white wine, some soda and a lime for some white wine spritzers on a Sunday? It just sounds ever so civilized.

07-02-2003, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
Margaritas are lovely but are there "blue laws" in CA? Will there be some place I could buy a jug of white wine, some soda and a lime for some white wine spritzers on a Sunday? It just sounds ever so civilized.

lol. we invented the rehab clinic....

ahem, remember BETTY FORD?????

07-02-2003, 12:33 PM
LOL LOL This is great! Everything I would have chosen for a party! ;) LOL YUM!
I can bring some movies down too! It's all about those chick flicks! ;) :o

Laurie, I can bring down some fabulous wines for the fiesta on Saturday...both red and white! Does anyone have a preference?

Also, I will bring my very special "cat-in-the-tree" wine. It is my very favorite (and not only because there is a cat in the tree on the label: hence what I call it) sparkling sweet wine! I only break it out for special occasions, and a PT meeting definitely calls for it.

Everyone, let me know wine preferences and if you all like champaygne-type (sparkling) wine! :D

Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Attn: Karen, Aaron & Tracey (My slumber party friends)

Just went to store to get some things and decided to buy our munchies for while you are down here. (4th of July sale) Let me warn you now...this weekend is NOT for dieting. ;)

I got:
*Pepperage Farm Entertaining Collection cookies
*Microwave popcorn (butter lite and honey butter)
*Mini-size Snickers
*Orange slices (candy)
*Pepsi & Sprite

I will get:
*Stuff for breakfast (the 19th) and dinner (the 18th)
*Fruit (cherries, strawberries, peaches, watermelon)

Any other things you'd want to have???

07-02-2003, 12:38 PM
Karen, I'm more a dry white wine kinda person but I won't be flying in until Sunday anyway so don't worry about me, I can probably pick some up on my way to Gini's or maybe just stash a bottle in my backpack. Can't wait to see you again and meet all the new faces (new to me anyway)

07-02-2003, 12:54 PM
You can sure tell that this event is under control. We are down to discussing types of wine and types of movies.

Laurie I p/m'd you.......dry white wine is always on hand.

I am starting to laugh.....we are going to have so much food and so many types of wine - maybe we should change this to the California Pet Talk WEEK!

(so no one needs to drive).

Blue laws? No one ever gets blue in California!! Right Richard???

07-02-2003, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by gini

Blue laws? No one ever gets blue in California!! Right Richard???

nope the only things that I can think of are the
sky and ocean here in the big orange

07-02-2003, 01:27 PM
even cowgirls get the blues :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-02-2003, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by gini
You can sure tell that this event is under control. We are down to discussing types of wine

Uuummmm.....got a question for you guys....is this party in California by chance? ;) :D Seems like there can't be a party in California without a discussion of wines first. ;) :D

Sounds like you're all going to have a great time! Wish we could be there.....:( .........can't wait for all the pics and great stories. We want lots of "evidence." :D

07-02-2003, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
Uuummmm.....got a question for you guys....is this party in California by chance? ;) :D Seems like there can't be a party in California without a discussion of wines first. ;) :D

Sounds like you're all going to have a great time! Wish we could be there.....:( .........can't wait for all the pics and great stories. We want lots of "evidence." :D

Absolutely! I have become such a wine nut since I moved here, and I have quite the collection of wines! LOL LOL We'll be sure to take lots of pics for you! ;)

07-02-2003, 01:57 PM
:D :D :D Well, of course, it is in California!!:D :D :D
(read snooty patootie here).

Hamburgers call for a lovely red wine

Chicken calls for a white...........:D :D :D

Hmm, maybe cameras should be banned?

Oh well, too late, Karen already said there would be wine AND CAMERAS!

07-02-2003, 02:09 PM
Maybe we should all wear masks. the names have been changed to protect the innocent :cool:

07-02-2003, 02:41 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Maybe we should all wear masks. the names have been changed to protect the innocent :cool:


just go to the post office to see my pic...:eek:

07-02-2003, 06:08 PM
LOL Yes, cameras are a MUST! :D Also, everyone must bring pictures of their pets! I already have a pile ready to go! Laurie, finally you'll get to see some pics of my babies! I can't believe I forgot them last time! :rolleyes: :o

This sure will be fun!

07-04-2003, 12:06 AM
Any takers for the zoo on Saturday, the 19th??

07-04-2003, 09:04 AM
Happy 4th of July!!

I think it is time that we coordinate plans so that we have some fairly firm times to give every one.

I will p/m everyone with directions, address and phone number.

Saturday, I would like to have the BBQ start at around 2 PM.
However, I am flexible...........

Sunday is the day we really need to coordinate because we have Laurie arriving by plane.......and we need to pick her up......and then have enough time to eat.........and time to drive to the train station for both Tracey and Laurie.

This morning I woke up thinking about the event, cleaning my grill, getting food, and all of the fun that goes into it!!

07-04-2003, 09:21 AM
This morning, I woke up with this thought:"Today, we were supposed to fly to San Fransisco..."
Sniff sniff.....

07-04-2003, 09:24 AM
But Lut, look at it this way.........this year we will have a trial run of the First Annual California Pet Talk BBQ. So, when you come NEXT year, we will have it just right for you! And you will be completely healed and be able to enjoy yourself to the fullest!

07-04-2003, 09:29 AM
Gini, you are an angel but please don't worry about me. You build it (bar-b-que) and I will come. I'm pretty adaptable to arrangements and Tracey p.m'd me about the train so things will be fine. My plane is due to arrive at 11:30 a.m. Pacific time Sunday and I can surely figure out a way to get to your place (watch out Beverly Hills :D ;)) Thanks for the offer for the airport pickup but if you are going to be the hostess w/ the mostess for two days running you shouldn't have to worry about being a chauffer for out of towners as well. Just relax and enjoy this wonderful time.
Lut, next year.......... hooray! Just get well.

