View Full Version : Why do dogs bark

05-12-2001, 07:56 PM
Why do dogs bark? because I have a friend her dog barks all the time.She goes to school all day but when she comes home she's to tired to walk him what should she do ?
Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-12-2001, 09:45 PM
dogs and Wolves bark and howl because it is used as a warning sign, for attention, and other reasons. Wolves bark an alarm when there is danger nearby. Otherwise, I don't know why dogs bark!!!!! Ask your vet!!

05-12-2001, 09:51 PM
If she has a dog, she has to schedule time for him! She doesn't need to take him for a long walk when she comes home if she's too tired, but she should at least play some games, and spend some time just with him! Does he have plenty of toys to occupy him when she'd not arround? Some dogs will bark because they are lonely and or bored.