View Full Version : Took Chloe on a loooong car ride!

06-15-2003, 08:11 PM
My grandmother lives in Torrington, Connecticut which is pretty far away from where I live. (says in my avatar area) and she just loves Chloe and Chloe absolutely adores her. The ride was about two hours, and Chloe was a perfect angel! She sat down for the entire ride!!! :D
Then, when we got to her house (well, it's kind of like and elderly home with apartments) she sat down next to her and slept. We took her and left her in the car when we went to grab lunch and she was great!
She got up on her bed even so she could look at the people near the back window where the bed was. She is so nosy!! ;)
Just thought I would share. Next time, there will be pics!