View Full Version : :grr: **I'm so mad!**

06-18-2003, 08:48 AM
I'm at work right now, and I just happened to look up and see a dog wander by the front door. I go and look out and there is this beautiful senior dog taking a leak on a post in the front yard. So I go out, and though he's a bit skittish came up to me tail wagging. He has the body of a yellow lab, and the face of a Shiba Inu.

He has a tag on with a phone number (good thing!) but he doesn't appear to be with anybody. I tried to lure him into the showroom but he wouldn't have anything to do with that. He had a release collar on, and it came undone and he bolted. :(

So I called the phone # and a woman answered. Her response? Oh he'll come home by himself :mad: :mad: :mad: and that she would come pick up the collar.

:mad: I told Julie (my coworker) that I shouldn't have called and just taken him home with me. He is sooo sweet!!!

Meanwhile, I'm trying to think of what I should say when she gets here to pick up the collar.

What if he had gotten hit by a car or worse?? :( I HATE stupid people!!!!!!! :mad:

06-18-2003, 11:44 AM
I share your anger!!! :mad:

06-18-2003, 11:47 AM
Boy oh boy do I understand your anger, expecially at this moment.
Everyone I've talked to about Rose says she's more than likely been beaten. I just don't understand why people get dogs if they can't or won't take care of them:mad:

06-18-2003, 11:49 AM
People like that should not be allowed to own animals!!:( I hope the sweet pup finds his way home safely!! If I were you, I'd call back in a while to ask if the dog got home safely...!!

06-18-2003, 11:51 AM
That's awful! Really awful! And, what if something bad happened to the dog? Would she care? Most likely not. :mad: :mad: :mad:

06-18-2003, 11:59 AM
It gets worse....

the woman (I almost said "lady" which she is not :eek: ) came to pick up the collar and her attitude towards me was that I was over the line/being rude/nosey whatever you might like to call it.

She says to me "OH he goes everyday down to the bank for his cookie in the morning, and down to the pizza place in the afternoon. It happens EVERYDAY and I can't seem to make him stop" It's called a LEASH lady! If it happens again, I'm not gonna ccall her, I'm just gonna take him home. :p

06-18-2003, 12:49 PM
Good idea ;)

What a stupid ... arrrghh! :mad:

06-19-2003, 12:56 PM
WHY don't people take care of their dogs??:mad: :mad: :mad:
I just don't get it.
I get upset when I can't find one of them in the house, let alone if they were off at the bank getting cookies:eek: