View Full Version : Eating bugs?

06-13-2003, 12:37 AM
The other day I went to let Nebo out and he was nosing something on the floor.....I pulled his head away.......there was the biggest freaking spider I'd ever seen! It had this HUGE squishy red belly, I've never seen a spider like that.....had to drag Nebo away and make my mom kill it! :o

When we went camping there was moths who kept getting in at night, really big ones.....Nebo kept "hunting" them.....eventually he did catch and eat a rather large one. It made me gag, ick!

We always get ants in the house in the summer. Every so often Nebo will be walking around and then just stop and put his nose to the ground. He watches the ants then eventually eats them also.

Reggie and Smokey chased flies when they were younger (Nebo does that also) but I didn't really see them go after any other bugs. I don't like him going after them...for one, its nasty, for another, I'm paranoid he's going to get bit by some poisonous spider or something.

Anyone else have bug-eating dogs? :rolleyes:

06-13-2003, 12:42 AM
Kai ate a few worms. The first time, he gave me a kiss right after! :eek: GROSS! One of my biggest fears are worms...Kai must have been trying to help me get over it...lmao:p those are the only ones I've actually seen him eat..but I'm sure he's eaten alot more bugs.

Gone Doggin'
06-13-2003, 12:43 AM
ewww... Maple saw a spider once and her ears went up and stared at it, then suddenly she clawed it and killed the spider....then yuck!!! she ate it bleeeech!!

06-13-2003, 12:47 AM
oh yea..I forgot to mention the time Kai saved me from a spider! lol. My other big fear are spiders. I was holding him and saw his head move slowly from left to right. Wondering what he was looking at, I turned around. Saw a HUGE spider!:eek: He didn't eat it though. I knew he would go after it, so I held him back. Called my grandma....and it was gone...:D

Gone Doggin'
06-13-2003, 12:49 AM
this has nothing to do with my dog, but one time ewwwwww this huge spider was like this big | | crawled into my bro's room i freaked out and ran to my room

Gone Doggin'
06-13-2003, 12:50 AM
oh yah my dog likes to eat moths, but like not really eat them, just trying to bite them, like if she caught one she'd spit it out

06-13-2003, 05:13 AM
Oh, what a visual, bleugh! ;) That moth story is terrible - ack, just imagining all the dust, and the little twitching legs...yuk!
Silly Nebo (and poor mommy ;))

Lucy's not really into bugs, as far as I know. She snaps at flies, but that's about as far as it goes. She's too slow to ever catch them, anyway. :D

06-13-2003, 07:47 AM
Roxey & Huney just love june bugs (the big hard, crunchy beetle looking things:eek: ). They both go chasing them through the yard, but they find the best place is right at the door where the bugs go towards the light! I've seen them crunch down 10-15 bugs at one sitting! How gross!
Oh, and you'll love this....have you ever heard of a tomato worm? If not, I'll attach a picture. This is Huney's absolutely favorite thing, she'll eat them as long as you'd give them to her *YUCK!*
I'm glad I don't have the only bug eating dogs around!

06-13-2003, 07:52 AM
I have one too.!! My Molly goes out early and late when the back porch light is on. She sits there on the back deck waiting for bugs - she's not picky - june bugs, moths, flies - really doesn't matter. She loves the sport of the chase and then the reward of eating them. YUCK!!

06-13-2003, 08:00 AM
Asia is crazy about bugs....espcially bees. Their is always bees flyin around the lavender bed....n' she is always chasin them. Sometimes she gets lucky n' catches one. One time she got stung on her lip.....it was swollen for a few days...after it got better she went right back to doin what she was doin.....:rolleyes: .

One time I was brushing her n' a fly was flying around her head.....then landed on the ground. She went strait for it n' almost bit my foot:eek: ....... but she missed. Good thing~!!

Sometimes you'll just see her biting at the air tryin to catch a bug...LOL.....its funny.

06-13-2003, 08:07 AM
OMG Anna! I'd go nuts if Kia ate a tomato worm! :eek: *shudders*

Kia too eats June Bugs (bleah! :p ) , flies, grasshoppers.... yuck.

Had a cat that tried to eat a Praying Mantis once. The Mantis put up a fight and won. :eek:

Cat was okay... just wounded pride... :rolleyes: ;)

06-13-2003, 08:52 AM
Daisy likes to chase flies. Im not sure if she would ever eat them though.

06-13-2003, 08:55 AM
Yes, Ruby is quite the little bug hunter as well :rolleyes: I freak out when I see her going after spiders :o It just gives me the chills. I usually do the same thing as you, hold Ruby back and make my mom get the spider. She also goes after bees which worries me because she'll probably end up getting stung one day :( She catches a lot of flies, craneflies, & moths as well :rolleyes:

chloe's mom
06-13-2003, 09:42 AM
My sister's dog (who I live with) hunts and eats bugs. He has gotten stung/bitten a couple of time for his efforts. I think that only strengthened his resolve to rid the house of pests. Personally, I think it's great that he eats bugs... It's funny to watch and, well, then I don't have to worry about them. Of course, he also tries to rid the yard of cats and squirrels. He's not as successful at that. (still pretty funny to watch, though)

06-13-2003, 09:43 AM
If it crawls, squirms, wiggles, flies or hops, Chester hunts it and eats it! YUCK!!!

Millie doesn't. Ack she says. :rolleyes:

06-13-2003, 10:06 AM
lol yes all 3 dogs and the cat love to catch and eat bugs moths spiders etc

not the nicest thing to witness :rolleyes:

they also like to kill them then roll in the remains ~ack~

06-13-2003, 10:32 AM
Abby (when she was younger) used to like ants. She would see one on the ground and she sniff it, and most of the time, it would get sucked up her nose. Now that made for some funny faces for Abby... she start sneezing and wrinkling her nose... lol too funny.

Desert Arabian
06-13-2003, 10:53 AM
Rosie the chocolate Lab, loves to pounce on and eat grasshoppers at the boat landing.

When we go fishing on the Mississppi River, there is a lot of tall grass at the boat lauch, Rosie will stalk, pounce on, and eat the big grasshoppers.



06-13-2003, 11:01 AM
Riley LOVES June bugs---yuck!!!! He finds them outside, and brings them in, and I hear it crunching on the floor!! He loves moths and flies too, but he can't usually get the flies, but he will watch them!!
Abbey takes a notice to bugs, but I haven't really seen her eat any, and Kito looks at Riley like he is a goof when he gets them!!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-13-2003, 11:17 AM
Molli is THE flycatcher. Whether she's inside or outside, she spends most of her time catching flies (If there are any). If she can't catch 'em after a while, she'll sit around looking upward, crying. lol. Rosie used to like bees. I don't think she cares anymore. Bart likes flies. The little guy can never catch any. lol. Zoe doesn't care for the bugs, she strictly rabbits and birds. (Don't worry, I never let her catch any.) :) :D

06-13-2003, 04:57 PM
One word...
As far as I know, Chloe hasn't ever eaten any bugs, but that sure as heck doesn't mean she hasn't! I just hope all those kisses didn't have some special treats she wanted to share with me...:p

06-13-2003, 05:32 PM
Winter likes to eat ants...well actually she likes to herd them and then I think she tries to give them a kiss or two which of course ends up killing them so she does the er humane? thing and eats them. What can I say my princess is a freak.