07-04-2003, 11:21 AM
God, I'm so jealous. Wish I could be there...:( :(

07-04-2003, 01:29 PM
We'll be sure and have a toast to you...I'll get pictures, so it'll be like you were there. :) I'm sorry you aren't able to come this year. But, just think. With you home, getting all better, you'll be so comfortable for next year. :D

Zoo people:

I'll PM everyone else to see if anyone else wants to go. The zoo opens at 10:00 AM and I recommend being there when the gates open. It'll be a bit hot and then it'll give us at least three hours to wander around.

If you guys want, Karen and Aaron will be leaving to go home on Sunday at about 5ish. We can take Laurie and Tracey to the train station and then they can go on home (after we drop ME off)? Would that work?

A 2:00 start time for Saturday is fine with me!

Sunday, any time is fine with me. I PM'd Laurie to see if Karen and I could pick her up from LAX, since Karen and her know each other a little bit, it'll be easy to find her. :)

07-04-2003, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

If you guys want, Karen and Aaron will be leaving to go home on Sunday at about 5ish. We can take Laurie and Tracey to the train station and then they can go on home (after we drop ME off)? Would that work?

Yes, that will work since there's a 6:35 pm train leaving on Sunday. So I'll just plan to take this one. :D

07-06-2003, 12:41 AM
Why???? Why oh why must you be in Southern Cali when I'm way up here in Nor Cali??????????????????

*Light Bulb Swtiches On In Crystal's Head*

Those of you that can't make it because you're in Nor Cali....we could always meet up here.....I live less than 5 miles from a bark park, too......

would anyone be interested in trying to have a "Nor Cali" meeting this Summer???

07-06-2003, 01:17 AM
Originally posted by CattleDogMom
Why???? Why oh why must you be in Southern Cali when I'm way up here in Nor Cali??????????????????

*Light Bulb Swtiches On In Crystal's Head*

Those of you that can't make it because you're in Nor Cali....we could always meet up here.....I live less than 5 miles from a bark park, too......

would anyone be interested in trying to have a "Nor Cali" meeting this Summer??? I also live in the Northern California area so maybe some of us Northern Californians can set up a meeting sometime soon. :) I noticed that you have both cats, dogs and fish. I only have 4 cats and I've been going to quite a few cat shows too. This might also interest you. :)

07-06-2003, 01:22 AM
Yes, I have quite an aray of fur/scale-babies. But, I'm sad to say, Cleetis was a bit inbred, and he didn't make it.

When you say cat shows, you mean like where they judge them? Because I have a pedigre Flame Point Siamese, and I'm told all the time I should show him. Even if I don't put him in cat shows, it would be interesting just to go to one and see what goes on.

I think it would be great to get the Northern Californians that can't make it together up here. Hey, I have a BBQ too!


07-06-2003, 06:48 PM

07-07-2003, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

whatsamatter u?

07-07-2003, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by CattleDogMom
whatsamatter u?
*bump* means I'm bumping the thread up to the surface again. They tend to go to the next page if no one posts. :)

07-07-2003, 02:14 AM
ahhhh, I see. I guess there's not so many Nor Cali people like I thought.



07-07-2003, 02:15 AM
There are quite a few...but, lots of people only check Pet Talk during the week. :)

07-07-2003, 11:16 PM
Like NM says, a lot are tied up on holiday weekends and can't get to PT. Also, it seems like there are a lot planning the upcoming So. CA get-together. I'd like to wait to plan a No. CA once that one's complete. (Life's getting complicated right now and I can only hold so much in my head, pathetic, but true.)

07-08-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
Like NM says, a lot are tied up on holiday weekends and can't get to PT. Also, it seems like there are a lot planning the upcoming So. CA get-together. I'd like to wait to plan a No. CA once that one's complete. (Life's getting complicated right now and I can only hold so much in my head, pathetic, but true.)

Yeah, I guess I just didn't realize it was a holiday weekend, and others have lives, unlike myself....

I am willing to host the Nor Cali PT gathering. I live in Sacramento suburbs, Roseville to be exact and we have a Bark Park complete with various sized hydrants, unlimited flowing water and doggie swimming pools!

I can also BBQ like a son-of-a-gun!


07-08-2003, 12:25 AM
Sure, we can plan a Northern Cali PT meeting! Welcome to PT Crystal, if I haven't already welcomed you:) I also live in somewhat northern cali (Gilroy, CA to be exact). Maybe we can start another thread for a northern CA meeting? ;) Also, there is a group of us that usually tries to make it to the cat shows that come around from time to time. Primarily the Pleasanton cat shows are the best, but there are others too! We'll be sure to all keep in touch for those.

I'm looking forward to the PT BBQ weekend! It's only 2 weeks away! I'll be diving into my "wine cellar" to pick a few wines to bring down! ;)


Let me know if there's anything besides wine, pictures and a camera to bring down! ;)

07-08-2003, 12:43 AM
Thanks for the welcome Karen...yes, we've met.

I will let you do the honors of starting the Nor Cali thread, since it is your forum.

I know Gilroy well....I lived in San Jose for a while, and my in-laws live in San Jo.

We have nice weather up here in Sac until about Early October, and sometimes even up to Halloween, so that should give us pleanty of time to plan.


