View Full Version : Horrible, horrible story

Prairie Purrs
06-17-2003, 10:54 PM
I'd like to enlist everyone's positive energy and prayers to help authorities in the Denver area catch the evil person(s) responsible for a series of terrible cat killings:


The latest incident involved a 12-year-old cat--the murderer left him on his family's lawn.

I'm sorry to spread such disturbing news, but perhaps the more people who are fervently wishing for this low-life's capture, the more quickly it will happen.

06-17-2003, 10:56 PM
Yes, I will pray that this evil person is found and punished. :mad: :mad: :mad:

06-18-2003, 11:05 AM
I didn't read the article .. I hate that stuff, but it sounds bad enough and I hope this guy gets what he DESERVES

K & L
06-18-2003, 11:09 AM
This is sick! Keep your cats INDOORS!

06-18-2003, 04:39 PM
I didn't read the whole article, only the first paragraph, this makes me sick too!
Well, I hope that man gets what he deserves!:mad:

06-18-2003, 06:00 PM
My prayers are on the way to Denver, that they capture this sick, twisted minded, son of a sea biscuit, who isn't fit to be called a human being.

06-19-2003, 06:44 AM
Sigh. When is society going to learn? Sure, if they catch this guy, he'll get a slap on the wrist. If they don't catch this guy, he'll start on harming humans.

The law just doesn't value an animal as anything more than property, rather than a prescious life in its own right.

Prairie Purrs
06-19-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by IttyBittyKitty
Sigh. When is society going to learn? Sure, if they catch this guy, he'll get a slap on the wrist. If they don't catch this guy, he'll start on harming humans.

The law just doesn't value an animal as anything more than property, rather than a prescious life in its own right.

I'm also worried about the penalty not fitting the crime in this case. Colorado has beefed up its animal cruelty laws somewhat, but I don't know whether any significant prison time could be imposed.

There was another killing Tuesday night. A multi-agency task force is being formed, which may be a sign that they're taking this a little more seriously. Of course, I imagine the authorities are more concerned about the possibility that this sick individual might start killing people than they are about the cats. This is a city still traumatized over the Columbine High School massacre, after all.

Apparently the pattern here is disturbingly similar to a series of cat killings over the same time period in Salt Lake City. It's hard to believe how twisted and sadistic humans can be. I'm thoroughly depressed over the whole situation.