View Full Version : Nerves..arg

06-12-2003, 11:28 PM
My very last exam of high school is tom..its 130 AM and I can't sleep. Your guess its cause I'm worried about it..well no..strangly..I'm worried about my dentist appy next week..I sware I'm the strangest person in the world..I have like teethophobia or something..I havent been to the dentist in like 2 yrs..and I know he's going to tell me I need my wisdom teeth out which scares me to death..and seeing I havent been there I know I must have cavities..which arent that bad but is still something to worry about..And now that I think about it..my teeth feel funny when air is on them..like..the roots..must be a root canal eh? God that even worse!! -cries- I make myself so sick and I tell myself to grow up and get sleep cause I need it..-sigh- I'm such a moron..sorry to whine about stupid things but it makes me feel better some how..phew..maybe now I can get sleep..

06-13-2003, 12:38 AM
Good luck on the exam! I just took my last one. I didn't study AT ALL! I think I actually did fairly well on it (for someone who never shows up):rolleyes: I hate dentist oppointments too! I have always had bad teeth. My first major dentist thing was when I had to get MANY of them removed because they were literally rotting. My mom said it was cuz I was fed milk before I went to sleep, so the milk just sat on my tooth. Then, I had to get braces...ouch! Next is wisdom teeth. I was supposed to get them out already...but my mom doesn't have the money. They're already about 1/4 of a cm out....it doesn't even hurt...:eek:

The Cat Factory
06-13-2003, 01:17 AM
I'm worried about my dentist appy next week

I have a dentist appointment next week too. I am terrified of the dentist! I'm going to have to take adavan (an anti-anxiety drug) before I let the dentist fix my teeth, otherwise i'd make a complete ass of myself and hide in the bathroom at the dentist office for an hour (I did that before...).

06-13-2003, 06:18 AM
Ah..I studied..but not as much as I should have :( Generally, if your wanting to get 90% you should study for more then a day and a half..Oh well..I'll settle for an 80 something I guess..I just wanted to keep a 90 avg..Not like it will happen.

As for teeth..Ive had 14 pulled already, so you can see were my fear comes from..10 were baby teeth (didnt come out..I needed braces) they ended up hurting more then the adults :( Then I got braces on..arg...evil..Now my wisdom teeth..hate it..hateee.

Cat: That will be me if they dont put me to sleep to get my teeth out only I'll be screaming..

The Cat Factory
06-13-2003, 04:36 PM
Cat: That will be me if they dont put me to sleep to get my teeth out only I'll be screaming..

I had to get put to sleep once. I had to get a lot of work done on my teeth and I wouldn't get it done unless I was asleep.