View Full Version : Lucky

K & L
06-13-2003, 02:34 PM
Did you all read Bunny's reply on Lucky? If not, here it is:
Yes, we were quite surprised when we added up the totals, too!

My Lucky is extremly lucky!! I guess we named him correctly. He went back to the Vet yesterday because his rash came back. He is allergic to the medications for Chylothorax (actually the diuretic). So they took another x-ray and much to our surprise there was NO trace of fluid in his body at all! Talk about being shocked!! So now he can stop the medication that he is allergic to!!

We got out of the Vet's office this time with only a $200.00 bill....that's been the cheapest vet bill so far! I can't believe how expensive animal specialist are! But, Lucky is certianly worth every penny of it.

Thanks for asking...

Bunny >^..^<

06-13-2003, 02:56 PM
Ah yes, we are so happy that Lucky IS lucky lately!!

K & L
06-13-2003, 02:59 PM
Just in case you all forgot....Lucky has the same thing as Bassett. Let's hope Bassett is just as lucky!

06-13-2003, 03:07 PM
What wonderful news for Lucky, and very hopeful news for dear Bassett! Thanks, K&L for bringing this to our attention!!!!!!!

06-13-2003, 03:52 PM
I am going to admit that I do not remember ALL the details of Lucky. Has he had am operation, or did he get "lucky" enough to not need one?

(Honest, I do care, I just forget things)

K & L
06-13-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I am going to admit that I do not remember ALL the details of Lucky. Has he had am operation, or did he get "lucky" enough to not need one?

(Honest, I do care, I just forget things)

At this point in time it looks as if the medication worked! Hopefully it will remain like this and no surgery will be needed!:)