View Full Version : Pirates of the Caribbean

Desert Arabian
06-19-2003, 05:09 PM
The Curse of the Black Pearl

Anyone looking forward to this movie? It comes out in theaters July 9th (my mom's b-day). Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Geoffrey Rush are the main actors in the movie.

I personally am looking forward to this movie, it looks pretty good, and besides, since Orlando Bloom is in it, I have to go see it. :D :p :o . The movie I am REALLY waiting for is The Return of the King!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Here is the offical webpage, in case anyone is interested about the movie: The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (http://pirates.movies.go.com/)

Just wanted to know people's thoughts on the movie. :)

06-19-2003, 05:10 PM
I haven't really heard much about it, but my sister has to go because of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom :rolleyes:

06-19-2003, 05:12 PM
Johnny Depp as a pirate. Oh my.

06-19-2003, 05:23 PM
Ive been waiting for it to come out!!!! It looks so awesome!!!!!!! I cant wait to see it!!!!:D :D

06-19-2003, 07:46 PM
It looks like a good movie! :) (and...it doesn't hurt one bit that Orlando Bloom is in it. Heck, Johnny Depp's not too bad either!) ;)

06-19-2003, 07:53 PM
The movie doesn't look too appealing to me, but I'm a little curious about seeing Orlando Bloom playing someone other then Legolas (I've only seen him in LOTR movies). Although, I don't know if I really want to see him not being an elf :p

06-19-2003, 08:45 PM
I want to see it, it looks good. I'm sad though that Johnny Depp looks so...how to put it?? lol..to much make-up lol.

06-19-2003, 09:06 PM
My two favoret actors are in it, I wouldnt miss it for the world. I love Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom they are soooooooo hot.. :cool: :p ...I cannot wait till Wednesday July 9th. !!!!:D

06-19-2003, 09:18 PM
I want to see it too :) My friend is OBSESSED with Orlando Bloom. Personally, I don't find him attractive lol. I think he looks like Justin Timberlake :o :rolleyes:

Heehee, my friend made my Orlando-obsessed friend NUTS by telling her that Orlando was in the Okanagan the other day. lol, it was so funny. :p :D

Desert Arabian
06-19-2003, 09:53 PM
Wolfsoul - I'm obsessed with Orlando Bloom too :D (and Lord Of The Rings)!!:D

07-12-2003, 06:25 PM
Sorry to bump this up but I didn't want to start a new thread.

I just got back from the movies and saw it. I personally liked it a lot. There was this point in the middle where I was thinking, "Where is this going" But then it picks up and...it's just very good :D Very long too...

I liked Johnny Depp's charactar a lot. :D

07-12-2003, 07:05 PM
I saw it and I loved it, I'll probably see it again, and to tell you the truth I actually liked it better then LXG...though the guy who plays Dorian Gray oh my!

07-12-2003, 07:39 PM
I saw it! I was even better then I imagined! It was great! It has to be one of my favorite movies so far..Hehe....:D

07-12-2003, 08:59 PM
I saw it and it was really good!Johnny Depp is so funny!I recomend seeing it cuz it is very good.