View Full Version : racing dogs!?!?

06-14-2003, 12:05 PM
i think that racing greyhouds is mean,but my friend and i race our dogs at the park all the time....we strech them,rub them down,do all the specail stuff......they seem to like it. is it a bad thing that we bet with friend of ours that are there too sometimes racing their dogs? we aren't mean to the dogs. we are just having fun. is it crule?
these dogs are not greyhouds. they are normal dogs.

06-14-2003, 12:21 PM
Heh, greyhounds are normal dogs too :p

It is not mean if the dogs are enjoying it and not being mistreated.

06-14-2003, 01:44 PM
well...I guess making a dog run to earn money for the owner or something..and doing it all the time is kinda cruel. But if the dog enjoys it, I say go ahead and do it. Have you ever seen those dog shows on discovery (i think it's discovery..). They often have besenji's, afghans, whippets and italiangreyhounds chasing a lure...they seem to enjoy it...so I think it's alright.

06-14-2003, 01:46 PM
good....i was worried....yes,they love running and hanging w/ the other dogs.

06-14-2003, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by binka_nugget
well...I guess making a dog run to earn money for the owner or something..and doing it all the time is kinda cruel. But if the dog enjoys it, I say go ahead and do it. Have you ever seen those dog shows on discovery (i think it's discovery..). They often have besenji's, afghans, whippets and italiangreyhounds chasing a lure...they seem to enjoy it...so I think it's alright.

I agree

06-14-2003, 09:30 PM
My aunt has adopted 2 greyhounds that have been retired (or at least one has, I haven't met the other) and some of the stories she's told us are horrible. The animals are mistreated and put into a tiny cage right after they run and are sweaty and breathing hard. I barrel race horses and I have learned that you don't want to tie them up to the trailer right after you run them hard.....they need to be walked out and at the end of the day they need to be brushed out because they're sweaty......if you want more detailed stories about greyhound racing PM me and let me know.