View Full Version : Mummyz hafta give me a baf! *Pixtures!*

06-16-2003, 06:17 PM
Mah mummyz made me take a bath! I waz not so happy boutz Dat! But mah mum stuckz me in der and gotz me all sookin wet!! Well you knoes how da mummyz are and they *HaFtA* take dose stupid pixtures of evewthing! So these are dem pixtures mah mummy took of me in the baf tub!! MickEE i dont alwayz put them pixturez on herez! sum tymes Mah mummy does it for me! :eek: So i dont wike to show me in the baf tub cuz dats apposed to be pwivite! Youz arent mad at me awe you mickEE?? ;)

Dis is me when mah mumz first put me in da Baf!

Den mummy was duin sumfin funky with my fur!!

RoAr imma Lion!!!!!

See me! Mah mummz almost forgot to dwy me off!!

And here i am now talkin to youz!!

Hope you liked mah pixtures of mah bath!!! MikEE i didnt put dem pixturez on here!! :D

06-16-2003, 06:19 PM
sorry its blurry i couldnt fix it! :rolleyes:

06-16-2003, 06:32 PM
Aww Cami....your soo cute~!! Now you smeel good~!!

Glad you had a good bath gurl~!!

Thanx for sharing~!:D

06-16-2003, 06:36 PM
Ooh Cami, I jus WUV bafs! Looks at you in der all wet and sooked! I would be havin tuns of fun!


06-16-2003, 06:50 PM
Look how cute and clean you look. :D

06-16-2003, 06:53 PM
Oh sweetheart - aren't mummys just terrible taking pics of YOUR private moment!!!! :p

06-16-2003, 07:22 PM
thankz.!! i hopez mikEE isnt mad at me for puttin dese on here!! :D

Oh sweetheart - aren't mummys just terrible taking pics of YOUR private moment!!!!

YES dey are!! ;)

06-16-2003, 07:24 PM
from the pen of MikEE

Hey CamEE. I talked to my mum and she saidz it was okay and she wux only jokin 'bout the dress thing. I sure would luv to smell you now ;) Heeheez. You dun't look like youz hate baf's at all! Lookit your smile!

Hehe Nice pics. Tanx for shawing! :D

06-16-2003, 07:34 PM
Hey CamEE. I talked to my mum and she saidz it was okay and she wux only jokin 'bout the dress thing. I sure would luv to smell you now Heeheez. You dun't look like youz hate baf's at all! Lookit your smile!

Hi MikEE,
Dats good dat youz not mad at me or nuffin! Oh dats good that she was only jokin! Yayz im glad dats u wantz to smell me too.. Axtually i really do lyk sum of da baths mah mummy gives me cuz i lyk to jump out while mah mummyz takin the pixture and she gets mad! :rolleyes: Den when i was possed to be layin and dryin off i was runnin aroundz like a maniac tryin to getz mah mummyz attention dat i hafta do my buisness outside.. You noe how datz is! Dey are so wapped up in talkin to Petalkers dey forget we hafta go out to da bafroom! :eek: But dats okies cuz i went on the floor in mummyz room! Boy oh boy waz mah mummy angry.. Den i had to be in mah cage! :( But den she took me out gave me extra kissies and let me sweep on her for the rest of the time! im still learnin nots to go in da house!! Do every buddy else the udder doggies know about us mikEE?? Uh ohz! Wellz this is to long and mah mummyz sayz dat i can talk when you reply back! Until then my MikEE!!

06-16-2003, 08:27 PM
Oh Cami!!!! You are SO adorable! And I can smell your sweet, clean fur from here! Love your apres' bath photo, relaxing in your bed!!:) What a cutie pie!! (Note the delicately placed rear leg!:D)

06-16-2003, 08:37 PM
i never noticed that!! lol.. she musta felt special........

06-17-2003, 08:24 AM
from the pen of MikEE

lol Camz, my mum thinkz it's funny howz your so much bigger than me. Silly mummy, findz silly thinz funny :rolleyes: She alzo sayz I should learn fromz you to be so good in da baf. Dun't worry, my mum wazn't paying attention to me crying to be let out and I peedz on her parentz' bedroom floor :eek: I alzo peed on their blanket wifout tellin mum. Her dad wuz VERY angry wif me. Oh well. I'll see ya. I'm not intrested in gurls yet. Heehee. They haf cooties :p


06-17-2003, 09:37 AM
Love them bath pics. :)

06-17-2003, 11:07 AM
I'm not intrested in gurls yet. Heehee. They haf cooties

Awww mikEE! I was hopin :( dats okay der is udder puppies here on PT thatz sayz gurlz dont have cootieZ! im dah only gurl dat doesnt havez CootiEZ mah mummyz made me get dose stupid shotz!! Oh well i guess imma jus have to wait for a longz time for one of dose PT puppies to come! :( Fare well mickEE! :( :( :(

hehe.. Ahem im such a dork~ LOL... :P

06-17-2003, 11:34 AM
awwww .... your not a dork!! hey i kno alot of dogg ies that would like you !!! plus ur still a pupppiez cami!!!! keeep lookingz..
your pal

06-17-2003, 12:18 PM
Dear Cami~~~
My mommee gave me a baf the odder day to--I didn't really like it, but it sure waz fun to run around the house and make eberyting wet after I waz out!!! Then I gots to watch my brudder and sister get one too!!!


06-17-2003, 12:30 PM
My mommee gave me a baf the odder day to--I didn't really like it, but it sure waz fun to run around the house and make eberyting wet after I waz out!!! Then I gots to watch my brudder and sister get one too!!!

that musta been weally funny!! Mah mummyz said you musta said HAHA to dem cuz they prolly said it to you when u were in der sufferin!!Did u say dat?


06-17-2003, 12:35 PM
I did!!!!
Dey waz pritty funny in der--Abbey is bigger, and she doesn't like the baf at all--it wuz funny watching mommee try to keep her in there (don't tell mommy I sed that), and Kito was whining a little bit--and he's supposed to be my big brudder:rolleyes:

06-17-2003, 12:57 PM
haha.. Dats funny. Mah mummyz wantz to knoe if u want her to still make dat signaturez for you .. She sayz do u want it wif all 3 of you or just you riley? Ask your mummee.. Well i gotz to go mah mummyz sayz i needz to go outside... write me back soon wiley!!


06-17-2003, 01:23 PM
I don't know what a signature is??? Let me ask my mommee--oh, ok, she said sure, if your mommy has time!! I would like it to just be me, but I tink mommee wants the other 2 in there too.
but she said no hurry, if your mommy feels like doing it.

PS--My momee gets busy on the puter all the time too--wonder what's so great about it??


06-17-2003, 01:54 PM
Awwww, cute!

06-17-2003, 02:55 PM
PS--My momee gets busy on the puter all the time too--wonder what's so great about it??

I dont noez! i dont weally like to type on those small wittle squarez.. mah pawz awayz hit dah wrong squarez cuz their bigger den dose squares.. Oh wellz... i noez! on mah mummyz siggy thingy it haz me and cali.. dat dumb kitty.. i didnt like it! i tink it should just be me doe!! Well gotta go now mah mummyz getting mad at me cuz i peed on the floorz! :eek:


06-17-2003, 06:34 PM
Awwww, cute!


06-18-2003, 03:43 AM
Love them bath pics.