View Full Version : We found a cat!

09-13-2001, 06:33 PM
Yes, I know this is the dog general board, but since I have 4 dogs and zero cats, I thought I'd post here! It's a young calico female (i think) and it was huddled against my neighbors garage, getting dripped on by icy cold rain. My neighbor has 3 older cats, but she didn't want to take it in, because it is acting very lethargic and doesn't want it to spread any sicknesses to her cats (understandable). She gave us food and some pointers - I've never had a cat, so I don't know what to do. We put it in a box with some towels on the enclosed back porch, but it was still chilly out there, so now the box is in our bathroom. Boo and Pup didn't react well to it, and the cat hissed and brought out it's claws, so we want everyone separated.
We will probably take it to a shelter some time tomorrow, but it needs warmed up, and some TLC, first. I'll also ask around at work, just in case. I hate the thought of dropping it off at an already overcrowded shelter. Is anyone here interested in a cat?!
And, no, we can't keep it. It's just not in the budget - a fifth animal just can't be added right now!

09-13-2001, 06:40 PM
Maybe someone from Ohio will want it. I wish I could take it in SO BAD. I'm sorta far though and Shiloh doesn't take kindly to other cats. Is the shelter you are taking it to no-kill?

Staci, I understand you may not be ready, but would another kitty help to cheer you up?

Dixie Belle
09-14-2001, 07:25 AM
I would take in the kitty too. I have a ten year old cat, but she doesn't want to live with me and my husband. My mom has her spoiled rotten. I wish I lived closer! :(

09-14-2001, 07:49 AM
Our local Humane Society is no-kill, but makes exceptions for vicious and sick animals. That's what I'm worried about - this cat is acting rather lethargic, and I'm afraid that a shelter may assume illness and put it to sleep. It's so much better than it was yesterday, though! Yesterday, throughout the evening, it just stayed in one position and was very inattentive. But, soon before going to bed, I got it to eat some food, and it stretched and rolled around a little, and even batted at my hand. This morning, I saw that it drank some milk, ate more food, and peed during the night. It acts much more alert, and its' nose is getting pinky again.
We have fostered dogs before, but, around here, that is a long-term committment, and the foster pays all expenses. We have nothing for a cat - right now, it's in our bathtub with old towels. A couple of the dogs don't like it, and it doesn't like the dogs. And my hubby is not much of a cat person, and says NO CAT. So, we need to move it on ASAP. He wants to take it to the shelter today, but I want to wait a couple days, and see if it feels any better.
Anybody have any pointers about dogs with cats? If we do keep it around for a few days, it's going to get pretty tiresome keeping it in the bathroom!!

And, is there anyone in the midwest who's interested? I think it will be a real sweet little kitty once it's feeling better!

09-14-2001, 12:10 PM
I don't blame your husband at all for not wanting to keep her(?). 5 is alot. :D
The thought crossed my mind, but I do want to get another dog/puppy sometime. Maybe not this fall maybe next spring, it just depends when the right one comes my way, that is the way it was with Shai. I am sure my parents don't want me to, cuz it would be the same thing all over again. My house is too empty without the big goof running thru it. I remember all the times I took her to my parents house and the great fun was "running" running her up and down the steps. I would get to laughing so hard I would almost have to pee!!! I'm sorry to digress, this wasn't about the precios kitty.
Jessica, maybe if it isn't sick, you can put an ad up at the local grocery store or try www.animalhome.com (http://www.animalhome.com) (I think)
Good luck!!

09-14-2001, 08:34 PM
Was just wondering if you still have the kitty...If so, maybe your vet can help check
it out healthwise and help find someone who
can take & care for the little one.I found a
momma cat with 6 babies and didn;t know what
to do with them.I had befriended the momma,
not having a clue that she was expecting.
Have a detached garage at the back of my
property & built a bed for her under a work
bench.When the babies were 5-6 weeks,I looked
up our local Cat Rescue/Shelter places &
they gave me the name of a vet who did a lot
of very low cost vet care for strays & ferals.I got 4 kitties adopted thru this vet
and kept the last two myself.(My choice)
Hope she finds a good home!
P.S. How's the doggie classes going?

09-14-2001, 08:53 PM
We did ask our vets first thing if they could help us. But, they help out so many shelters and rescue organizations, so they personally do not take in stray animals.
We ended up taking it to a shelter about 45 minutes from here. All the Toledo-area shelters were full (and I haven't been too thrilled with them anyhow). I think we found a good shelter - It is no-kill, even if the animal is sickly. If they find something drastically wrong with the cat, they will call us first before putting it down - they will also call us to let us know when it gets adopted. I hate having to send any animal to a shelter :( (where it might live in a cage for the next year) but I have hope that it will have a good life with a family that will love it. :)

09-15-2001, 07:18 PM
Three-greys-and-a-mutt ,
I think that you did a very great kindness for the kittie you found!! Because of your
careing nature that kittie has a CHANCE at
a decent life..I sure she would Thank You
if she could, and so would her future human
family.. Liz.