View Full Version : Great! We have to board the cats for an evening!! :mad:

06-11-2003, 11:34 PM
This sucks! We got a note on our door saying they were replacing our front doors with nicer, six-panel doors and adding security systems on Monday. That's fine, but we were told this would be done as people move out/before people moved in. That didn't happen.

They say we have to remove all pets from the apartment or stick them in the bathroom from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM!!!! My cats wont stay in the bathroom alone for FIVE MINUTES without clawing at the door. Let alone, stuck in there with five others!!!

Now I have to pay for six cats to be boarded from Sunday night to Monday evening! I'm so annoyed and mad! :mad: :mad: :mad:

06-11-2003, 11:49 PM
What a pain!

06-11-2003, 11:57 PM
Oh no. I bet Sunday will be a lonely night :( I know I definately can't sleep unless I'm being pushed to the corner of the bed with no blankets for me since they're being hogged by all the animals.

Hopefully it'll be over and done with quickly!

I Love Brian, Forever <3
06-12-2003, 12:00 AM
That sucks. :( :(

06-12-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by aly
Oh no. I bet Sunday will be a lonely night :( I know I definately can't sleep unless I'm being pushed to the corner of the bed with no blankets for me since they're being hogged by all the animals.

Hopefully it'll be over and done with quickly!
Exactly!! I have no idea how I'll sleep! ;)

I'm going to hate taking them there! :( I hope they wont think that we are deserting them. :( :(

06-12-2003, 12:33 AM
so sorry hope it is a painless and quick nite for you and the babies

06-12-2003, 11:01 AM
I think I would stick them in the bathroom for that timeframe. They WILL adjust, and if they hear noise outside, they prolly will be more timid. I don't know if I would go through the trauma, expense, turmoil by putting them in a shelter. The 'hell' (your bathroom) they know is better than the 'hell' (boarding place) they don't.

K & L
06-12-2003, 11:13 AM
I would opt for the bathroom also. Ours don't like it, but they do settle down once in there for a while. This way you could sit in there with them for periodically and they would be with you in the evening after it's all over. What an inconvenience for you!

06-12-2003, 12:35 PM
If I was going to be home while the new doors were installed, I would put them in the bedroom. If I had to go to work I would take them to the vet's for the day. I wouldn't trust anyone in the apt. for not opening the doors. They would be safe being boarded. Maybe you can pick them up early. If your gone have someone call you as soon as the doors are on and pick up the cats then. Good luck:) If I lived close to you I'd come and sit with them in the bedroom all day for you.

06-12-2003, 01:25 PM
They will get over it. I would contain the ones you think will destroy each other......and of course, this would mean Monday, during working hours....only...rather than over night......like you would have to do if you were boarding the cats....

Off to the bathroom you guys!


06-12-2003, 02:09 PM
heres an idea, why does it have to be the bathroom, can't you put them in a bedroom? that would be more room...and I don't know, but maybe a pet sitter would be cheaper than boarding them all? and they would still be in part of their familiar home... also the sitter could be there to see when the door on YOUR apt was done and then could call you and then leave? how does that sound? the sitter could be in the room with them or just check on them... just a thought.

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by sasvermont
They will get over it. :p

I would contain the ones you think will destroy each other...

Off to the bathroom you guys!

With a couple additional suggestions...

Anyone who can't be "trusted to behave"...
possibly borrow a friend's Dawggie CRATE - for a lil more room
to move around (and a private Litter Box!)
Crated Kitties could use the bedroom.

ANY room that contains *Kritterz* - ALSO gets a
HUGE Sign on the door!
and possibly a chair in the hallway - blocking said door!
("some" people can't read!) :rolleyes:

06-12-2003, 02:31 PM
Sorry, I guess I should have explained better. They need access to all rooms and patio, except the bathroom. That's why we're "allowed" to "put our pets in the bathroom instead of getting them out of the apartment for the day".

