View Full Version : New Addittion...coming soon~!

06-12-2003, 08:25 PM
Hey all~!!! This weekend Im goin to pick up my new PUP~!!! OOOHHH........I can't wait~!!!

Im meetin the guy in NC. He's really nice... He's bringin the pup n' parents~! I'll take my camra to take pictures of them so yall can see...but you have to wait for them to get developed.

Im soooo excited....he's a black n' rust, male, Doberman. 7 1/2 weeks. We're goin Sunday to pick him up.

I can't wait....I have been wait for a good breeder for months...n' I finially found the right one.N' he happened to have puppies.

I hope that everything goes smooth n' we find the place OK that we have to meet at.

Wish me LUCK~!!!

06-12-2003, 08:32 PM
OHH I can't wait!!!! I hope everything goes well and you end up taking loads of pics!

06-12-2003, 08:37 PM
CONGRATS! Cant wait to see pics!:D

06-13-2003, 03:50 AM

06-13-2003, 07:52 AM
Thanx yall~!!!

I well take lots of pic~!!!;)

06-13-2003, 07:56 AM
GSDgurl, that's fantastic! I'm jealous!

You MUST post pics of that little boy!

BTW, any thoughts on a name for the lad?

:D :D :D

06-13-2003, 08:04 AM
I just love your dobes....Bnormal~!

I have thought of some names.....like......Colby, Echo, Baily, n' Paton(the dads name~!) But between them all I really like Colby n' Paton~! But im goin to have to see him n' his personality first to pick the right name for him.
If anybody can give me any more names I like that. I like odd names that aren't common.


06-13-2003, 08:19 AM
Congrats!!!! You are so lucky that you get to get your puppy THIS WEEKEND!!! Can wait for pics! We are driving to NC in 4 weeks to pick up our puppy (greater swiss)...and he is a great breeder ( must be the state for good breeders ;))!!! I cant wait!!!! Anyway, i am sure you are soooo excited....have fun with your new puppy :)


06-13-2003, 08:23 AM
GSDgurl, thanks and I know I'm going to love your dobe!


That is always tough...I got Callihan from Clint Eastwoods' character from the Dirty Harry movies...

You'll come up with something good...sorry I'm not much help here!

:D :D :D

06-13-2003, 08:25 AM
Christiansmommy-- Yea I think NC is the "Good breeder" place....LOL......cause everytime im lookin you call others but the NC breeders just know what there talkin about~! I soo glad I found this breeder~!
Good luck.....waiting 4 more weeks....at least your gettin closer~!! Hope you share lots of pictures of you pup too~!!


06-13-2003, 08:32 AM
As far as names go...i love picking names...Correct me if i am wrong, but dont Dobermans originally come from Germany? Maybe you could come up with a German name...

For instance... Swissies originated in Switzerland (hence the name :))...so we are naming her Mocha (after Swiss Mocha Chocolate)....

....just a thought.....

06-13-2003, 08:36 AM
Christiansmommy-- Yes, Dobermans do come from Germany. Right now I am looking at a naming website....under German names. Thanx for the thought~!! I love that name your givinh her..:D

Bnormal-- Thanx~! I might find a lot of names......I usually have to see them first before its the official name......the personalitally picks it, I think.

06-13-2003, 08:39 AM
Christiansmommy, you live in NJ and your driving to NC to get your puppy?

I think that is really cool!

:D :D :D

06-13-2003, 08:42 AM
I know someone who owns a Doberman and his name is Goliath...which is pretty cool name for a Doby. Has nothing to do with Germany, like i suggested in the previous post, but a neat name, anwyay :)


06-13-2003, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by bnormal
Christiansmommy, you live in NJ and your driving to NC to get your puppy?

I think that is really cool!

:D :D :D

Yeah, it will be a 6 hour drive. My husband had been researching the breed and found out about a Swissie event happening in PA...So, we went to the event in PA (about 50 Swissies there), and in talking with one of the owners of a Swissie, we found out that he breeds them and that he was expecting a litter anyway day...(this was 4 weeks ago)....so anyway, he has been breeding for like 20 years and knows his stuff!! His dogs come from championship lines and some have been to Westminster....he is a great guy and my hubby calls him like once a week to ask how the puppy is doing :) Cant wait to finally meet her :) There is a breeder in NJ, but she wont be breeding her dog until the end of this month and we wanted to get her sooner, so we can housebreak in warmer weather...her dogs actually came from the breeder that we are getting Mocha from!!!


06-13-2003, 09:25 AM
Oh, can't wait for pics! Hope you have a great weekend! What day are you getting the pup? We got all three of our on Saturdays, that way you have the weekend to adjust and get some routines started. :D

I agree about naming him when you see him. I had a name all picked out for Chester, then when I met him it didn't fit. Took several days, but then I remembered the cartoon with the little dog (Chester) and the big bull dog (Spike) and it just fit. He was so hyper like the cartoon dog. :D

06-13-2003, 10:22 AM
Micki76-- We are goin down their Sunday. But since its summer i'll be here all summer(3 months) with him. Sooo I could get him anyday~!

Christiansmommy-- That is a really long ride~!!! My Mom is renting a rent-a-car b/c Dad doesn't trust her car~!:D Our ride well be like.....2 1/2 hrs to 3 hrs.....not tooo long~!:D Thanx for suggesting that name...it is really kool~! :)

06-13-2003, 10:29 AM
OOOOH! A new pup!! How exciting!!!! I can't wait for pics. Any names? Ohhh you're SO lucky!

06-13-2003, 11:58 AM
Congrats on the new pupster--I can't wait to see pics!! Dobies are so gorgeous!!!!! Good luck finding the guy, and getting your new furbaby home!!!!!!

micki--funny that you mention getting your dogs on a Saturday--I thought about it, and all 3 of ours came on a Friday--Kito because it was the day after we moved and the people were going to be in PA, Abbey because they guy from the rescue called us and we couldn't wait, and Riley because I just happened to go to the SPCA that day!!

06-16-2003, 06:47 PM
So did you get the pup? I looked for a new thread and didn't see one.