07-09-2003, 01:47 PM
Only 8 more days and our CA PT meeting begins!!! WOOHOO!!!!! :D :D :D

07-10-2003, 12:26 AM
Yeah!!! :D I can hardly wait. :D

07-10-2003, 12:47 AM

Yes, a postman arrived today at my door and he had in his arms this big RED THING and it had my name on it.

And it is from Australia. Nicole and Shane have sent a very special surprise for all of us for our Barbecue weekend. This is our very own Miss Meow. It is so special for them to do this. I really wish that they could have delivered this in person.

I am not going to tell you what it is either........hee hee.......you just have to wait until you get here.

(I love being a brat!!)

07-10-2003, 12:58 AM
Wow!!!:eek: Now I'm getting even more excited about this PT meeting!!!:D :D Gini, can't you at least give us a little hint. ;)

07-10-2003, 01:03 AM
Originally posted by gini

(I love being a brat!!)

Hee, Hee, read that part again! Not even a tiny hint.................

Miss Meow
07-10-2003, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by gini

Yes, a postman arrived today at my door and he had in his arms this big RED THING and it had my name on it.
(I love being a brat!!)

Are you serious? Has it arrived already? !!! :D

Was it carried by black-suited goons with RayBans and direct phone links to the CIA??? ;)

Shall we post a pic I sent you of the package?

07-10-2003, 01:22 AM
Is that why I had to be fingerprinted before they would release it to me. They did this eyeball scan too...........geeze, I am so dumb, I thought he was a postman...........and here it WAS the CIA.

07-10-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by gini

It is so special for them to do this. I really wish that they could have delivered this in person.

Did they send us a MEEZER?????

:) :D ;) :) :D ;) :) :D ;)


Miss Meow
07-10-2003, 01:32 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

Did they send us a MEEZER?????

:) :D ;) :) :D ;) :) :D ;)


What do you mean 'a meezer?' Maybe I could have fitted four in the container ...

07-10-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
What do you mean 'a meezer?' Maybe I could have fitted four in the container ...
WOOHOO!!!!!! Even better!!! I can't wait...is it next weekend yet?

How long can we keep them?

07-10-2003, 01:34 AM
Well, Nicole, shall I tell them?

It really is a case of Vegemite!!!

07-10-2003, 01:36 AM
Originally posted by gini
Well, Nicole, shall I tell them?

It really is a case of Vegemite!!!

WOW :eek: - a whole CASE of Vegemite!!!!!

Aren't you lucky!!! :p :D

P.S. If you HAD sent a MEEZER, I would NOT be happy!!! (mind you, neither would the MEEZER!!!)

Miss Meow
07-10-2003, 01:39 AM
The only good Vegemite is Vegemite that's out of this country ;)

07-10-2003, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by gini
Well, Nicole, shall I tell them?

It really is a case of Vegemite!!!


07-10-2003, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

What, you aren't excited? I thought we could just skip the burgers or maybe the chicken........:) :) :)

07-10-2003, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by gini
What, you aren't excited? I thought we could just skip the burgers or maybe the chicken........:) :) :)
I just checked my list of things I can eat...and guess what? Its not on there..... ;)

07-10-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
I just checked my list of things I can eat...and guess what? Its not on there..... ;)

Now that made me laugh out loud! Thanks!
What a great way to end up a lousy day!

07-10-2003, 01:59 AM
Originally posted by gini
Now that made me laugh out loud! Thanks!
What a great way to end up a lousy day!

Is that laugh worth a hint?? :) :) :)

07-10-2003, 02:03 AM
Pssst...........Can the people not coming to be barbeque be told secretly what Miss Meow's surprise is? ;);)

07-10-2003, 07:25 AM
well excuse me for being simple-minded but is vegamite something we can add to Richard's drink of the day :confused: after all, it is Thursday :D oh I'm soooo :confused:
p.s. gini, Karen is picking me up at the airport I think & she and I will figure out details.

07-10-2003, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Pssst...........Can the people not coming to be barbeque be told secretly what Miss Meow's surprise is? ;);)

oh yes; PLEASE .......:D

07-10-2003, 08:22 AM
Good morning everyone,

Well, now that you know what the surprise is.....VEGEMITE! YAY

For all of those attending, I would like you to learn this little song. I thought in Nicole and Shane's honor, we could sing it for them.

Please go to:


You are going to love it!

07-10-2003, 08:32 AM
lordy lordy Gini, are you always up and goofy this early in the morning :eek: I mean it must be 6:30 a.m. in LA How am I supposed to get through the rest of the day with dancing vegemites on my screen :D

07-10-2003, 10:49 AM
This may be a dumb question but what is Vegemite? I've heard of it before but what is it made of? What does it taste like?

07-10-2003, 11:16 AM
It is a yeast extract and I guess there are three different kinds.

It is a savory, not sweet and it is salty.

You spread it like jam, very thin on toast.

I tried it............and I have no more to say on the subject:D :D

07-10-2003, 11:29 AM
.......it goes well with haggis I bet :rolleyes:

07-10-2003, 11:56 AM
during the Aussie Olympics they did some reports on the local customs, sights and foods...

Vegemite was one of the subjects.

I MITE try some, but I MITE not....


Thank you!!!!

07-10-2003, 12:21 PM
Wow! I think I will bring a few cans of SPAM to go with that vegemite! We could make some tasty Vegemite and SPAM sandwiches! Who needs chicken and burgers, right?? :eek: ;)

07-10-2003, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by gini

...And it is from Australia. Nicole and Shane have sent a very special surprise for all of us for our Barbecue weekend. This is our very own Miss Meow. It is so special for them to do this. I really wish that they could have delivered this in person...

