View Full Version : Ebbs came downstairs and stayed a little.(some pics)

06-14-2003, 12:31 PM
Ebby regularly comes downstairs when I take Bob out in the morning but, except for one other time, she either runs back up when she sees me look in, or goes and waits on the stairs until I let Bob in. Well, this morning she stayed in the living room....
...and looked quite settled. So I went back out for Bob, brought him in on the lead, put him in the kitchen and put up the babygate.
I took a few pictures of her (think she saw a spider or something:))...
.....left her to it and went and ate my breakfast in the kitchen. Finished eating, had a cup of tea, read a little, then, as I needed the bathroom, I went upstairs. About half a minute after I got there she came upstairs, paused at her doorway to look at me, then went and sat on the windowsill.:)
I don`t know if it is any sort of progress or not, but it sure was nice to see her down, and made me happy!:) :D

P.s. the pictures are supposed to be that way (sepia), they weren`t very good and it makes them look better!:D

P.p.s does anyone else find that all the pictures, on Pet Talk and Imagestation, go wonky sometimes with coloured lines down and stuff? Or is it just me and my computer?:confused:

06-14-2003, 12:48 PM
I think the progress and the photos are wonderful! I can't remember how long you have had Ebby...five months? But, I think it is progress. I think Ebby needs to see that nothing bad happens when Bob comes in enough to get it in her head he won't do anything. Will they ever be bed buddies? Maybe not...but, progress is wonderful.

06-14-2003, 12:50 PM
I've noticed that with ImageStation pics -- sometimes they look like corduroy! Your fur kids are so cute. My two are FINALLY interacting with each other. I knew it would take time and was beginning to be afraid they would never like each other, but now they're playing together, eating together, he's licking her, chasing her tail. They bop each other on the head sometimes (cute!). There's still a little bit of hissing and growling, but no scratching or biting - they're both very gentle with each other. He's a big galumphing oaf at times and knocks her over. I don't think he realizes he's as big as he is. :rolleyes:

I finally bought a (cheap) digital camera that's being delivered this week, so I'll too get to have the joy of "wonky" ImageStation pics of my fur kids. I'm SO excited! :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-14-2003, 01:05 PM
The pictures were so nice! I am glad she is making progress!.... and I think it is great progress!!!:D AND I am even more glad you got pictures of the progress!!;)

and Bob looks quite HAPPY behind the baby gate...:p

06-14-2003, 02:03 PM
Wow, Chris, such great news to hear that Ebby is feeling confident enough to take the hike downstairs and STAY! I bet it gets only better. You seem to have taken the slow route to introduction but it is working. I have a feeling it will be years before Ti and Miley sit in the same room!

Great pictures Chris. More, of course!

Bob is such a handsome dude and Ebby seems so sweet and gentle! You are lucky!


06-14-2003, 02:06 PM
cute pics! very cute:)

06-14-2003, 03:01 PM
I think Ebby is starting to fel more confident. She is learning that Bib means her no harm and that she does not always have to run and hide away. I personally have never introduced a cat to a dog, but it soudns like progress to me.

06-14-2003, 05:12 PM
Thanks for the encouraging words everyone!:) I can never be too sure about anything with Ebbs, she seems to change her mind and attitude such a lot, normal cat I suppose!?

Thanks again, you can be sure that any more progress on the Bob & Ebby front will be reported almost immediately!:D

06-14-2003, 07:48 PM
Thanks for sharing

06-15-2003, 01:50 AM
Thanks for the update and pics. :) It sure sounds like she's making progress to me. :D BTW I've noticed that my pics are clearer in my pictures file than after I upload them to imagestation. I guess I shouldn't complain since it's free. :p

06-15-2003, 08:29 AM
Almost a repeat of yesterday, with the poor quality pics too! (my excuse is they are taken with the zoom and I had to lighten them so you could see Ebbs:D )
Ebby is in the living room when we come home..

Bob goes behind bars again,(and still looks happy! :D )

I take some more pics...
There is an air vent behind this bookcase and Ebbs was taking a lot of interest in it...of course I am thinking mice!:eek:

Leave her and go and join Bob in the kitchen, which makes him happy...

Ebbs didn`t stay down so long today, I saw her slinking past while I was eating breakfast, couldn`t take pictures, she was too fast. Waiting for tommorow now to see if she will make it a hat-trick!:D

06-15-2003, 09:11 AM
Great pics! :) I'd definately call it progress. :D And I bet it will continue, now that Ebby knows nothing bad is happening!

Please keep the pics coming!

06-15-2003, 09:40 AM
Aww, good girl Ebby! Glad to hear she is making progress! :)

06-15-2003, 10:20 AM
Good on Ebby. :)

Sounds like a lot of progress has been made.

Edwina's Secretary
06-15-2003, 10:26 AM
Oh Ebby!!! Just to be in the same house with Bob...I can't image how you resist being in the same room with him.

You must be playing hard to get???

06-16-2003, 06:07 AM
Wow, that's a progress!

06-16-2003, 09:25 AM
Such progress! :D Love the pics!

Did Ebby indeed make it a hat trick? :)

06-16-2003, 02:11 PM
Bob was lying in his crate patiently waiting to go out and I was fiddling with the camera, getting it ready in case she was down when we came back, when who slinks past me but the girl herself!:) Goes in the living room and lies down bold as brass!


I think Bob and I were both in shock!:D Bob didn`t try to run in there or make a sound, bless him. I got him to sit and get his harness on then I let him by the door to look.


He was so good and didn`t try to pull so as to go up to her or anything.... okay, I know he was on the leash but even so....

We went out for our walk then. When we came home Ebbs was back to the old routine, she saw me and heard me put the key in the door and off she went upstairs!:rolleyes: :) She certainly keeps me on my toes does Ebbs!:D

06-16-2003, 02:30 PM
Typical girl!!! She's being devious, and playing hard to get, obviously!!!! :) But you are making progress, Chris!!! :)

Edwina's Secretary
06-16-2003, 03:14 PM
I predict by the end of the week you will come back from your walk and Ebby will be resting comfortably....in Bob's crate!

06-16-2003, 03:25 PM
LOL Sara!:D :D

Thanks Logan.:)