View Full Version : pics of dead dogs

06-13-2003, 11:11 PM
i know it's odd....very odd....but i need pics of dogs that have been euthanized. i amsending out a forward to everyone in my address book a bunch of pics of euthanized dogs and cats....to show why they need to fix their animals.

06-13-2003, 11:12 PM
sorry don't have any...try google

I hope your msg works

06-13-2003, 11:15 PM
I think that is odd...cant you EXPLAIN to them why to fix their animals? Like, if they dont, the animals could develop health problems, they add to over population of animals getting euthanized each day, and etc.. I dont see how pictures are going to make a difference. I just think it would be VERY depressing seeing those pics.....so, just explain it to them? and NO pics?

06-13-2003, 11:23 PM
Why on earth do you need that and why would you come here and ask it? Even if why you need them is none of my business, you still are pretty brassy to come here and ask for them.

:rolleyes: :mad:

All Creatures Great And Small
06-13-2003, 11:33 PM
Yeah, we Pet Talkers usually have a lot of repulsive pictures on our hard drives, of dead companion animals, animals in accidents (as requested by another poster), etc. :rolleyes:

I have to agree - why ask for these pictures on a pet forum? Just enter "dead dog photos" in the search box of your internet provider. I really don't think commando tactics like that will win over any of your lucky "friends" in your address book anyway.

Desert Arabian
06-13-2003, 11:39 PM


...I think there are some who will get the joke...

06-13-2003, 11:44 PM
Please search for perverse things on your own and do not involve us in it. This post should be in the Dog House at the very least. :(

Desert Arabian
06-13-2003, 11:45 PM
For those who do not get the joke, that is a picture of a fruit bat.

(I personally think it is ADORABLE)

...now do you get it!?!?!?! :D ;) :p :D ;) :p

06-13-2003, 11:46 PM
no ( i feel dumb lol):rolleyes:

06-13-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
For those who do not get the joke, that is a picture of a fruit bat.

(I personally think it is ADORABLE)

...now do you get it!?!?!?! :D ;) :p :D ;) :p

Now I do, agreed!

06-13-2003, 11:48 PM
<--doesnt understand joke...

remember, im a blonde. LOL:D :)

06-13-2003, 11:51 PM
I work at the city's animal care and control center and everyday dozens of dogs and cats are euthanzine. It is not a pretty site and not one that we take pictures of. And guess what the majority of the dogs pts are already neutered or spayed. when it is an owner surrender they are pts. strays (which the owner doesnt claim because they dont want to pay the impoundment fee) do get 10 days to be adopted. Spaying and neutering doesnt stop the euthanzining. I will say the the people on pet talk know that pets are for life, but sadly some of the general public. see a dog or cat and say oh how cute. thats what I want, but then it grows into this hugh dog and now its no longer that cute little ball of fur. and it ate the couch or peed on the rug. so its now a bad dog all because the owner didnt train it or think into the future of how big it is going to be. Thats where public education comes in . I take my days that i am off and go into the schools and teach pet care and pet safety buy teaching the school children just maybe maybe some day euthanzineing will not be done in the vast numbers that is being done to day. We also pts the Humane society animals for them. they claim to be a no kill shelter. but they walk the dogs and cats across the street to us to pts. I could go on and on but will stop here. I would hope that other animal care and control centers do not take pictures either.

06-13-2003, 11:52 PM
Thanx shais_mom! LOL, now i get it....(i think!):)

06-14-2003, 12:14 AM
I think that your heart may be in the right place, but that is a guesome thing to ask for! just explain the facts to them, and who is it on here that has a good sig pic? it shows one dog, below it is two, then 4 etc etc...I think THAT is pretty clear , especially with the facts.