Thank you Miss Meow for sending us a treat! :) That is so sweet! We all with our friends from far away could join us for the BBQ, but you will be there in spirit! We'll take lots of pictures for you! :)


07-10-2003, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
during the Aussie Olympics they did some reports on the local customs, sights and foods...

Vegemite was one of the subjects.

I MITE try some, but I MITE not....

Thank you!!!!

Oh that brings back some horrible memories. I had a two-yr relationship with an English guy (won't go into detail here...) and he was addicted to Vegemite and Marmite. He put it on everything but as far as I'm concerned it's fit for the pit! And SPAM used to be my favourite when I was kid.

Have a really great time at the BBQ! I wish I could attend but that weekend I'm volunteering for a two-day dog-wash fundraiser for the Humane Society. Hmm, wash dog's privates, or fly to Cal for BBQ....tough decision. Really.

07-10-2003, 01:26 PM
Alright....now we have only 7 days till the fun begins!! :)

Here is a tentative schedule for the weekend...

FRIDAY, July 18
2-3:00...Karen, Aaron and Tracey arrive at my house (yay!!)

5-6:00ish...leave for Los Angeles/Universal City to meet with Richard for dinner and possibly a walk around City Walk (anyone interested is also invited as well...let me know!) :)

10:00 - Los Angeles zoo opens. Me, Karen, Aaron, Tracey (and anyone else that would like to come) will be there!

2:00 - Arrive for "BBQ Day One" at Gini's house. Attendees will be: Gini, Me, Karen, Aaron, Tracey, Richard, Kohala)

SUNDAY, July 20

*Not sure on start time, but Karen and I will drop off Aaron and Tracey at Gini's and go get Laurie from the airport around 11ish.

*TIME? BBQ Day Two begins!! (Attendees include same as above, with the addition of Laurie....gotta make an enterance....) :D

*5:30ish...get Tracey and Laurie to Union Station so they can go on to San Diego. (If my SIL is anywhere close to being in labor, I may be joining you!!!)

07-10-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by slick
Hmm, wash dog's privates, or fly to Cal for BBQ....tough decision. Really.

hot dogs or dog's dogs...lololol...

that's all i have to say about that.

oh man, let the silliness begin....:)

07-10-2003, 01:37 PM
I was biting my tongue on that one myself, but I knew I could count on SOMEONE not to let it go by. Thanks for not disapointing me Rich. Slick, you didn't REALLY think you could get away with that did you?

07-10-2003, 03:05 PM
Oh wait, we have another guest..............gosh, I sure don't want hurt feelings here.

Pam (Anti-Pam) is also coming.

I will be responding to everyone's p/m's soon, I just have another heavy work day.

07-10-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by gini
Oh wait, we have another guest..............gosh, I sure don't want hurt feelings here.

Pam (Anti-Pam) is also coming.

I will be responding to everyone's p/m's soon, I just have another heavy work day.

BAD Kelly!!! I forgot to add Pam's name....I knew she was coming on Sunday....BAD Kelly!!!! :(

I'm sorry Pam....I'll go edit my post to include you. :)

07-10-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Alright....now we have only 7 days till the fun begins!! :)

Here is a tentative schedule for the weekend...

FRIDAY, July 18
2-3:00...Karen, Aaron and Tracey arrive at my house (yay!!)

5-6:00ish...leave for Los Angeles/Universal City to meet with Richard for dinner and possibly a walk around City Walk (anyone interested is also invited as well...let me know!) :)

10:00 - Los Angeles zoo opens. Me, Karen, Aaron, Tracey (and anyone else that would like to come) will be there!

2:00 - Arrive for "BBQ Day One" at Gini's house. (Attendees will be: Gini, Me, Karen, Aaron, Tracey, Richard, Kohala, Pam?)

SUNDAY, July 20

*Not sure on start time, but Karen and I will drop off Aaron and Tracey at Gini's and go get Laurie from the airport around 11ish.

*TIME? BBQ Day Two begins!! (Attendees include: Gini, Me, Karen, Aaron, Tracey, Richard, Kohala, Pam, Laurie and possibly some neighbors and two adorable puppers!)

*5:30ish...get Tracey and Laurie to Union Station so they can go on to San Diego. (If my SIL is anywhere close to being in labor, I may be joining you!!!)

07-10-2003, 03:43 PM
GOSH, CA sure does like their wine!

Is there really going to be that much alcohol?!?! :eek:

07-10-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
GOSH, CA sure does like their wine!

Is there really going to be that much alcohol?!?! :eek:

Hmmm, I don't recall anyone mentioning that lots of alcohol was being served. Margaritas have been mentioned and California is
known for good wine............but I doubt if the neighbors will need to call the police!!:) :)

Miss Meow
07-10-2003, 04:40 PM
Ohhhh, I didn't know Kohala was coming too!!! Now I'm beyond envious on the jealousy scale!!! :D

I *will* send Vegemite now just to punish you all for having this day without me, ba ha ha ha ha (best Boris Karloff laugh) :)

07-10-2003, 05:39 PM
Wolflady ................Vegemite and Spam sandwiches ........ Ewwwwwwwwww :p !!!!!

07-10-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by gini
Hmmm, I don't recall anyone mentioning that lots of alcohol was being served. Margaritas have been mentioned and California is
known for good wine............but I doubt if the neighbors will need to call the police!!:) :) \

That's still alot! lol

07-10-2003, 07:11 PM
GUESS WHAT!?!?!?!?!?

When Karen and I go pick up Laurie from LAX, we'll be picking up David too!!!! WOOHOO!!! I'm so excited he'll be able to come too!! YAY!!!

He changed his Sunday night flight to Sunday morning at 11:25.

