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06-17-2003, 08:49 AM
PHOENIX, June 16 — The Roman Catholic bishop charged with striking a jaywalking pedestrian with his car and then driving away told police he thought he had hit a dog or a cat or that someone had thrown a rock at his vehicle.


The part that made me the most angry (aside from the fact that someone lost their life and the driver didn't even bother to stop) is that he "thought" he had hit a dog or a cat......so it wasn't worth stopping if he had?? This was a bishop for heaven sake!! How heartless could he be? Even if it had been a dog or a cat, and not a human being, you would hope that anyone, especially, an ordained minister, would have the heart to find out what they had hit, and make efforts to either get the animal help, or at least let the owner know. :mad: This whole situation angered me beyond belief! :mad:

06-17-2003, 11:45 AM
just a few weeks ago he paid 700,000 dollars of the church's money to settle a molestation case..

who says god doesn't have a sense of humor???

06-17-2003, 11:56 AM
From Article
Sgt. Randy Force, a police spokesman, said O’Brien wasn’t being charged with causing the crash because Reed was jaywalking

What is Jay walking ?

Why wouldn't the drivers who hit him be charged ?

06-17-2003, 12:14 PM
I think "jay walking" is crossing the road at an inappropriate place. But the bishop was charged with leaving the scene of an accident, and has been arraigned this morning. He is out on $45,000 bond.

Richard, you're right..........just one more thing to make me mad about this whole situation! :mad:

06-17-2003, 12:15 PM
Jaywalking: To cross a street illegally or in a reckless manner.

What angered me also was looking at the Bishop's windsheild when they found his car... THAT MUCH damage could not have come from a Dog or Cat!!!!..... :mad:

May God strike him with Lighting for being a LIAR!

06-17-2003, 12:23 PM
I am speechless......

There are so many things about this story that scar me.

Whatever happened to setting an example for people?


06-17-2003, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou

May God strike him with Lighting for being a LIAR!

why waste a good lightning bolt??

run his ass over............

06-17-2003, 12:53 PM
:D RICHARD it scares me... But I LIKE THE WAY YOUR MIND WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

06-17-2003, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by LoudLou
:D RICHARD it scares me... But I LIKE THE WAY YOUR MIND WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

don't be afraid!!!

catholic school for 8 years and
everyone likes my mind....it's what comes out of
it that scares people....;)

06-17-2003, 01:14 PM
I was in catholic school for 13 years -but now I spell the word
Cat-a-holic and completely agree with it:D

06-17-2003, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Logan
The part that made me the most angry (aside from the fact that someone lost their life and the driver didn't even bother to stop) is that he "thought" he had hit a dog or a cat......so it wasn't worth stopping if he had?? This was a bishop for heaven sake!! How heartless could he be? Even if it had been a dog or a cat, and not a human being, you would hope that anyone, especially, an ordained minister, would have the heart to find out what they had hit, and make efforts to either get the animal help, or at least let the owner know. :mad: This whole situation angered me beyond belief! :mad:

You said EVERYTHING i was going to say when reading that he thought it was a dog or cat.

06-17-2003, 01:56 PM
And, Like Richard said... RUN HIS ASS OVER!! I think anyone who does something, to whomever it may be-- animal or human, should get the same punishment back. From the person they did it to -- or they could personally hire me and i'll do it for them!! :D

06-17-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
I was in catholic school for 13 years -but now I spell the word
Cat-a-holic and completely agree with it:D

13 years?????
you poor thing!!


06-17-2003, 02:00 PM
I was only in Catholic school for 5 years.. and look at what those pleaded jumpers and knee high socks did to me.
My current landlord ran over a guy once. He was drunk and he fell into the middle of the road, it turned out that he was a bum. She didn't get arrested because it was obvious that it wasn't anything done on purpose and as soon as she hit him she pulled over and tried to help him (she's a nurse). But she did have to go to court.

06-17-2003, 02:02 PM
What an idiot.
I thought I hit a chipmunk yesterday running late for work and I put the car in reverse to go back and check--he was fine, still in the middle of the road, crunching on something.
I hit a possum once a few years ago, and cried the whole way home.
I went to catholic school too for 9 years--damn those plaid jumpers!!!

