View Full Version : Norman (pictures)

06-09-2001, 01:13 PM
here are 2 picture of my neighbors dog Norman. They used to live across the street but they moved. I spent the night over there last night and took some pictures of Norman. Im going to send the first one into DOTD.


Norman is a 9 yr old cocker spaniel... i knew him ever since he was a puppy and he saved my life once. I was just learning how to swim and i wasnt that good yet. Well i jumped in the deep end and started coughing. and i couldny get to the side. Norman jumped in and pushes me to the side. ever since then we have had a special bond. Everytime i go their house Norman goes crazt greeting me with kisses and tail wags. Norman is Charlie's dog, the lil boy that i used to babysit.

06-09-2001, 01:19 PM
Norman Is so cute is he all cocker spaniel
how old were you when he saved you i have a cocker spaniel his name is P.J.

06-09-2001, 02:58 PM
yes Norman is pure cocker spaniel. I was around 3 or 4 when he saved me.

06-09-2001, 03:27 PM
KayAnn...Norman is precious! Great thought...nominating him for DOTD! He certainly deserves the award for being such a hero. And simply for being such a loving friend. You too must share such a special bond. Glad you get to see him, still!

06-09-2001, 07:51 PM
What an adorable hero!!!!


06-09-2001, 09:49 PM
Hugs to Norman for being such a good dog. I bet he enjoyed your visit.

Norman has the same coloring as my Tucker, and here's his smiling face as well.

[This message has been edited by RachelJ (edited June 09, 2001).]

Daisy's Mom
06-09-2001, 10:13 PM
He is so cute! What a good little hero. He definitely deserves to be Dog of the Day.