View Full Version : My new foster!!! Umi.... the kitten!

06-13-2003, 12:30 PM
She's my new foster, an orange tabby.
I heard about her just the other day at work.

Her story...
My co-workers mother, was walking back to her car down town, and heard meowing, she lifted up the hood to her car, and there was this kitten sitting on one of the engine belts. It's sure a good thing she was crying!
So she tried to chase the kitten for about 5 hours trying to catch it, and gave it to her daughter to take care of (my co-worker) unfortunatly they were highly unprepaired for a kitten, and her fiance does not like cats.
It's always hard for an animal to be in a household where it is not wanted. :(
My co-worker started asking if anyone wanted a kitten the next day at work, so of course I basically insisted she give the little darling to me!
So during our big rain storm, I head over to her house to help her find and capture the cat, we tore that place apart but we could not find her!
So sadly I had to return home. I receieved a call at about 7am this morning, saying she had finally caught her, and I went to pick her up.
Poor darling was hiding herself in the corner of a couch with her head down. She turned around and started hissing at everyone around her.

So, she's here now, safe and sound. She's obviously never really been around people, she's still quiet warey but getting much better with me, I got her cuddling and purring with in minutes ;)
The poor dear was being fed tuna and milk! *sigh*. So she's got some real cat food and water for herself now in her room, and a litter box (thank goodness she knows how to use this! ha ha).
He belly is soooo bloated, from the milk and the worms. She's also got ear mites thankfully not a very large case of them. Both the worms and ear mites are being treated. I used a pet whipe to clean her up a little, I don't want to tramatize her with a full bath her very first day, and gave her a little grooming. But she defeintly still needs some more work. She's VERY skinny I can feel and see a lot of the bones in her body, hopefully once she starts to eat some real food and gets rid of the worms, I can get a better idea of what age she really is, right now I'm thinking 5 or 6 weeks, but sometimes malnurished animals can stun their growth.

So I'll be holding on to her for about 3 or so more weeks. Get her used to me, little kids, and my other animals after her quarinteen is over.

Here's her darling little face, I hope you enjoy her pictures. She's got an ear thing going on, reminds me of that character Gizmo (anyone remember that?)


06-13-2003, 12:36 PM
if only my hubby would let me have another cat I would take her in a heartbeat! You live pretty close to me too! She absolutely adorable and very fortunate to have you taking care of her.

K & L
06-13-2003, 12:37 PM
What a touching story and darling little baby! I'm so glad she found a GOOD home!

06-13-2003, 01:08 PM
Uh oh!!! I'm in love!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous....oh, how I love those orangies. ;)

06-13-2003, 01:57 PM
She is too cute.

How kind of you, taking this little one in.

Have you fostered cats before ?

Hopeing she is a joy to look after and finds a very special furrever home :D

06-13-2003, 02:20 PM
PayItForward: Yes I have fostered many animals in the past.
I've taken a leave from it since I adopted out my last foster dog around Oct. of last year.
So currently I only help out the animals that don't have really any other option.
I took care of a fear biter dog earlier this year, but she never stayed in my house (i have a small child an other animals) but I would take care of her in the apartment she was left in (the owners moved adn left their dog for me to take care of) her ultimate fait was to be pts however.

As for this little one, my co-workers husband was going to kick the cat back out on the street or have her drop it off at some random barn if she didn't get someone to take it.

06-13-2003, 02:36 PM
my co-workers husband was going to kick the cat back out on the street or have her drop it off at some random barn if she didn't get someone to take it

Stupid man. :(

Thank goodness that she landed on her feet at your house. You'll make sure she is looked after properly and find her a good home.

I have considered fostering and got as far as ringing and asking about how it works. But I decided I am too softhearted and I wouldn't have the strength to actually allow the fosters to be homed.

I have the greatest respect for you and the others on PT, that help pets by fostering. It must be a very difficult & rewarding thing to do.

06-13-2003, 03:02 PM
She is so adorable! Thanks so much for taking her in!! Please do keep us posted on her progress!

06-13-2003, 03:08 PM
OOh! I'm in love! What a little darling!

06-13-2003, 03:21 PM

She's beautiful!!! :D

Umi, you are cleared for takeoff....

Airplane ears! :D :D

06-13-2003, 04:44 PM
lol she's my little gremlin! I know :D