06-17-2003, 02:06 PM
I hit a pigeon once and cried. I felt like that epsiode of Seinfeld where George hit the pigeon and he started yelling "we had a deal! They fly away from your car and we turn the other way when they poop on the Statue of Liberty"

06-17-2003, 02:23 PM
Living here in Phoenix I need to put my .02 cents in. First of all the Bishop IS being charged with a felony, for leaving the scene of a fatal accident. Unfortunetly the max on that is only 4.5 years...big deal. Two weeks ago to the date Bishop O'Brien was also in the news, for the molestation charges. I don't know what you all saw on TV, but to me he came off as very arrogant. This time I sure hope our CA will not be as nice as the last time.....to me this was a "sign" from God.........to Rick Romley!! (our CA)

As for him thinking he hit a dog or cat.........puleese! The man he killed was close to 300 lbs. Don't you even begin to think he didn't see that! And even if it WAS a poor animal, he is a BISHOP he should have stopped.....NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.........it seems lately its not what you do, its who you are, that matters to the world. My guess is this man will never see a day in prison.

06-17-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
And, Like Richard said... RUN HIS ASS OVER!!

two points here...

1) if anything happens to that guy, I'LL get the blame for it....."richard said, 'run his ass over."

2) i am not to blame for PLAID FLASHBACKS...blame your parents...THEY suffered to earn enough money to send you to parochial school!!!:D

06-17-2003, 02:52 PM
You know, my grandparents sent me to Catholic school. While I hated it, and the way they treated everyone there, I look back now, and am glad I went, as it has shaped me, and helped me realize who I am, which is NOT one of them.

In the meantime, there are alot of sincere Catholics, and I cannot judge them for who they are. But, as with anything in life, there are alot of hypocrates out there.

All I was saying is if you're going to be a public figure, and yes, a "man of the cloth" is a public figure because he helps to shape ideals and lives, you should step up to the plate when you make a mistake....set an example for crying out loud. Isn't that one of the oaths they take??

*steps down off of soap box, dusts it off ever so gently, and places it back in the corner for next use*

06-17-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by CattleDogMom
You know, my grandparents sent me to Catholic school.


we can pick each other out in a crowd, eh????

06-17-2003, 05:26 PM
It's sad. When I read that he had left the scene, my first thought was that he had been drinking and was afraid to get caught for that too. I hope I'm wrong....

06-17-2003, 06:34 PM

he he

06-17-2003, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by babolaypo65
It's sad. When I read that he had left the scene, my first thought was that he had been drinking and was afraid to get caught for that too. I hope I'm wrong....

I also had the very same thoughts - he was drunk and didn't want to stop.

The entire situation makes me ill. These are our spiritual leaders......and you wonder why the world has gone mad.

06-17-2003, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by gini
I also had the very same thoughts - he was drunk and didn't want to stop.

The entire situation makes me ill. These are our spiritual leaders......and you wonder why the world has gone mad.


1. He's not MY spiritual leader.....

2. Have any of you ever troed that Catholic communion wine? It's spretty strong stuff!!! When I was a Catholic, 1 sip would knock me almost on my hiney and I would stagger back to my seat. Those Bishops have to drink a whole darn chalice!!! No wonder he was driving like a bloody crank!!!

(I think Rich will back me up on this one)

he he...

06-18-2003, 12:44 AM
I agree, very sad situation and you guys might
be right, he might have been drinking and that
is why he left the scene. (I remember the beautiful actress
Ms. H. Barry (sp) did the same thing, but her victim is still alive)
I can't fathum anybody being so heartless to leave the scene, no matter how scared you are.

06-18-2003, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by Catsnclay
Living here in Phoenix I need to put my .02 cents in. First of all the Bishop IS being charged with a felony, for leaving the scene of a fatal accident. Unfortunetly the max on that is only 4.5 years...big deal. Two weeks ago to the date Bishop O'Brien was also in the news, for the molestation charges. I don't know what you all saw on TV, but to me he came off as very arrogant. This time I sure hope our CA will not be as nice as the last time.....to me this was a "sign" from God.........to Rick Romley!! (our CA)

As for him thinking he hit a dog or cat.........puleese! The man he killed was close to 300 lbs. Don't you even begin to think he didn't see that! And even if it WAS a poor animal, he is a BISHOP he should have stopped.....NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!

Thanks for letting me vent.........it seems lately its not what you do, its who you are, that matters to the world. My guess is this man will never see a day in prison.

I'm glad you gave us the local perspective. This whole situation makes me sick. :(

06-18-2003, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by CattleDogMom

(I think Rich will back me up on this one)

he he...

i am not backing anyone up.......

what are you saying??? that us altar boys were drunks too???