:D :) :D :) :D :)

07-11-2003, 03:21 AM

07-11-2003, 04:39 AM
That's ok - I'm often mistaken for being absent! My boss's boss doesn't know what my job title is or what I do, and I've worked there for almost 2 year...

I'll be there Saturday!! C'ya then!

07-11-2003, 12:53 PM
Yay! I'm so excited! It will be fabulous to meet everyone! Kelly, I'm so glad that David will be able to make it for part of the day on Sunday! That's wonderful! What a sweet gesture for him to make an early flight ;) He really is a sweet guy! :D

07-11-2003, 01:04 PM
Kelly, I'm confused (surprise surprise). Where is David flying in from and what time does his flight arrive? I can just see us all looking like a bunch of KeyStone Kops running circles all over the place looking for each other :D :D ;)

07-11-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
Kelly, I'm confused (surprise surprise). Where is David flying in from and what time does his flight arrive? I can just see us all looking like a bunch of KeyStone Kops running circles all over the place looking for each other :D :D ;)
David will meet us at your terminal's baggage claim as he'll have carry on luggage only and gets in a few minutes before you. You may see Karen, David and I waiting for you when you arrive at baggage claim. :)

07-11-2003, 02:04 PM
I may just be carry on too. After all, what more does one need in So Cal but cut-offs and a few t-shirts & maybe a light jacket for those cool nights along the beach :D :cool: ;) I'll let you know before next weekend. Of course, I could meet you at baggage just as a meeting spot whether I pick up or not I suppose. duh

·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><((({º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((({º>.¸.·´¯`·...¸><((({º>

07-12-2003, 04:53 AM
Neat fish Laurie! :)

Karen has your flight information, we'll meet you in the baggage claim area of the terminal you fly into. That's the only place we'll be able to with all the new security laws. :)

GUESS WHAT???? As of now, 2:53 a.m., only 5 more days!!! :D

07-12-2003, 09:39 AM
I liked Laurie's fish too........very clever!

In just one short week, we will all be together.

I am having fun getting things together for our BBQ.

I will p/m all who are attending and give you phone numbers and address.

Do you think we need name tags?? :D

07-12-2003, 10:08 AM
By the way......do I have to put out pictures of Rascal or can I just hand him to you?

07-12-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by gini
By the way......do I have to put out pictures of Rascal or can I just hand him to you?

Okay, none of my business since I can't make this trip, but I'd say both. 1) Photos for rememberance and that can be taken home and treasured, and 2) tacile contact with precious beauty such as Rascal MUST be savored.

:p (Shall I just sneak away quietly now?);) :eek:

07-12-2003, 11:08 AM
I'd love to be able to hold your little Rascal. :D I'll be sure to take a lot of pictures of him too. :) BTW I'm bringing something special for Rascal and all of Kelly's furkids too. :D

07-12-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I'd love to be able to hold your little Rascal. :D

BTW I'm bringing something special for Rascal and all of Kelly's furkids too. :D
Ditto there! I CAN'T wait to meet our precious Rascal. Better check my purse on Sunday.... ;)

That's so sweet!! The way to Noah's heart is bribary!!! ;)

07-12-2003, 02:40 PM
Name Tags - Good Idea - Sometimes my ol' brain just doesn't keep track of the screen name, the "real" name and then of course the pet name!!!!:confused: :eek: :confused:

My computer calendar at work reminds me every day that the big PetTalk day is coming - I'm soooooo excited!!!!

07-12-2003, 02:40 PM
Just walked into the house and there is Rascal big as life ON THE DINING ROOM TABLE........looking adorable.

He KNOWS....so he promptly jumped down without my saying a word.

Now you know how he got his name.

He wants to know who is bringing the chicken so he can give extra headbumpies to that person.

07-12-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by gini
He wants to know who is bringing the chicken so he can give extra headbumpies to that person.
Oh!!! ME ME ME ME!!! I'm bringing chicken.....Yay!!! I get Rascal headbumpies!!! :D :D :D

07-12-2003, 09:14 PM
well you wont have to worry about recognizing me at the airport. I broke my left arm last night and will be in a cast :( That's gonna be a swell tan :rolleyes:) Well, maybe I'll get special treatment on the plane at least. Guess I'll have to check a bag after all :( :(

07-13-2003, 09:57 AM
Laurie, I am really sorry to hear this.

We promise to wait on you and make you comfortable.

{can we sign your cast?)

07-13-2003, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
well you wont have to worry about recognizing me at the airport. I broke my left arm last night and will be in a cast :( That's gonna be a swell tan :rolleyes:) Well, maybe I'll get special treatment on the plane at least. Guess I'll have to check a bag after all :( :(

Awww, Laurie. I can sympathize with you girl! Remember last summer...my horse incident? ;) Please tell me you aren't left handed?!


07-13-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
well you wont have to worry about recognizing me at the airport. I broke my left arm last night and will be in a cast :( That's gonna be a swell tan :rolleyes:) Well, maybe I'll get special treatment on the plane at least. Guess I'll have to check a bag after all :( :(
Oh no!! I guess that means we'll put David to work and make him carry your luggage. :)

I hope you aren't in any pain. :(

07-13-2003, 11:27 PM
Laurie, I'm so sorry to hear that you broke your arm. :( I also hope that you're not in any pain. At least you're still able to go to the barbecue. Look on the bright side, at least you didn't break your leg. :)

07-14-2003, 12:32 PM
Sorry to hear about your arm Laurie. How did you break your arm? I sure hope you're not in any pain!
Don't forget to send me your flight information via PM. I'm bringing some small goodies for everyone at the BBQ, yes, even you Richard! :p ;)

