View Full Version : My poor, poor Noah :( :( :(

06-13-2003, 05:56 PM
:( :( :( :( :(

I feel so bad!!! :( Noah and Noel had to go to the vet today for their shots. Noah, as usual was a little meanie. To the point that they had to put a leash on him, IN HIS CARRIER, to keep him from biting them while they gave him ONE shot!

They brought him back out to me and we left. I smelled something in the car. :( Noah was SO upset that he went to the bathroom on himself. It got all stuck under his tail, in his fur.

I keep trying to help him clean up, but he's so mad at me. He's NEVER mad at me. :(

06-13-2003, 05:58 PM
AHHHHH, poor wittle Noah. What a nawteekat he was at the vets! But, all will be forgotten in a few days time.

06-13-2003, 06:11 PM
Poor Noah! Good thing shot time only comes once a year.
(I was sooooo scared to look at this thread! I can't tell you how relieved I am that he is healthy, if ornery.):D

06-13-2003, 06:17 PM
I've NEVER, EVER seen him this bad. He was spitting! Even at ME!! I'm almost to the point where I want to order vaccinations from Drs. Foster Smith and do it myself. And I'M a huge baby when it comes to giving meds...that's how bad it was today.

He's getting better now. He's actually laying close to the den, I guess that's a good sign. He's still cleaning down there. :( I think he'll need a bath tonight, I'm sure that'll go well. :( :( :(

K & L
06-13-2003, 06:27 PM
I know how you feel. Our most feral, Blaze, was due for his yearly. Now keep in mind he will barely let me pet him, so to capture and put him in a carrier is next to impossible. We chased and chased him until we finally threw a blanket over him and put him in the carrie like that. He pooped all over and we felt SO bad. We avoid the vet with him now unless necessary.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-13-2003, 06:30 PM
poor Noah...:(
I am so sorry you did not have a fun day at the vets... But your mommy loves you very much and wants to make sure you stay a healthy kitty.. *KISSES* to you sweet boy. I hope you are feeling better soon... and try to purr a little for your mommy... she needs some comforting too.

06-13-2003, 07:11 PM
How important is it for him to go to the vet if he's an indoor cat, with all others being vaccinated?

06-13-2003, 11:46 PM
Poor boy! :(
This could get into a HUGE discussion about the pros/cons of vaccinations. And I haven't researched it enough to comment on that, but I would suggest maybe trying some rescue remedy before his next trip, I bought some specifically for Kylie for her vet trips and her baths. And I also bought thru www.valleyvet.com
pro calm. It is for dogs and cats. I just got it yesterday and haven't had a chance to see if it helps. Kylie doesn't have to go to the vet until 7-3-03.

06-14-2003, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
This could get into a HUGE discussion about the pros/cons of vaccinations.

I would suggest maybe trying some rescue remedy before his next trip.
You're right Staci, I don't want this to get into a huge discussion. I think we'll try Rescue Remedy for next time, but I think I'm going to learn how to give him his shots each year. May as well...

We gave his back end a bath and a hair cut. My poor little guy, he gets so mellow from shots and he had such trauma today. He's sitting in the corner of our bedroom looking so pathetic. :( Poor thing....

06-14-2003, 03:07 AM
Oh the poor darling! I was at the local pathologists paying a bill today, and this 3 year old girl was having her first blood test. The screaming that ensued led me to believe that the child was being tortured! At the end, she came out - beaming - with a lollypop! LOL!

Noah will forgive you, he'll be right as rain in a few days. Pixel is due for a booster next weekend, but she's such a good girl at the vets - THANK GOD!

06-14-2003, 03:42 AM
Poor Noah! I bet his little misfortune in the car hurts him more than the shot itself! :(

Can understand so well how bad you are feeling now, but I'm sure he'll forgive you. Maybe a can of his fave food might help? ;)

Anyway, I'm glad he's okay! Was afraid he was sick or injured when I read the subject line!