06-18-2003, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD
i am not backing anyone up.......

what are you saying??? that us altar boys were drunks too???



maybe you alter boys wern't but this alter girl was... but then again, maybe this alter girl snuck into the wine for sippie sippies too...

besides, back then, alter boys had "bigger" things to worry about...if you know what I mean...

*wink wink*


06-18-2003, 11:25 AM
Saw this on CNN this morning;


Boy, that was "fast-tracked" wasn't it.....

p.s. Communion wine when given & recieved is in tiny sips
(tastes bitter to me) and won't knock anybody on their hiney.

06-18-2003, 11:32 AM
actually, if you're what they call a Eucharistic Minister, which are the people that help the priest give out the wine and communion, and you have wine left over in the cup, you have to finish the wine real quick before you give the chalice back to the priest to put it away.

Believe me, it is strong stuff when you're a teenager...


addendum: I'm not a Catholic anymore...I'm a Wicca, and us Wicca love our wine...:D

06-18-2003, 11:57 AM

should have known....;)

a quiz

Bishop Thomas O'Brien was busted for felony hit & run. His excuse is:

A.) He drank too much Holy Water.
B.) He didn't see the pedestrian because the Altar boy on his lap was blocking his view.
C.) The Devil made him do it.

lololololol...not my creation!!!!
i'm going to hell on my own....

06-18-2003, 12:10 PM
Little joke I heard ages ago about the intrepretation of drinking communion wine that could be applied here -

Could the bishop have misunderstood Jesus' command when he said "Drink ye all of it." Perhaps he was unclear as to the meaning of "all" thinking it meant every last drop as opposed to everyone partaking. Similar to Clinton's problem with understanding what is is? ;)

06-18-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

Bishop Thomas O'Brien was busted for felony hit & run. His excuse is:

A.) He drank too much Holy Water.
B.) He didn't see the pedestrian because the Altar boy on his lap was blocking his view.
C.) The Devil made him do it.

is there a "D" all of the above?

06-18-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by iceyshiver21
is there a "D" all of the above? :)

aren't you done with tests for the year????

you should be enjoying summer vacation instead of taking more tests....lol!

06-18-2003, 01:30 PM
ROFLMAO Oh Richard! I just love that.......I HAVE to pass that on, it is SOOOOOOO funny!'

Thanks for making me laugh!

06-18-2003, 01:32 PM
I was going to say all of the above too...

When I was testing in Nursing School the teachers always told us rule of thumb: when ever you see an "all of the above" answer, it's usually the correct answer.


06-18-2003, 01:38 PM
ROFLMAO Oh Richard! I just love that.......I HAVE to pass that on, it is SOOOOOOO funny!'

Thanks for making me laugh!

06-18-2003, 06:24 PM
ah the years of plaid! the thought of plaid wool makes me itch, after all these years.

06-18-2003, 07:52 PM
What's up with all the PLAID ?:D

At the Indy Catholic schools it was navy blue skirts & white
blouses. :D In high school, the same thing, only we (girls only
school) had to wear ribbon ties.( Different color for each grade).
Reasoning behind it was you could be the richest kid in town
or the poorest, but you all looked & were treated the same.

06-18-2003, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by lizbud

Reasoning behind it was you could be the richest kid in town
or the poorest, but you all looked & were treated the same.

Alot of public schools out here are doing that too for the very same reason. And to keep "gang related clothing" out of school. The rest of the public school are pushing for it.

I personally don't agree with it. (but that's a whole other thread;) )

06-18-2003, 09:00 PM
When I went to catholic school I had to wear a navy blue jumper, I hated it.

06-18-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
When I went to catholic school I had to wear a navy blue jumper, I hated it.

I hate to ask, but....Did you have to wear a special gym
suit or outfit? We did.:rolleyes:

06-18-2003, 09:32 PM
for gym we had to wear this ugly little blue shorts and a blue shirt with the schools name on it.

06-18-2003, 09:42 PM
school uniforms...sad, so sad. But i sopose it kinda makes people look alittle more at your personality instead. I went to a public elementry school...10 kids in my large class there. Not many of us moved or came...we where togather for 9 years and split up last year. :( I loved my small school..i knew everyone and was respected by kids and staff alike, in return i respected them. Our class was angels every sub loved us. we knew just when to behave. The principle always listened to us...if there was a teacher that we all had a tough time with she knew the teacher must be doing something wrong because we always behaved otherwise. But this teacher gave us ICARES (pink slips that if you get enough you can get detention...i got 54 in 7th grade and 24 in 8th all from that one teacher. The princleple finely stopped accepting them from her because she gave them out for every little thing.