07-14-2003, 11:05 PM
I'm also bringing goodies for everyone too. :D There's seven other Pet Talkers besides me right. I just don't want to leave any one out. :)

07-15-2003, 12:42 AM
You guys are all so sweet!! And....you're making me want to go shopping for goodie bags too!! ;)

Only four days left...actually, three plus the time until 2-3:00 on Friday afternoon!!! :D

07-15-2003, 08:33 AM
Wolflady, I was doing exactly what my mother always told me NOT to do... rough-housing :o . I was goofing around with my grandson & his friend, play arm-wrestling of all things! Just a freak twist of fate, literally. Here I am ready to hang on a California beach for awhile and my arm is in a cast & a sling. Boy is it hard to type with one hand. Zippy, you know what THAT'S like! I have learned how to tie my sneakers with use of my teeth, however. Amazing what we can do when we have to :eek: :rolleyes: I'll PM you with flight details soon.


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07-15-2003, 03:57 PM
Daily countdown.....only 3 days left!!! :D ;)

07-15-2003, 04:05 PM
Yay! I'm looking forward to it!! Thanks for the flight details, Laurie. Kelly and I will be there to getcha! I think you're due for some extra wine or Long Island Iced Tea perhaps? ;)


07-15-2003, 05:07 PM
3 days left? I thought it was on the 20th?


Dan, Dylan and I might still come, if we get our settlement by then, but for now getting out of this hell hole is a lot more important. Does anyone have directions on how to get there from Whittier?

07-15-2003, 07:50 PM
I am having so much fun preparing for the BBQ.

I think all of you will be able to find my home:D :D :D ..............(and no one knows what I mean... hee hee)

Rascal got into the planning too..........he heard he gets to be KING for the day!:

07-15-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
3 days left? I thought it was on the 20th?
Its three days for me, Wolflady, her hubby, KAK and Richard. They are coming down and we're getting together beginning on Friday night. :)

07-16-2003, 06:47 AM
OK Gini, let me guess... giant Vegemite balloons floating from your roof:rolleyes: :D ;)

07-16-2003, 07:18 AM
Oh, I'm so sorry for not coming.....! Sounds like you will all have lots of fun!

We have no plans yet for that day...
But on 21th, my birthday, we are having some friends and their kids over, for a BBQ too! Yippie!!

07-16-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by lut
Oh, I'm so sorry for not coming.....! Sounds like you will all have lots of fun!

We have YOU to thank for this meeting. For some reason, we'd never thought of planning one until you were going to come. :)

Next year (or any time you can come out) we'll have another one.

Kelly :D

07-17-2003, 12:50 PM
OH MY GOSH!!!! Karen, Aaron and Tracy are coming TOMORROW!!!!

07-17-2003, 08:52 PM
That's right Kelly. I hope you're ready for us. :D I still have to pack and get my gift bags together. :) At this time tomorrow, we'll be having dinner with Richard. :)

07-18-2003, 12:26 AM
I'm trying SO hard not to be jealous.

Have a GREAT time, everybody!


07-18-2003, 05:00 AM
I hope you guys have a great time together this weekend. I would love to be right in the midst of you all!!! Don't forget to take lots of pictures and tell us lots of stories, and for sure, treat Rascal like the king he is!!! :D

07-18-2003, 09:41 AM
The barbecue is sparkling, waiting for good food.

Potato salad is in the works and brownies are in the oven.

Rascal is sitting by the front door asking "Are they here yet?"

The big red container from Nicole and Shane is ahhh, "waiting":D :D

The weather could be better, but at least it isn't as hot as yesterday. Is this California?

I need to go to the Farmer's Market today and get fresh corn and also some ice........and then it is just a wait until everyone arrives.

For everyone driving - please be safe..........

Rascal and Gini are anxiously waiting for your arrival!

07-18-2003, 10:27 AM

07-18-2003, 10:34 AM
We've had a tiny change in plans, we may not be meeting Richard for dinner after all. :( Karen's hubby had to go in to the office this morning. Hopefully Fed Ex WONT come and they can leave Gilroy at 10:00 and still get here in time.

DRIVE and FLY safe guys!! :D

Gini.....Mmmmmm, fresh corn!!! Can't wait!!

07-18-2003, 02:45 PM
I'm so excited! Tracey and I are here anxiously waiting for Aaron to arrive so we can dash out the door! The bags are packed and we're ready to go! I even have 4 bottles of wine ready! It was a hard decision on what to bring because we have such an extensive collection, but I am bringing my very special "cat in the tree" sparkling wine, some chardonnay for Laurie, some muscat (I just love muscat wines!) for a sweeter white, and of course, my all time favorite pinot from David Bruce. I thought about bringing some more, but thought I should stop after 4 bottles! :o

Hopefully we'll be there in time for a later dinner, so if it's all good with Richard, we can meet someplace a little closer to Kelly's for dinner tonight. Aaron just called and he should be here around 1:30, so that should theoretically put us there around 7:30 or 8pm. Can't wait to see everyone! :)


07-18-2003, 02:47 PM
I feel kind of silly to ask this, but who's Aaron? :o:o

Have fun all of you! Are we going to see a pic of Richard? :eek::eek::eek: Now that sounds scary! LOL Just kidding of course! Don't forget the cameras! :)

07-18-2003, 02:54 PM
I heard he is coming in disguise...............

07-19-2003, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I feel kind of silly to ask this, but who's Aaron? :o:o
Aaron is Karen's hubby. :)

Yay!!! Its HERE!!!

07-19-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by gini
I heard he is coming in disguise...............


Thanks Noahsmommy. I didn't know Karen's hubby's name. :o:o:o
Have fun!