There is no way Olivia and Noah can be confined to the bathroom together, they would be dead when I got home from school. :( They are HORRIBLE together. The bathroom is also way too small for six cats to be in all day, let alone five minutes. I worry what would happen to little Hermoine...

We don't have much of a choice other than boarding them.

I've got a game plan so they feel somewhat "at home". I"m bring each one's favorite bed/hide out and having them caged according to who they love best. Noah and Noel will be together, Basie, Micah and Hermoine will be together and Olivia will be on her own with her favorite cat bed. You know I'll be there as soon as the workers are gone! I'll be watching their every move, making them want to leave!! ;)

06-12-2003, 02:39 PM
hey theres a great idea, you are such a good cat "mom"!:)

06-12-2003, 02:43 PM
Jeesh, what a pain! Too bad I don't live closer and could come and collect your kitties for babysitting! :o I too had thought about putting them in your enclosure on the patio. That would have been a good alternative. Then, you could put Olivia or Noah in the bedroom by themselves.
Hopefully they will get the job done quickly! Good luck!


Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2003, 02:48 PM
Couple more *thoughts*...

This work is "scheduled" for Monday...

I'd make it a point to talk to the Complex Manager - and point out that you have to also "schedule" the Cats' Day Out... Be certain that that the manager takes steps to make sure YOUR apartment work doesn't get :eek: RE-scheduled for some reason :mad:!

And while you're talking to him - might ask if it's possible to have your apartment work done on TUESDAY? Might make the Cat Boarding a lil cheaper and easier on you. SOME Cat Boarding places do not open to accept pets on Sundays!

K & L
06-12-2003, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Sorry, I guess I should have explained better. They need access to all rooms and patio, except the bathroom. That's why we're "allowed" to "put our pets in the bathroom instead of getting them out of the apartment for the day".

There is no way Olivia and Noah can be confined to the bathroom together, they would be dead when I got home from school. :( They are HORRIBLE together. The bathroom is also way too small for six cats to be in all day, let alone five minutes. I worry what would happen to little Hermoine...

We don't have much of a choice other than boarding them.

I've got a game plan so they feel somewhat "at home". I"m bring each one's favorite bed/hide out and having them caged according to who they love best. Noah and Noel will be together, Basie, Micah and Hermoine will be together and Olivia will be on her own with her favorite cat bed. You know I'll be there as soon as the workers are gone! I'll be watching their every move, making them want to leave!! ;)

I don't blame you then. Sounds like boarding is your only option. Good idea bringing their favorites! Good luck!

06-12-2003, 02:59 PM
Do you have a REALLY good friend or family member that would take them for the day? You might owe them big time, but it might be cheaper than boarding everyone...

06-12-2003, 03:14 PM
I wish I had someone to take them. To be quite honest, my closest "cat friend" is wolflady and she's five hours away! :(

OK, I made their reservations at the "Westlake Pet Motel". Here is a link to their site: http://westlake.abka.com/ They were super nice on the phone and said they would allow the furkids to bunk together if I preferred. They also will allow me to give them specific food and will give Micah his meds at no extra cost. They charge $8 a day, per cat. So, we're looking at $144. :eek: And I just spent $140 at the vet on Monday....shhhh...don't tell David!!! ;)

I drop them off on Saturday at 4:00 PM and will pick them up on Monday at 4:00 PM. That's two whole days with out my furbabies!!!! :( :( :(

GREAT point Phred!!! I know we can't swich the date...that was written in bold on our little notice....jeesh! But, I will MAKE SURE they are coming that day! Great idea, thank you! :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2003, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
... They charge $8 a day, per cat.

So, we're looking at $144. :eek:

I drop them off on Saturday at 4:00 PM and
will pick them up on Monday at 4:00 PM.

That's two whole days...


One plus two plus a few more...
tymes 2; tymes 6...
carry da atey five; divide by 36.5...
carry da hunnerd an ate...