06-14-2003, 12:45 AM
ohh yea..prima's sig...i love it....tikeya's mom also has a good one..it says Neuter or Euthanize with a doggy holding two signs

Cisco's Mom
06-14-2003, 05:45 AM
I agree with alot of what oodlesofpoodles had to say. I to work for a humane society and was a volunteer before that. I believe if you gathered some statistics and information about what really goes on with unwanted fur babies that might help drive home the point. For example, last yr. our facility took in over 16,000 pets and ONLY a little over 3,000 got homes. What do you think happen to the rest of them?? Yesterday, I helped take in four litters of kittens in like a hour&half! At this time of yr. when babies are being made we are slammed full!! Which is not a good thing.:(

06-14-2003, 10:08 AM
pictures can tell alot more then what i can tell them. i never found a need to spay my cat until i saw pics of shelter animals in a dumpster and in a landfil.

i send things like this to everyone in my address book all the time....just in words....and it never helps.if they "see" the result of not spaying and neutering then they might think twice about the $40 to fix their cat or dog.

sorry if i made anyone mad. i was just trying to help futer kittens and puppies.:(

06-14-2003, 11:33 AM
The ASPCA sent my shelter a picture of a puppy sitting in front of a landfill of dead bodies with a message on it about spaying and neutering :( :( :( :( I burst out crying the second I saw it but we made the decision to hang it up in our lobby. I think there are in fact certain people that need to see it to get the message. But I don't think its appropropriate to ask us animal lovers to look at or search for those things. It really breaks our hearts, especially those of us who see it every day at work.

Try contacting the ASPCA for a picture or something.

06-14-2003, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by oodlesofpoodles
Spaying and neutering doesnt stop the euthanzining.

Actually, it does. It will greatly reduce the statistics of animals that are euthanized. A large portion of the homeless animals comes from irresponsible and accidental breeding. If people would have their animals spayed, there would be a lot less homeless animals on the streets and in shelters. Of course when people bring in their bundles of puppies or kittens, they are pretty easy to adopt out. But look at the other cages. The big black dog or the 5 year old cat with wonderful personalities who have done nothing wrong except fall into the wrong hands, they will be the ones to die because Joe Blow let his dog play with his neighbor's dog and all of a sudden there's puppies.


06-14-2003, 11:48 AM
i agree.spaying and neutering saves thousands of lives. when i adopted my dog he was already neuterd. but the dog i had right before him got pregnant and had 10 puppies because i kept putting it off. if i saw a pic of animals of in a landfill i would have spayed her...i don't know what happend to the pups...i gave them away. to people i don't know. i gave one to a friend of mine,but he got devorces and they took the dog and let her go....to run...not spayed.i bet she had a litter of pups. and sinse her mom "roxy" had ten pups i'm sure she would of had a large litter to....then those pups would have litters and those pups would have litter......all this happend because i was so stupid not to have her spayed. and a number of those puppies will be killed because nobody wants them.

spaying and neutering does save lives.it's as simple as that.

06-14-2003, 02:33 PM
I think that pictures have alot of emotional affect on people, and that sometimes words aren't enough. Would you be more shocked, more scarred for life, over someone saying "dead dog?" Or would you be more shocked and scarred for life if you SAW a dead dog.

Try looking on google.com or yahoo.com

I know that there are lots of sites that deal with animal cruelty and have alot of graphic pics.

06-14-2003, 04:55 PM
I agree, some people may need the pics to get the point!
but its awful to be sensitve of something like that and see apic of it.. I would be sick! litterally sick.
cisco's mom's post made the point pretty clear to me...16,000 and only 3000 get homes... thats a pretty clear fact!:( :(

06-14-2003, 05:07 PM
I think this web site may help you...Ohio Humane Education (http://www.ohiohumaneeducation.org/)

n the left hand side of the page, there is a box labled, "Urgent", withiin that, if you click on "Exposed" There are pictures from some of Ohio's worst shleters, including pictures. THEY ARE GRAPHIC!!! Look at the ones both, were they are still trying to outlaw gassing nd someof the victories.

If you scroll down further, on the main page, there is also some helpful information on pet overpopulation

06-15-2003, 01:01 AM
That a little to demented for me. I don't even like to think about dead or hurt animals let alone see pics of them. But this poem, which I previously posted has a pretty strong effect to me. I hope you decide to use a little more tact on your quest to save animals.

A Dog Sits Waiting

A dog sits waiting in the cold
autumn sun
Too faithful to leave
Too Frightened to run
He's been there for days now
With nothing to do
But sit by the road just waiting
for you
He can't understand why you left
him that day;
He thought you were stopping to
go with him to play.
He's sure you'll come back
And that's why he stays
How long can he suffer; how
many more days?
His legs have grown weak; his
throat parched and dry.
He's sick now from hunger
He falls, with a sigh.
He lays down his head
He closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how a
waiting dog dies.