07-19-2003, 03:00 PM
Rascal keeps asking me........."where are they?"

Kelly called, they are on their way - should be here around 1:30 PM.

We are all ready......except the weather man has not cooperated. It is very VERY HOT here and humid. Oh well, but it isn't raining!

I think that I meant RICHARD is coming in disguise.......not Aaron:D :D

But since I have never met either one of them - how would I know?

More reports later and pictures (I hope)!!!

07-19-2003, 06:09 PM
It's after 4pm, so I guess the festivities have begun!!

07-19-2003, 07:36 PM
Its NoahsMommy...

So, we're all here and we are missing a key player, or shall I say item???? Where is Richard, our salsa and MARGARITAS??????

RICHARD....where are you????

07-19-2003, 08:28 PM
This (is) Gini and I am now worried about Richard. It is 6:30 PM
California time and we have not heard from him.

I just hope that he is alright.

07-19-2003, 09:22 PM
I should be there. Oh well next time. :( :)

Will be there next month though. Yay!:D

07-19-2003, 09:52 PM
I need some pictures and updates... and leftover food sent my way! ;)

07-20-2003, 12:30 AM
Did he ever show up?

07-20-2003, 05:02 AM
To everybody who is on the LA-BBQ today:

I want lots of pics, and a very accurate dscription of all the festivities !! And maybe some goodies and leftovers?:p :p :p


07-20-2003, 10:35 AM
Day two of the California BBQ is here. Lut, we are going to toast you today.........and also wish you a very Happy Birthday (for tomorrow).

Everyone left last evening at around 11 PM...........you can imagine none of us were ever at a loss for words. And we laughed and laughed.

Rascal is beside himself with all of the attention. He is King!

This must be short - they will be here today at 10:30 AM, and Karen and Kelly will go to the airport to pick up Laurie.

More soon...............

07-20-2003, 05:05 PM
Thanks for the update, gini. I'll be anxiously awaiting to hear how today went. And to see PICTURES!!!!!!!!!! :D

Miss Meow
07-20-2003, 05:52 PM
There is a noticeable lack of detail in the update, hmmm, maybe they're having TOO MUCH fun ... :D

07-20-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
There is a noticeable lack of detail in the update, hmmm, maybe they're having TOO MUCH fun ... :D

I bet it involves those four bottles of wine, pink elephants, hiccups, and a spinning room.... ;)

Miss Meow
07-20-2003, 06:11 PM
And a game of Twister! ;)

07-20-2003, 07:00 PM
and clam juice and vegemite?;)

07-20-2003, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by zippy-kat
and clam juice and vegemite?;)

Grose lol!:p

07-20-2003, 11:05 PM
:D Silly question - Wish I could have been there - grrrrrrr. I was in spirit - and Gini tells me this may be an annual thing, so hopefully next year will be better for me. I'll save up $$$$ and leave time :D .
I know you all had a GREAT time!!! The weather this weekend has been hot but fabulous out here.

07-20-2003, 11:07 PM
We're awaiting details, details, DETAILS! (and pics too of course ;) )

someone check in soon please!

07-20-2003, 11:09 PM

07-20-2003, 11:09 PM
I saw Kelly post on another thread, but she didn't post on this one! BAD KELLY! Come here and give us details, girl!

07-20-2003, 11:55 PM
I actually turned off the computer and thought about going to bed. Then I realized that if I didn't post something tonight, I might get in big time trouble.

Did we have fun? Now isn't that the silliest question you have ever heard?

After everyone left, I went over to my neighbors who had generously brought over their Goldens to show off yesterday and again today. My neighbors are RAVING about everyone and finally when I talk about Pet Talk, I think they will understand.

At the last minute we decided that I should drive to the airport with Karen (Wolflady) because she had met Laurie before, and I knew the best and fastest way to the airport. Laurie was arriving on a United Airlines flight. The United terminal is huge, but for heaven's sake - how BIG can it be? Laurie's flight isn't even posted and there is no baggage claim #7. I parked the car and we started asking questions. (what a concept).

Well, United is SO big that the baggage for her flight didn't arrive in the United terminal at all, but in the Continental terminal. Well, of course, everyone would know that - right??? WRONG!!

We hightailed it to the Continental terminal and there sat poor Laurie with her broken arm - looking abandoned. We scooped her up and brought her back to the house.

The group back at the house had taken charge and the pot was hot waiting for the corn - Karen's husband Aaron had the grill ready to go for the chicken........and then RICHARD SHOWED UP!

I thought Richard had bought out the market he brought in so many bags.........filled with his famous salsa and all of the fixings for margaritas.

If you think that Richard does a great job on Thursdays.......well you haven't lived until you have had one of his Sunday specials!

Who was here............(not enough people by my standards,) because we really did miss Lut and family and Kohala.....but this just must be an annual event, so please count on next year!

Kelly (Noah's Mommy), Tracey (KAK), Karen (Wolflady) and her wonderful husband Aaron (who barbecues like a real champ),
Pam (AntiPam), Richard and Laurie (lbaker).

I don't think anyone stopped laughing for two days. We shared all of our pet stories, our pictures and much more.

The BIG red container has been opened and the secret is out.......
(wait for pictures - I think Karen and Tracey have them).

Mr. Fish arrived and stole the show. Look for him in all of the pictures.

Who was KING for the day? Well, you guessed it. Mr. Rascal has just had the best weekend of his life. His belly has been rubbed and he now has a supply of toys and catnip to last him all year. He is now zonked on the floor by the door trying to catch a breeze.

Yup, it was very hot, but IT DIDN'T RAIN!

Kelly has very patiently written down all of the instructions for me to post the pictures.......and I will try to do it right in the morning.

