View Full Version : Do cats dream?

06-16-2003, 03:21 PM
at this very moment, just as I am typing, Momo is sleeping again in front of my keyboard. It's not the first time i see her moving her legs or chewing while she is sleeping.. but why is she doing that? is she dreaming? ... if she does, I wonder what is she dreaming about :rolleyes:

Momo is getting bigger and bigger everyday! her body now is almost as long as the width of my keyboard!! I want her to stay tiny for longer ... :p

06-16-2003, 03:31 PM
I think my cat dreams. She does snore. Her paws shake and move around like a dog dreaming, so I think she is dreaming too.

06-16-2003, 08:27 PM
I am quite sure they dream! I have seen my cats whiskers twitch, and their mouths moving like they are chewing, and sometimes, a low-pitch growl, while they are sleeping!
Maybe they are dreaming of their little toy mouse coming to life, and growing to be 10 feet tall, and is chasing them, or they can dream of being locked in a catnip factory all night!
who really knows? But it's cute to watch! :D
Enjoy every minute with her as a kitten, they grow incredibly quick!!

06-17-2003, 03:21 AM
We get plenty of dreaming here (and nightmares). Fister was originaly feral, and he obviously still remembers the dangerous life that he had before. I've written a little story about it here:

Fisters' Dream World (

L. Wayne
06-17-2003, 04:38 AM
I am sure they dream. Even as young as Callie was when I first brought her and Jumper home with me over 2 weeks ago. I noticed that Callie would plop over and sleep in front of the keyboard. Then, her little legs would begin to twitch and she would shake all over. After those episodes, she would wake up. Callie and Jumper could not be over 4 weeks of age. Although she still likes to sleep next to the keyboard, she does not have the "twitching dreams" she had when younger. It could be that she was dreaming of what she went through before being brought to, and while at the shelter, and that she was a REAL rescue, because of her and Jumper being slated for euthanization. Sometimes I wonder what they dream about, but what ever it is, I am assuming that, like any dreams we may have, they represent times and events that we remember. And Callie being so young she probably was recounting her stay at the shelter, with all of the dogs barking. Or perhaps when the keeper brought her and Jumper out for me to take, neither could see anything because of the clymedia in their eyes. And remembering how she cried out when I first placed her in my pet carrier. Since the 3 or 4 days at the shelter was somewhat traumatic for both of them, it could very well be that is what she was dreaming about.

Running Wolf
07-01-2003, 08:50 AM

I have no doubt that cats dream. Sort of heard to tell REM in a cat but I could swear that sometimes Em's eyes are darting around when she is asleep and acting crazy.

What is the bit from 2010 when HAL & SAL ask if they will dream when they are shut off? Somethign to teh effect of "All inteligent creatures dream."

While a cat might not be able to do math I have seen cats learn which is a sign of intelligence.

07-28-2003, 10:22 PM
Yes, cats dream, when you see them twitching there tail, paw, eyes and whisker, that means they are dreaming. Nothing to worry about, all my three cats dream and I know they are dreaming about mices and chasing them. Also, and the good food they are going to get. I see it all the time at my shelter, where the cats are dreaming. Exactly someone ask me about it, they thought the cat was having a seizures and I said no, they are dreaming.

07-31-2003, 03:14 PM