View Full Version : Oh no...I don't want to leave..:(

06-11-2003, 07:45 PM
My mom can't get a job for the summer...If she can't find one, then I have to leave pet talk :( No more internet for me...

I keep telling her to go downtown and look for a place she likes, but she won't listen to me!! :( :mad: She ONLY wants a babysitting job, anything else isn't good enough for her :rolleyes: :mad:

What do you suggest I tell her so she can go and find a job that isn't just babysitting?! she's so stubborn, she drives me nuts!!! :( :mad: :o :eek: I told her to call this job place that gets jobs for you real quick, but she refuses to do anything that is my idea, everything has to be thought of by her :rolleyes: :(

I don't wanna leave pet talk....:(

06-11-2003, 07:52 PM
Maybe she could try something else working with kids if thats what she likes..like a day care of some sort?

06-11-2003, 07:52 PM
I'm sorry :( How old are you? Do you think you could get a job and maybe help out with the internet bill? Maybe you could help her look for a job and maybe you two will end up finding one that interests her :confused:

06-11-2003, 07:53 PM
that really sucks jordan, I dont want you to leave :(. that suks :mad:. why doent your mom get a normal job like at save on foods or somehting???????

06-11-2003, 07:58 PM
would your mom mind driving here every day and watching kai? lol...hmm...she should definately go to a place that tries to hook up people with jobs. Also, try the newspaper. The ads are a couple bucks I think. There are some places on the net too..i think buysell might be one..but I'm not sure. See if a daycare would be willing to hire her.

06-11-2003, 08:01 PM
I can't think of any more ideas that haven't been said already.....
I don't want you to leave!!:(

06-11-2003, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by slleipnir
Maybe she could try something else working with kids if thats what she likes..like a day care of some sort?

That's what she's trying to do :( shes trying to get a liscense to have a daycare at our house, but we can't have it unless we have two kids, and the house isn't ready to be checked because we have so many dangers at the moment...Right now we only have half a kid, because we only have him for half a day...

How old are you? Do you think you could get a job and maybe help out with the internet bill? Maybe you could help her look for a job and maybe you two will end up finding one that interests her
I'm almost 16, I'm tryig to get a job at petcetera, but so far, no call :( I'm going to apply for a few places, but I still don't know...My mom says if I get a job and she doesn't that I will have to pay rent, and I don't know if I can handle both the rent and the cost for internet..

why doent your mom get a normal job like at save on foods or somehting???????
Does your dad know if there are any postions ? ;) ;) ;) *hint hint* lol

06-11-2003, 08:04 PM
Internet really isn't expensive these days. You can even get a 56k connection for like $9 a month. I think even if you do a small job yourself, even something like walking neighborhood dogs or mowing lawns for neighbors, you can get enough to have a connection. If not, you don't have to leave! There are always library, school, and other public computers. Its awful if you leave. :( How can you survive without internet these days?! :eek:

06-11-2003, 08:10 PM
there is a job opening as cashier at save on foods :D I just asked my dad!!

06-11-2003, 08:12 PM
oh I really hope you get the job at petcetera. If worse comes to worse..I'll send money to you to pay for the net lol

06-11-2003, 09:09 PM
At the very least Juno has free internet service. It's slow, but I used it for a while and it's better than nothing!

06-11-2003, 11:24 PM
Thanks for your replies guys :)

Jynnelle, my mom said she'll think about the job :D She doesn't have much experience in that area, but she has worked at a thrift shop and at burger king :D when she was 18 and 19...heehee..

I really hope it doesn't come to me leaving..:( :o