But right this minute........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .

Pet Talkers are the very best............just ask my neighbors.

A young couple walked by with their two dogs and sweetly asked, "What are Pet Talkers?" when they saw my sign. We answered them honestly and they seemed satisfied with our answer.

We went back into the house and howled with laughter when we thought about WHAT WE COULD HAVE TOLD THEM!

I hope everyone gets home safely.........it was absolutely the best BBQ I could ever imagine. XXXXOOOO

07-21-2003, 12:00 AM
awwwwww.... it warms my heart to know everyone was safe, sound, and happy!

and now, since I've had the Gini report, I must sign off and finish this paper I've been "working" on -- I can't wait to hear the others' tales and see the pics.

until tomorrow,


07-21-2003, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by gini

A young couple walked by with their two dogs and sweetly asked, "What are Pet Talkers?" when they saw my sign. We answered them honestly and they seemed satisfied with our answer.

We went back into the house and howled with laughter when we thought about WHAT WE COULD HAVE TOLD THEM!

I can imagine WHAT YOU COULD HAVE TOLD THEM!!! That we are some kind of Dr. Doolittles :D

07-21-2003, 03:11 AM
Vio isn't it a pity we couldn't be there:(

07-21-2003, 10:09 AM
Barbara, we should think about a European PetTalk Meeting (in Moldova he-he-he)

07-21-2003, 11:30 AM
what a great day.

Gini is a wonderful hostess.
Rascal is a wonderful host.

it was fun and none of you have any excuses to miss the next LA get together.

you have 361 days to prepare.

thank you for the gifts and knick knacks...

thank you Mr. Fish.

Thank you Miss Meow.

Kona & Oreo's mom
07-21-2003, 12:14 PM
It sounds like you had a great time--I wish I could have been there! When will you be sharing pictures? :)

07-21-2003, 12:40 PM
I'm glad you all had a great time - wish I could have been there! Perhaps next year. ;)

When you have recovered from your hangovers, I'd love to see the pics! :D

07-21-2003, 09:20 PM
Its wolflady and NoahsMommy...

We had a TON of fun at our CA BBQ at Gini's! It was so great to meet everyone and spending time getting to know even more about each other (especially Mr. Fish). ;)

The meeting for Karen and I is still going, I'm up here in Gilroy for a few days, being unemployed together. ;) We'll go develop our pictures tomorrow and try and post them here for you all to see. Tracey (KAK) and Gini both had digital cameras, so they'll post those when they can.

Again, we had such a great time and we'll tell you more details when we all have pictures up, its easier that way.

Can't wait till next time!!! :D :D :D

07-21-2003, 11:59 PM

They have arrived...........from the left.....AntiPam (Pam), Kelly (NoahsMommy), Tracey (KAK with the great T-shirt), Karen, (wolflady), and gini.

07-22-2003, 12:05 AM

Back yard metal cat mascot and cat toys waiting for guests at the picnic table.

07-22-2003, 12:05 AM
Beautiful ladies! Great to see the pic!! Thanks gini :)

07-22-2003, 12:14 AM

All of us toasting Nicole and Shane and saying a huge THANK YOU for your excellent Australian champagne to help us celebrate this occasion.

See the big red "thing?"

07-22-2003, 12:19 AM

This is Richard - aka "Chauncey"...............

(Look, I am just sharing our fun, what you guys do with that information I have no control over).

With advance apologies to Richard!

07-22-2003, 12:23 AM

This is Tracey (KAK) and Kelly (NoahsMommy)

07-22-2003, 12:27 AM

This is Aaron, Karen's husband. Be sure to invite him to every event because not only is he the nicest guy, he handles a barbecue like a real pro.......everything was so delicious.

Miss Meow
07-22-2003, 12:37 AM
Oh yay, photos! I was beginning to think that all photos were embargoed because of the possible embarrassment factor! :)

Nice to meet you, Richard!

So many questions:

Were you all sozzled *before* taking that fuzzy pic with the red capsule? ;)

Where is Rascal, enjoying his time as a king???

Where is Laurie? Still out in the garden enjoying a drink? ;)

I have heard about Mr Fish, what does he look like???

I'm glad you all had a great time. Can't wait to see more pics! Do you have a close-up of KAK's t-shirt in the first pic, it looks fantastic!

07-22-2003, 12:58 AM
Hey look Miss Meow, you know that I am slower than molasses going uphill.........when it comes to posting these pictures. This is the first time that I have done this and I am feeling so smug that this even worked.

I gotta email Phred with adoring comments about his instructions!

Give me time........more are coming:D :D :D

Miss Meow
07-22-2003, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by gini
Hey look Miss Meow, you know that I am slower than molasses going uphill.........when it comes to posting these pictures. This is the first time that I have done this and I am feeling so smug that this even worked.

You are doing a great job, so keep feeling smug and post away :)

07-22-2003, 01:06 AM

This is Rusty, my neighbor's Golden Retriever. Richard aka Chauncey, is scritching him in just the right spot.

07-22-2003, 01:09 AM

And this is the look on Rusty's face..............while Richard scritched him!

07-22-2003, 01:13 AM

To answer your question, Nicole, this is Richard and Laurie --hmmm what is that in the blender?

07-22-2003, 01:17 AM

I think Laurie liked the stuff in the blender!

07-22-2003, 01:27 AM

This is us fooling around holding our names up for our Mayor!

Find Mr. Fish!!

07-22-2003, 01:30 AM

And here folks, is MR. FISH....doing what he does best.

07-22-2003, 02:48 AM
:D :D :D

I am sure it is just strawberry juice in the blender;) ;) :rolleyes: