View Full Version : I got myself a job!!! :o)

06-16-2003, 03:29 PM
My mom is a teacher and they have a summer camp and I had to go to school with her today because I would be home alone for like 8-10 hours by myself (I wouldn't mind!!)
I was so bored, and last year I helped out with the summer camp that went on so they asked me to do it again, and by the end of the day, they asked me if I wanted a job there, and I, of course, agreed!! Its $10 a day which is good for me even if it's not a lot. So, I'm happy.
I officially start on Wednesday because my last day of school is tomorrow, which is really weird since I didn't have school today. :confused:

06-16-2003, 03:36 PM
I'm glad you got a job. I sure hope you like it. I may try to get a summer job to this year. Last years I worked at Costco. Not this year. I want to work with pets.

06-16-2003, 07:45 PM
Good for you, and I hope you enjoy your new job.
$10.00 a day adds up, and you will have some
nice spending money.