Yaeh! eequilz Hunnert an Forty For...
or... duz it... ?? :confused:

Dis "New Math" iz Sooo konfuzin to Dad! :rolleyes:

Dunno how 2 daze, SIX Kats, an 8 Buckz eech
turned inta $144... ??

But! Fur DAT kinda munnie :eek: -
Ya could prolly hire an Off-Duty Copper or FireFighter ta Howze-Sit an save da Grief & Aggrivation!

Or at least ask a local Kollege Kid if they'd be interested in watchin sum Kats & TV for 8 hours!!

Cinder & Smoke
06-12-2003, 03:53 PM
:rolleyes: AFFORE ya anzur da question!


Dad NOW sez
So it'z gonna be THREE :eek: daze of boarding!???"

Now I *KNOW* I'd find someone to KAT & Howze-Sit for 8 hours!!!

You **MUST** know SOMEone who you could
trust to be in the apartment on Monday!!

06-12-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
You **MUST** know SOMEone who you could
trust to be in the apartment on Monday!!
That's the problem, they can't be IN the apartment. I know, its stupid, but I called and asked the office and they said it was our responsibility...we have the pets, we need to figure it out. Nice, huh?

This is partly our fault, I know they don't know we have six cats....shhhh...don't tell. ;)

Yep, its three days they'll charge for, that's why is $144.

As far as knowing anyone willing to allow our six cats into their home. Not anyone we know would go for that. My parents don't like animals, his parents have a cat and not any room, even for a day. :( We have family, but in Southern and Northern parts of the state. Friends...most have kids or don't like animals. Its just not going to work out that way, unfortunately. :mad:

I forgot to ask during my call if I could come visit them on Monday....I'll go find out.

06-12-2003, 04:47 PM
Doh!!! I was checking out their website and the prices are per NIGHT. So, that would only be two nights, not three. And...they wont take Hermoine as she is too young.

That's actually fine, she can stay in the bathroom for the day, she's little.

New total: $80.00 still a lot, but better.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

They said I could come and play with them on Monday...that makes it a bit better.

06-12-2003, 05:00 PM
obviously I am too late for my 2 cents, but if the cats were away at a groomer or a vet or even some boarding kennels, they'd be caged all day. I'd put them in carriers and leave for work. It would not harm them to be cooped up for a day. A LOT of animals are in a cage a whole lot longer that one work day.
But this is just my opinion.

06-12-2003, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
obviously I am too late for my 2 cents, but if the cats were away at a groomer or a vet or even some boarding kennels, they'd be caged all day. I'd put them in carriers and leave for work. It would not harm them to be cooped up for a day. A LOT of animals are in a cage a whole lot longer that one work day.
But this is just my opinion.
I may just be too senstive, but I couldn't do that to them...sitting in their carriers all day long? I may seem crazy, but I'd rather spend the $80 and at least have them comfortable.

They'll be fine....I keep telling them that they'll be on vacation! ;) They will each have a buddy to play with, sans Olivia, but I think she'll enjoy time away from all the other cats. ;)

06-12-2003, 05:24 PM
Im confused (and so easily too lol) but, how is it 3 days... if you drop them off at 4PM sunday and pick them up at 4pm Monday isnt that just 24 hrs?:confused:

06-12-2003, 05:27 PM

Because I'm dropping them off at 4:00 on Saturday (they are closed for drop offs on Sunday) and picking them up at 4:00 on Monday, I figured they would charge for three full days.

Turns out, they only charge for nights. So, its only two nights for five cats. :)

06-12-2003, 06:09 PM
I'd personally do what Kelly is doing. I DO NOT trust any strangers in my home with my animals, even if they are locked in the bathroom. I just would be worried to death of them opening the door for some reason. I SHUDDER to think of the possibilities. I'm sure her kitties will be just FINE!

06-13-2003, 06:55 PM
Just one last thought...why not just board at the vets for a day? Sounds like you can already leave hermoine at home in the bath...maybe you could leave two others, and then just do a day boarding at the vets?????? It has got to be less expensive AND not so long of a time away from you.