View Full Version : Dusty and Roxy's escapade

06-14-2003, 10:39 PM
I think I remember a post a bit back with something to the sort of "Do dogs understand English?" Well, I have a story to tell.

Today, my friend and I were leaving my house. I'd left the back slider open. My friend goes "Will they break through the screen or can I leave this door open?" I said "Oh, leave it open, I leave it open everyday, they won't."

I'm gone for about four hours. I come home to the most unbelievable mess. My house looked like it'd been hit by a tornado. All my stuff was strewn in the backyard. My shoes, my son's toys, Teddy's toys, the puppy and cat food, my clothes, trash...you name it! I have those big white cheapie cabinets you get at Home Depot in my laundry room. (Where I store treats, puppy, and kitty food.) They were actually knocked down. OUr beds were torn apart, our trash cans, our pillows on the couch. Our cats were totally flipped out. Oh my gosh! I couldn't believe it. And I knew it was all Roxy's doing. In fact, when I came in the house, Dusty ran backwards out of the house. He knew it was bad and he didn't want to turn his back from me. Dusty was looking like "ooooh, you are so busted Roxy!" Roxy of course, is just wagging her tail with a diaper in her mouth. Has no idea she did anything wrong. I put her outside and closed the screen. She walks up to the screen, hits the knob with her nose, pops the latch open, then puts her nose in there to open the screen. She waltzes back in like no big deal.

It was so funny, I couldn't even be mad as I was cleaning up. I didn't really bother discipling Roxy because I know that the destructive behavior is something that may pass with time. I just know for now on to close the slider! So yes, I think they understand English. They heard my friend say that and thought "hmmm, never thought of that! That's a great idea!"

06-15-2003, 08:06 AM
Sounds like they had a good time while you were gone--I wonder if they invited anyone else to their little party!!
I am the same way though, I couldn't have gotten mad--I would have just laughed.

06-15-2003, 08:15 AM
:eek: WOW.Roxy is so clever!LOL

06-15-2003, 10:09 AM
Just an a little update. While she was in her destructive mode, apparently she got so excited that she ate my cable to my dish. No TV! :eek:

06-15-2003, 07:03 PM
No TV?!?!?!?!?! :eek: :( :eek: ;) I can live without tv, it's just when I lose the computer when my life stops... ;)
lol, what a naughty dog.