View Full Version : Thanks, Phred!

06-13-2003, 09:47 PM
I've been a long-time user of Netscape as my browser, and loved the bookmark feature. I "upgraded" to 7.02 about six months ago. Hmmmm. When I started the PC a couple of weeks ago, it stated something about Thankyou for downloading 7.02... What?? As a result, I lost all my archived emails. That happened twice. Then a few days later, after startup, All my bookmarked folders below Gardening were GONE, including Pettalk!:(

That did it, I decided to switch to MS Internet Explorer. Quite a learning curve, but I'll adapt. My biggest problem was how to copy photos. Netscape was easy, right click on "copy image location"... But IE? I "Asked Jeeves" but got thoroughly confused.

Then I remembered Phred's tutorial. and that probably 99% PetTalkers use IE.. Yep, the answer was right there.

So, thanks, Phred, you CAN teach an old cat new tricks!

Cinder & Smoke
06-13-2003, 10:18 PM

We'z *hangin onto* our ole NetScape 4.79 fur as long az it'll last!
Problem is *some* sites no longer display well (or :eek: at ALL) on the older IE and NetScape 4.7x Browsers :mad:!

We too loaded the "NEW" NetScape 7.02... :rolleyes:
BAD Dream! :p
Luckily!! We did not "upgrade" from 4.79 to 7.02 -
we loaded 7.02 as a New Load - KEPT 4.79 intact. Copied and loaded *copies* of BookMarks, E-mails, and Address Book into the NS 7.02 contraption.

Dumm NS 7.02 Crashed & Burned so many times in the first two weeks we tried to use it...
The poor Puter wuz livin under a Haze of BLUE NawTee Wurdz! Smoke & Me quit sleepin unner da puter... Nebbur Sure iffin Dad wus *hollerin* at US or da Puter! :p

We too "LOST" the BookMarks, Address Book, bunch e-mails... and after one or two hours of surfin - the stoopid 7.02 wuz slowin down to a crawl...
Dad kept re-loadin the Booky Marks, anna Addy Book - musta *fixed* it a duzin tymes... Last a day or two, then ziiippppp - stuff'z GONE or busted, or it just locked up.... :mad:!!!!

Soooo... We'z back ta runnin Ole Faithful ~ NettyScaper 4.79 :D

Az fur *learnin* the Klik & Copy stuff wiff Internet Explorer...
Dad kuld nebber figger out *why* folkz couldnit follow our old structions bout postin pix...???

Finally fired up our old copy of IE and tried it out... OMG!! :eek: NUFFIN Werked like we'd been sayin! No wunner Folkz wuz corn-fuzzeled!

DAT'z when we did da big RE-rite of da Pixshure Postin 101 artikil. :p

Ennieway - Glad y'all are happie wiffa How-To rite-up!


06-14-2003, 10:06 AM
To make the confusion complete, I'd like to recommend OPERA! :D No it has nothing to do with music - it's an e-mail AND browser in ONE and is based on Open Source code and is supposed to be more secure too!! :)

Here's a link: http://www.opera.com/whyopera/

06-14-2003, 11:46 AM
Hmm, that looks really clean. Is it easy to copy photos?

Here's (http://petoftheday.com/talk/search.php?s=&action=showresults&searchid=126771&sortby=lastpost&sortorder=descending) Phred tutorial to see what we go through now.

06-14-2003, 12:04 PM
Freckles, do you mean copy a picture from the net? If so, it's very easy. When you right click on the picture you want, there's a possibility to copy it and then post on PT. :)

That is if you're using Windows! I'm not sure if the Mac version has got the e-mail feature yet.

When I installed it a few years ago, my bookmarks, adressbook came along too. :)

06-14-2003, 12:10 PM
Can you download the free version to try it out, then pay the $40 to get the ad free version?

06-14-2003, 12:12 PM
Oh yes, no problem! :) Try it!

06-14-2003, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

We'z *hangin onto* our ole NetScape 4.79 fur as long az it'll last!

Me too, Phred! Me too!:D

06-15-2003, 06:07 PM
I've been using Opera for a couple of days, and really like it.
At the top, there is room for some of my favorites - like PetTalk and Cat of the day. Netscape had this, IE didn't.
I like that the browser and Mail are together in one place. Netscape had this, IE didn't.
It uses a similar method to Netscape to copy pics. IE is a couple more clicks.
I was able to download my Netscape bookmarks, it miight be a little trickier with the older Netscape versions, but there are instructions.
So diehard Netscapers, Opera might be the one to try.

Randi, thanks again.

06-16-2003, 12:31 PM
Freckles, I'm glad you like it. :) I had it recommended a few years ago by an IT wizard friend. :D

Now, we're at it, I can also recommend a search engine called alltheweb.com