View Full Version : Finally!

06-13-2003, 01:16 PM
Yaay I'm so happy right now! First of all, I did my Science final today (and I know I said I wouldn't be on PT for like, 3 weeks but things went well and I had enough time for this place. lol). I still have another 2 exams though but its okay because I finally got my DIGITAL CAMERA!! My dad went out last night and then came back with a camera! He got this memory card thing and a little pouch to keep it in so its all good. I got an Olympus Stylus 300 Digital. Here's a pic:
http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/shopping/133261/catalog_s_1990989717.1046820985.jpg?rm_____DyVrqgR V2
I'm not allowed to even put the batteries in until my exams are all over and as soon as I figure out how to work it, expect some pics! ( yaay! *sarcastically*) I was really going for a Kodak but my dad changed his mind last minute and we thought we'd get an Olympus. I hope I can figure out how to work it though. There are so many buttons and modes and I'm so lost. Oh well...hopefully I'll catch on :p ....And that's all for my useless post...:D

06-13-2003, 02:09 PM
Oooooohhh!! Mickey pics!!!! Flood us, please! :D :D :D We want to see lots! Don't worry, you'll figure the camera out quickly. I was a bit overwhelmed when I first got mine, too. :D

06-13-2003, 02:21 PM
That's great, 1 down & only 2 to go!

Yipee, now that means we get to see Mickey pics all the time:D Ours is an Olympus-not exactly like that but it's really easy to operate even with all the buttons, modes & extras. You'll get it in no time!

Can't wait to see some new pics & good luck on your other 2 exams!

06-13-2003, 03:58 PM
YAHOO!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

Now we can see so much more of Mickey, and hopefully more of poor little Sky and Rocket too! :p:p:p:D

06-13-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
YAHOO!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

Now we can see so much more of Mickey, and hopefully more of poor little Sky and Rocket too! :p:p:p:D

Of course! Pics of the birds too. Don't worry PCB ;)

Thanks everyone! I hope I figure it out soon. I'm so scared to break it., you should see the way I hold it. :rolleyes: