View Full Version : Tropical Storm.

09-13-2001, 08:10 PM
Theres a tropical storm coming this way.. wow great.. makes me even scareder. I just want to tell you all.. just incase something happens, youll know.. im very depressed from all of thats going on.. it sems like the world has came to the end... its just all to weird.. right now im listening to garth brooks-thunder rolls.... ahhhh why me why me why me! i dont know what to do im just so confused right now... :mad: :( :confused:

Dixieland Dancer
09-14-2001, 07:41 AM
Kay Ann,
It is very difficult to understand what is going on now. We just need to have faith that God can take the evil that was intended and turn it into good.

My suggestion is to try and find a pastor or clergy person you can talk too. They can hopefully help you with advice on what to do next. Do not let the events of Tuesday succeed in tearing you down. Then the terrorists would of achieved more than what has already happened. My prayers are with you.

09-14-2001, 12:28 PM
KayAnn, Please don't despair, we are thinking of you during this scary time. Talk to someone, talk to us, and most important hold Simba close.
I would give my right arm to hug Shai and tell her I loved her and she was a good dog just one more time. God gave her to me as a gift, and he took her as a gift. Maybe like someone said the little 11 year old that died was so lonely for a dog of his own and since Shai was sick and we didn't know it, he took her for him. That way she wouldn't suffer later and she died with me beside her, she may not have known what was going on, but she knew I was with her at the end.
Anyway, my dear KayAnn, we as a country will get thru this, and be stronger b/c of it.
Take care, little one,(you are little to me!) and do me a HUGE favor:
Check out this little girl that was dog of the day in 99 - she could be Simba's sister. Wasn't he born on Christmas day? Check out what day she was DOTD.
Take care and know that we all love you and Simba http://DogoftheDay.com/archive/1999/December/25.html

09-14-2001, 12:40 PM
Yes he was born in Christmas (least they said somewhere aorund their so we picked on that day!)
The storm is weakening and i dont think we wil be effected by it, i have calmed down a little bit.. right now im makeing homade Cream Of Potato soup so i gotta go!!! ;)

09-15-2001, 07:12 AM
Kayann, I LOVE homemade cream of potato soup!!! At the end, I stir in grated swiss cheese in mine.

Don't despair, KayAnn and don't be afraid. The people who did this to us are NOT all powerful. They are a small faction of radicals. They did a tremendous amount of damage because we had become complacent and taken our security for granted. We have been hit with a huge wake up call and paid a tremendous price. No, life will not be the same, but some of the changes will be for the good of all and we all will learn to appreciate what a wonderful life we have and to be vigilant. So cherish life, KayAnn, enjoy every moment of it, live it to its fullest. These people have taken so much, but don't let them take your enthusiasm, your hope for the future, your appreciation of the blessings of every day living. Those are still ours unless we willingly give them away.