-Kathie Flood

06-15-2003, 07:36 AM
That a little to demented for me. I don't even like to think about dead or hurt animals let alone see pics of them.
EXACTLY why i'm doing this! nobody wants to "see" a dead dog. because they know they will be upset and know that i am right. THEY NEED TO SPAY AND NEUTER THEIR DOGS AND CATS!!!

now all of you know this already so i don't have to tell you.;)

Cisco's Mom
06-15-2003, 08:08 AM
Ya know I really hate to say it, but some people just don't care!!!:( :(

06-15-2003, 08:49 PM
A Dog Sits Waiting

A dog sits waiting in the cold
autumn sun
Too faithful to leave
Too Frightened to run
He's been there for days now
With nothing to do
But sit by the road just waiting
for you
He can't understand why you left
him that day;
He thought you were stopping to
go with him to play.
He's sure you'll come back
And that's why he stays
How long can he suffer; how
many more days?
His legs have grown weak; his
throat parched and dry.
He's sick now from hunger
He falls, with a sigh.
He lays down his head
He closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how a
waiting dog dies.

-Kathie Flood

Ohmy...that poem actually made me cry...:(

06-15-2003, 11:44 PM
That poem made me cry too! I'm such a crybaby :( I'm getting images from the poem now, it's so sad! Why do people do these kinds of things to animals? I just don't know why

06-16-2003, 06:38 AM
I agree with spaying and neutering and that it helps control the unwanted population. but it doesnt stop the putting to sleep. Yesturday we had to put down 17 dogs- 12 were neutered or spayed. I agree that the 12 were no longer able to produce unwanted litters but they were still pts. Thats why I say do public education in the schools, start with the children. the American Kennel Club has a great Canine Ambassadorship program and almost all the materials are free. I go to all schools, exchange club and rotary club meetings. I am always teaching. the humane society here does field trips and they always ask me to come and talk. Besides doing all this I am the president of our local kennel club, the public ed person, volunteer my time with PAWS as Noels handler go to public events to talk about respons. pet ownership, pet care, pet abuse etc. I am always teaching. and while neutering and spaying helps control the over population of unwanted pets, It is also healthier for the animal.

06-16-2003, 10:25 AM
I am just hoping that I am not in your address book. Of course, I'm not one of the offenders, either. But there has to be a better way than sending pictures. I appreciate the fact that you are trying to help, don't get me wrong. But who are you planning to send this to? Friends?? This is who is in my address book, and I can't imagine sending that kind of message to them, regardless of what they need to see and hear.

Just my two cents.

06-16-2003, 05:26 PM
I don't think sending pictures of dead animals is necessarily the best way to educate people. I would send that pyramid that shows how many cats come from one feral mamma in a short time...that's a bit more profound and civilized.

If you are concerned for the animals your friends and family have, why don't you educate them personally. You can even research low cost spay/neuter clinics and let them know how inexpensive it can be.

06-17-2003, 01:38 PM
I agree with everyone-that is a bit morbid-I suggest you try some of the TV stations who have shown puppy mills-they're horrible! maybe then people will go to the shelter and adopt. Isn't it you catch more flies with honey!! Guilt only lasts a short time( dead animals piled up). A cute fuzzy face has more of an impact!!

06-17-2003, 03:22 PM
When my Bedlington died in my arms ( with my daughter beside me) I picked her up and laid her in her basket, curled her feet around as if she was asleep. I stayed with her for the rest of the night, and I did take a photo of her, but it was because I loved her........and could not get over the fact that I had lost her.

Anyone asking for photo's like this has to be sick or very cruel. I don't care if it is for study or not......it is sick.

06-17-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
<--doesnt understand joke...

remember, im a blonde. LOL:D :)

Also doesn't understnad joke, is a blonde, and I am only 13 years old! ;)

06-17-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by *LabLoverKEB*
Also doesn't understnad joke, is a blonde, and I am only 13 years old! ;)

<----13 years old too.....LOL!:D

06-17-2003, 07:31 PM
Im blonde....But I'm also almost 16...and I still don't get it :o lol

06-17-2003, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by Mich

Anyone asking for photo's like this has to be sick or very cruel. I don't care if it is for study or not......it is sick.


06-19-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
<----13 years old too.....LOL!:D

LOL!:D :) ;)