View Full Version : Come visit Murphy's World

Murphys Dad
09-14-2001, 01:43 PM
I would like to say hello to all and invite you to visit Murphy's World (http://geocities.com/murphys_world). The site is about our dog Murphy, his life, and his battle with paralysis. This website was created to inspire and show others that pet paralysis can be beaten with caring and determination.

I am open to answer any questions you may have about your dogs with similar problems or anything in general.

09-14-2001, 02:17 PM
Murphy is a beautiful dog. I am so greatful that you went to such great lengths to help him become the dog he is today. Welcome to the board, you will fit right in with your deep love for your adorable beagle :) Thanks for introducing me to Murphy, and may he continue to get better every day :)

[ September 14, 2001: Message edited by: AdoreMyDogs ]

09-14-2001, 02:19 PM
What a great website; I read every word. I'm so glad to read that Murphy continues to improve. Boy, Murphy's 'accident' just proves again that you never know what lies around the next bend in the road (like Tuesday's attack - who saw that coming?)
I love Murphy's smile, and I love your dog humor page! I went down the list and thought "yep that's true! that one too! and that one!" Funny! :D

09-14-2001, 02:38 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Murphy's story is amazing: so much luck, dedication, bravery, and love all rolled up into one little beagle! Murphy certainly must adore her daddy... :D

09-14-2001, 02:49 PM
Oh Murphy's Dad I have fallen in love with Murphy. This is a story of love, determination and really caring. If only we had more people who care about their animals as much as you do. Welcome to PetTalk we are so very happy to have you with us. We have two Schnauzers, Miss Daisy and Perry the two terrier terrors.

[ September 14, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

09-14-2001, 04:21 PM
I also read every word of Murphy's story. That is one of the most loving stories of compassion and devotion I have ever read. Thank you so much for the inspiration during this hard time in our country. How truly special both Murphy and you are.

Welcome to Pet Talk. You'll love it here.

09-14-2001, 08:59 PM
Welcome! What dedication and love!! Murphy is adorable.

09-14-2001, 09:34 PM
What a beautiful pup--inside and out!

09-14-2001, 11:55 PM
Thank you for introducing us to the wonderful Murphy. I read every word of his story, too. Good on you for taking to your hearts a dog that was in such great need & for hanging in there for him in all circumstances. That's what I call true love!

I'm going to tell the people on Australian dog lists to go visit Murphy's site so you'll be able to say that he's now world famous...as such a brave little dog deserves to be.

09-15-2001, 06:51 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk and thank you for sharing Murphy's story with us. It has lifted my spirits tremendously (and they needed lifting). What a trooper Murphy is and what neat people you and your wife are.
I've always felt that we should have a section on this site called *Great Guardians* where those special few who are to be emulated and honored would receive recognition. You and your wife would certainly be one of the first for this designation.

I loved your list of you know your a dog person. Of course many of those apply to me. I am especially glad to see you are a "dog sleeps in the bed" dog person. There is among us a small, but vocal camp who do not adhere to this philosophy, so it always pleases me for our group to have another member. :D

Murphy's web site is wonderful. You have an excellent set of resources listed. There is one thing I wish you would have included...a picture of Murphy's people...you and Murphy's Mom and grandparents. After all this IS Murphy's site and I'm sure HE would want those pictures there! Don't you think?

09-15-2001, 08:00 AM
I am moved to tears by the story of your strength and courage Murphy. God bless your incredibly dedicated and loving family. Murphy's World, and all that it represents, should be the example set and followed by every living being of this earth. Thank you for sharing your love for this magnificent, beautiful friend and companion. I wish you the longest, lovingest and heatlhiest of lives, sweet, brave Murphy.

[ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

09-15-2001, 03:34 PM
Thank you so much for sharing this site on the anniversary of Murphy's adoption. His story is amazing! God Bless you for taking care of him and never giving up hope. It's people just like you that come to Pet Talk and find a home here. We all love and care just like you - Thank you and welcome. You are among family :)

[ September 15, 2001: Message edited by: doggiemom ]

Daisy's Mom
09-15-2001, 09:11 PM
Wow, what a little brave, determined, and strong dog, with a very brave, determined, and stron dad! You are both amazing. Murphy is beautiful, and so is his story. I am so happy he is able to walk. Thanks for sharing him with us, and welcome to Pet Talk!

09-17-2001, 06:31 AM
What an amazing family. Murphy was so lucky to find someone who refused to give up on him.

Welcome to the board.

Dixieland Dancer
09-17-2001, 08:30 AM
What a wonderful site and tribute to Murphy. I had tears and smiles when I read the story. Thanks for sharing it with us on Pet Talk!

Murphys Dad
09-17-2001, 11:16 AM
Thanks to all, I feel like I've had friends here along time. Murphy's World (http://geocities.com/murphys_world) is due for an update. Its just a matter of finding the time.

Again, thanks for the welcome!

P.S. Murphy just celebrated his 5th anniversary / 6th birthday with us this past weekend. His "day" consisted of a trip to Buchkill Falls in the Poconos. Everyone who saw him in his Stars & Stripes bandana and cart, couldn't beleive he is capable of doing the Red trail. Thats about 3-4 miles of hiking trails and 1267 steps. He slept like a log on the way home.

[ September 17, 2001: Message edited by: Murphy's Dad ]

09-17-2001, 01:57 PM
Yes, you have had friends here all along. So glad you finally found us. I think you celebrated Murphy's birthday/anniversary in the most wonderful way. So neat of him to display his patriotism as well. What a bit of symbolism he was.

As birthday/anniversary celebrations in our house generally last about a week, we are sending this on as well
http://plauder-smilies.de/birthday.gif Murphy.

[ September 17, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

09-17-2001, 03:03 PM
Im in tears right now, happy tears :) This site really touched my heart. Im the bigest beagle lover, I love hounds soooooo much. Murphy is so adorable, his eyes shine with life and love.

Murphy is an angel and so are you, I thank you for spending all the time, money and love you have spent with Murphy. I wish every beagle in the world had loving parents like you to take care of them.

Please visit our site The Hound House (http://www.geocities.com/the_hound_house) and think about adding Murphys story to our Hounds With Happy Homes Page. We would be so proud to have Murphy listed there.

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful site with us, I will pass this on to all my beagle loving friends.

Welcome to Pet Talk, I hope to see more of Murphy and lots of Murphy Pictures around here :D

Daisy's Mom
09-17-2001, 09:34 PM
Happy belated birthday, Murphy!

09-18-2001, 12:00 PM
What a wonderful story of love and perseverance. Thank you for letting us enter "Murphy's World." Give him many hugs from us to celebrate his life and his birthday. Carina and Alicia.