View Full Version : Dog Health/Vet Insurance?

06-11-2003, 10:23 PM
Have you heard of it? Do you have this for your dog? I have heard about this type of HMO for your dogs, where you pay some sort of annual fee and it helps with costs, if something were to come up and your dog needed to stay at the vets.

I am just curious if anyone has this and what are your thoughts on it?



06-11-2003, 10:28 PM
I think thats a great thing to have. I dont have it for my pets though..hmm..i might look into it. :)

06-11-2003, 10:42 PM
I've heard of it before. The Eukanuba Superdogs were sponsored by Petcare..or something like that...If I had extra money to spare, I'd probably sign Kai up. Never can be too safe.

Cisco's Mom
06-12-2003, 05:01 AM
I have heard of it and even have some friends who have it. I should have it, but haven't chk'd that foar into it. There is a vet I think on the west coast that started this for people who had to euthanize due to money issues insted of treatment. The costs depends on the plan you want, but it's a couple hundred bucks a yr or so. Later I will try and get a hold of the internet site and post it for you!:)

06-12-2003, 05:25 AM
We do not have insurance for our dogs, but I had been consodering it. However, the most recent issue of Consumer Reports did an analysis of several 3 or 4 providers (or was it only 2?) Anyway, their conclusion as that in almost all cases the insurance is more then vet visits. The few execptions were in cases were an extreme came up (something like Kia's recent problem) However, with some companies, even then the were no signigicant savings. I am not sure if you can access the issues on the Consumer Reports website, but I can bring the article home from work for more specific info.

I would be interested to hear from someone who does have it if they have saved any money with it.

06-12-2003, 06:51 AM
I've heard of it and i do think it's a good thing to have