View Full Version : Unbelievably--Oz did it to me again...

06-13-2003, 03:36 PM
I was taking a bath again, Murph laying next to the tub and
Maddie and Oz hanging out in the bedroom. I looked over
to the bedroom and noticed that Oz was playing with a piece
of clothing. Couldn't tell what it was, so I got out of the tub
to investigate. He had gotten one of my back packing bags,
that was laying on my loveseat under some pillows and
clothes. I picked it up, telling him "No" and there sitting
underneath it was a bottle of prescription pills... recently
chewed on... ARGH! "This just can not be happening again!!!
Shouldn't there be like some preset time frame, before
you're thrown into another emergency situation, especially
the same type of emergency situation?!?"

After the last incident I had moved all medicine up to the top
shelves of the kitchen cabinets... or so I thought. I'd overlooked
this forgotten bottle from our last camping trip. The label of
course was chewed up, but I was pretty sure they were Maddie's
steroids. Trying not to panic this time, I took a moment to try
and calculate how many pills he could have taken. I figured
3 max and since he's 3 times as big as Maddie that'd only be 1
dosage... Big sign of relief...

This weekend I guess I'm gonna be forced to get organized.
This just goes against my whole personality type. I have
flashes of turning into my sister and alphabetizing the can
goods and spices in the pantry. Errrrrr... Only for you Oz...
Only for you... Because Murph and Maddie would never put
me through something like this... and... because I've grown
quite attached to getting poked in the face, by that big ole
collie schnoze.:)


06-13-2003, 04:15 PM
lol tsk tsk oz. I think Oz might have a bit of a sweet tooth for pills...:rolleyes: lol.

06-13-2003, 04:46 PM
lol, what a silly lil doggie. :)

06-13-2003, 05:41 PM
Oz!! You naughty, naughty boy!! Stop scaring your mommy (and us) like that. :eek: He's probably the type that won't take a pill that he needs willingly, but give him someone else's and chomp, chomp, chomp. :D :D :D :rolleyes:

Cisco's Mom
06-13-2003, 06:11 PM
Yep!! You have to get just a tad bit more organized. I don't think you need to put the can goods in alphabetical order, but gotta put those pills away!! ;)

06-14-2003, 07:12 AM
Oz, you nawtee, nawtee boy! You need to stop scaring your mommy like that!
Glad he's ok though:)

06-14-2003, 08:01 AM
I've had the pill scare myself years ago when Hannah was young. I head something being *chewed on* from the next room. Ordinarily I wouldn't check on every noise, but this time I had a feeling I should. The item being chewed on was my 7 day pill holder, with several of the little lids flipped open. I pryed open Hannah's mouth and one of the pills fell out of it. That and the other pills I picked up off the floor accounted for all the missing ones. That was the last time my 7 day pill holder ever sat on my nightstand. Thereafter it was kept in the drawer.

06-14-2003, 08:20 AM
Wow I'm glad that this wasn't as scary as the last adventure! Isn't it funny how they can find just what it is they shouldn't be finding! :rolleyes: DOGS - Ya gotta love 'em anyway! :)

Originally posted by ParNone
Only for you Oz...
Only for you...

One look into those beautiful Baby Blues and you know you have no choice, not to mention the fact that the rest of us want Oz to be around for a long, long time yet to hear more stories and see more pictures of you gorgeous boy! Happy organizing! ;)

06-14-2003, 11:41 AM

I'm glad it was ok this time--Oz sure loves the pills!!!!

My husband is a total neat freak and organization freak, so we don't have this problem, but if it were just my house, who knows what the dogs would be getting at!!

06-16-2003, 02:12 PM
Well I'm getting more organized, but now he's putting his paws
up on the entertainment center, to see if there's anything of
interest up on the top shelf. Amazing reach with that long
Collie nose of his. His energy level seems to be
increasing as he's getting older, so I think I'm gonna have to
exercise him even more than I have been in the morning.
Morning seems to be his highest energy time, hence looking
for things to get into and being somewhat of a pest to Murph,
trying to get him to play. Hah! As active as Murph is normally,
he's a zombie in the morning and is getting a lil' perturbed
about being bothered, while trying to catch some Zzzzzz.
So for Murph's sake I'm gonna see if I can't poop Oz out a
lil' more in the morning.


06-16-2003, 06:32 PM
I love the pic in your sig. Maddie, you may be a 'lil cranky, but you sure are a pretty girl!

06-16-2003, 06:39 PM
OOhhh Oz.....:o Yo nawtee boy~!!

Hvae fun gettin more organized~!:p Hopefully it won't happen again~!;)

06-16-2003, 06:51 PM
Nawteeeeee Oz!!!

Tsk, tsk, tsk ...........:rolleyes:

06-17-2003, 01:33 PM
Awww thanks micki!! Maddie's always been the queen bee
around here, but as she's gotten older, she's gotten even
more ornery towards Murph and now Oz. If she got her
way neither Murph or Oz would be allowed to sleep on the
bed with us. You never know when she's gonna go after
them, and since Oz usually gets stuck in the middle between
Maddie and Murph, he's learned to sleep with one eye open.
Ready to leap off the bed in a moments notice.:)
