View Full Version : Dealing with cats dealing with problems

06-20-2003, 11:39 AM
I took Baby Doll to my regular vet yesterday, for a check up. Ive noticed along with her lack of enegy and slow reactions she also doesnt land on her feet 75% of the time when being slowly dropped a few feet to the floor. We had this checked out and what she has is incurrible. She has Corobleller Hypoplasia. Which i guess means that her back part of her brain doestn't work right. Which also means all through life when she jumps for things she'll be about 6 inches short or completly miss it all togather. But the one thing she will always be able to do is love, she is the most loving out of all her brothers and sisters. She loves to be held, petted, and scratched. What a great kitty she is. I love her so much....

06-20-2003, 03:28 PM
Your kitty is so lucky to have you. I found this web site in case you are interested.


06-20-2003, 04:20 PM
Thank you so much for that site...It was very helpful and Baby thanks you too. :D

smokey the elder
06-21-2003, 07:08 AM
Diva sez: (translated from cat)

I have the same thing you do! When I was about a year old, my meowmie noticed that I was a spaz! I went to a nice vet who didn't give me any shots or cold glass thingies you -know-where, just petted me and watched me walk around!

I need help using the litter box, but yowl and ask for it!:p

Good luck with your kitty. CH looks much more alarming than it is. As long as the kitty eats, and can use the litter box, she should be find. Please be careful with stairs.

If you have any more ? you can PM me. I've had Diva for over 6 years.

smokey the elder
06-21-2003, 07:10 AM
Here's Diva.