View Full Version : show off!!!

06-12-2003, 05:33 PM
i love to show off my dog! i take him to the store,park,my grandma's house or just out on walks and almost always get questions on what breed he is. can they pet him,stuff like that. i just soke up all the attention and so does he...lol....he's gotten to the point now where he will just walk up to everyone he sees!

who here likes to show off their dogs?

06-12-2003, 05:40 PM
I don't have a dog, I'm not allowed. But one of the reasons why I want one is to show off, lol!:D

06-12-2003, 06:12 PM
LOL I JUST came back from a showing off walk:D I volunteered to pick up my brother and sister at school just so people could pet him and give him extra attention....hey when you've got it, flaunt it! LOL

06-12-2003, 06:17 PM
I always show of Foxy. Weather when i take him for a walk, obedience class or even agility.

06-12-2003, 09:03 PM
Max & I use to put on an awesome show during the summer. I use to take him up the canal & toss a homemade stick into the water, & max would jump off the wall an avg of 10 feet or more & max one hell of a splash. We use to go at the same time everyday for about 3-4 hours. People started to bring friends & tourests were always watching. Some would join in (by swimming with him), but I stopped that after a couple of kids wouldn't listen to me (they kept hanging off him & he kept choaking on water). Heres a few pics:

I found the origionals to these photos, so I'll have to scan them back in & make em larger & clearer, but this'll have to do.

I don't jump max anymore, the pressure of his body hitting the water is harming his neck & causing the aritritus to get worse. Its been almost 1 year since I've jumped him & hes only had 1 aritritus attack (thats when we learned it was the jumping), but hes been fine since. :)

06-12-2003, 10:29 PM
I love to show off Alex by walking and taking him everywhere (when it's not too hot; he's long haired). I love to walk him downtown because everyone wants to pet the "big, fluffy teddy bear". They always ask what breed he is, how we got him, and "where's your saddle?" It's the best!

06-12-2003, 10:35 PM
I take Ruby almost everywhere with me, but not for the sole purpose of showing her off. I just love having her with me :D We always get stopped by people since she's so unusual looking. They always say how they love her spots & coloring and ask what breed she is :D

06-13-2003, 10:30 AM
lmao, i dont have show clover off she does that job herself

the only time i show her off is at the park (the only dog that will come when called and sit right in front of its owner) and how she sits and waits to cross the road, i had some lady say to her pulling non obedience trained dog the other day " why cant you be more like that well behaved dog":rolleyes:

i was going to say you could get the same results with some training :mad: but stopped muhself, poor dog was choking itself

penny and theo are show off's (just looks only) & penny always goes up to strangers for pats lol she is such a sook