View Full Version : Some ppl annoy me!

06-18-2003, 07:02 PM
I was talking to a friend of mine and showed him pics of Caymen and said how sweet she was and hes like "What breed is that.." and I was like a rottie..and hes like I hate them..and pitt bulls. Arg. I told him he was sterotypical and you can't just judge a dog you don't know. So he was saying how he could have had a bad exp. with one..and I was telling him how all dogs are diff..it could have been a lab or a pom or something..just because it was a rottie (he was bitten) and they have a bad rep like pitts..Ever notice like ANY show you see that has a 'mean looking' dog in it, its a Rottie? No wonder ppl think that way..I mean when I was a kid I was pulled down by a dog who bite my leg then threw me down (the stupid owner was right there and didnt call him off :mad: :eek: I was a kid!) anyway I was afraid of big dogs after that but I got over it realizing dogs are a lot like ppl in the sense they have a personality and it all depends how they're brought up..how can you be afraid of EVERY rottie cause one bite you a long time ago? I mean I can see why it scared him I was too. But Caymen is such a sweety pie, and I've never met a 'evil' rottie in my life..I haven't really met to many pitts but I'm sure its the same thing..He's never been attacked by a pitt, he just assumes its the same -sigh- I'm getting worked up for no reason, eh?

06-18-2003, 07:19 PM
Some people...:mad: . They just have a REALLY bad rep...:( . He could still b tramitized (sp?) from when a dog bit him..but thats no EXCUSE to blame the WHOLE breed, for one dog. :(

06-18-2003, 07:41 PM
I agree with GRL. Just because the breed has a bad rep, doesn't mean the dog is bad......some people make me so mad :mad:

06-18-2003, 07:50 PM
I wouldn't be calling him my "friend" anymore.:mad: :rolleyes:

06-18-2003, 09:44 PM
I hate that too! I didn't notice what a bad rap pits have until I got one myself. I would have both my aussie and pit off leash. No one would say anything about the aussie, but they'd flip about the pit. Even when the pit was on leash, I'd get comments about why he wasn't muzzled.

06-19-2003, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by slleipnir
I was talking to a friend of mine and showed him pics of Caymen and said how sweet she was and hes like "What breed is that.." and I was like a rottie..and hes like I hate them..and pitt bulls. Arg. I told him he was sterotypical and you can't just judge a dog you don't know. So he was saying how he could have had a bad exp. with one..and I was telling him how all dogs are diff..it could have been a lab or a pom or something..just because it was a rottie (he was bitten) and they have a bad rep like pitts..Ever notice like ANY show you see that has a 'mean looking' dog in it, its a Rottie? No wonder ppl think that way..I mean when I was a kid I was pulled down by a dog who bite my leg then threw me down (the stupid owner was right there and didnt call him off :mad: :eek: I was a kid!) anyway I was afraid of big dogs after that but I got over it realizing dogs are a lot like ppl in the sense they have a personality and it all depends how they're brought up..how can you be afraid of EVERY rottie cause one bite you a long time ago? I mean I can see why it scared him I was too. But Caymen is such a sweety pie, and I've never met a 'evil' rottie in my life..I haven't really met to many pitts but I'm sure its the same thing..He's never been attacked by a pitt, he just assumes its the same -sigh- I'm getting worked up for no reason, eh? I have never met a bad rottie, I'm not afraid of dogs in general but with the pitts I've had 3 bad exp. with them all 3 belonging to the same person. I don't hold the breed responsible, I hold the owner resp. The only time I was severly bitten was by a collie, not afraid of them either, I was 12 weeks old and the dog was jealous of the "new baby" so I'm told. but dogs get the rep. when it mostly belongs to the owners.

06-19-2003, 12:59 PM
Every rottie I have ever met has been a total sweetheart. It's such a shame that they get such a bad reputation.
Just last night I saw 2 that own a man my husband knows--they are so good, and they compete in agility--beautiful dogs!!