06-14-2003, 04:40 AM
Dear Noah, I tell you something but make sure the others don't see it. When my meowmie took me to the vet last time, I hated it as usual. I told her all the way how mean she is to put me in this carrier, not letting me out and to take me to that place. At the vet's I tried to jump on the shoulder of the vet and maybe to the window and to get out of her because it smells horrible!!!!!:mad:

But nothing helped. They were too many. So to tell them what I really think I made a little lake in the carrier and the car. Hehehe!
on the way back home.:eek:
Ok -now we all are fine again. I understand you and I think you have to show hoomans when their behavior is too dominant!

Yours, Filou

06-14-2003, 09:35 AM
Oh Kelly, I can picture it. :rolleyes: Years ago when we had to take Fister to the vet, we were nerveous wrecks hours before getting him in the box. We talked to the vet about it and decided to give him a tranquilizer an hour before. That really helped a lot. The first few times we crushed a pill called Plegicil and put it inside shrimps, but that put him out more or less for 11 hours! :eek: We didn't like that, so we tried Diazepam 5 mg.(which is the same as Valium) and that was just perfect! He could still walk around and it didn't last as long.

Now, we can actually put him in the box without bloodshed and without giving him anything - big improvement!! :)

We're lifting him now and again for just 10-20 sec. and putting him down again, so he can get used to it, and see nothing bad is happening.

I'm glad it's over and done for now. In my opinion, you don't have to have him vaccinated every year, unlesss he's going somewhere or being with other cats who aren't.

Noserubs and kisses! :)

06-14-2003, 09:50 AM
Juke Joint joseph also made a mess in the carrier , but at least the Vet got the stool sample that he always asks for! And fresh! Couldnt get fresher than that!

06-14-2003, 11:46 AM
ah poor little guy, Im sorry you had such an upsetting time... to go potty onyourself you must really be upset...tell mommy to give you treats when you calm down. but biting the vets is a no-no!

do you think they were mean to him, is that why he pottied?

06-14-2003, 01:14 PM
I find it's different every time I have to take my cats in. It just depends on their mood at the time I have to put them in the portable prison! Last weekend I was certain I'd have a horrible experience with Mishi - he can be a real beast and growls and gets VERY ornery when he doesn't get his way. I must have caught him in a good mood as he was almost perfect!

This Tuesday I'm taking Mitzi in for her first bath - a day at the cat spa! Sounds like heaven to me! Pampering, washing, blow dry, pedicure .... but I KNOW it will be a battle just getting her into the carrier. I'm starting to prepare myself for the experience even now.

Now, Noah -- you poor boy! I was worred too when I saw the subject line, but am glad it was nothing more traumatic than a trip to the white coats. Your Meowmie is very courageous to want to try giving you your vaccines herself. She deserves extra head bumpies, purrs and kitty kisses.

06-14-2003, 08:28 PM
I know why Noah is my special heart kitty! He forgave me so quickly! David and I were reading in bed last night and Noah came in. Olivia hisses and carries on like usual, but I can tell Noah isn't feeling well and he just slides down the wall and lays down.

I went down on the floor and gave him some loving and continued to read right next to him and he fell asleep.

I went online for a while and he came with me, sitting at the top of my desk chair. He kept coming down and getting in front of the screen for headbumpies and hugs. :D He did this about five or six times in about an hour. The last two times, he would gently take my fingers away from the keyboard with his teeth! :)

He's my baby....we're still in love! ;)

Now he's at the kennel, scared again. But will settle down with his special blanket soon. I can't wait to see them again on Monday. :(

06-14-2003, 10:39 PM
aww Noah sounds like such a wonderful cat! I'm glad things are better between you two! :D

06-14-2003, 11:33 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about Noah's traumatic vet visit. :( My Cirrus is still semi feral so it's very hard for me to even get him into a carrier. I can't even pill him. When he went to the vets, they had to pill him with a tranquilizer and he had to stay there all day because it takes about 2 hours to take effect. I need to ask my vet about a cream form so I can rub it into his ear to calm him down so he can have his nails trimmed and advantage applied monthly. Hopefully this won't happen again and you will be able to find something to help Noah relax at the vets.

06-15-2003, 12:46 AM
I guess Im confused...why does Noah and the other cats have to be at the vets all weekend? if they are not doing the door til monday?

06-15-2003, 12:55 AM
B/c the place where she took them doesn't allow drop offs on Sundays.

06-15-2003, 02:15 AM
oh.. ok I see.:)